Wikipedia:Meetup/Wellington/Meetup 20 June 2020

Wellington Meetup 20 June 2020

  • Date: Saturday 20 June 2020
  • Time: 10:00 am to midday
  • Location: Virtual Meeting at this link
    Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers).
  • Cost: Free



The group are meeting virtually while the Covid-19 higher alert levels in New Zealand occurs. Virtual Meeting at this link

Future Meetups


This is a fortnightly event but double check the Wikipedia:Wellington Meetup page to confirm.

Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.



Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and four tildes like this: * ~~~~


  1. Einebillion (talk)
  2. Giantflightlessbirds (probably)
  3. Ambrosia10 (talk)
  4. Quilt Phase
  5. Pakoire (talk)
  6. Oronsay (talk)
  7. MargaretRDonald (talk) 21:36, 19 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  8. David Nind (talk)
  9. slow_djinn (talk)
  10. Canley (talk)
  11. Jonathanischoice (talk)
  12. 99of9 (talk)
  13. DrThneed (talk)

Unable to come




Closed the video conference page too quickly and lost the record of the chat so notes will be missing links. Please add them in if you review this page and find any comments / links missing. Einebillion (talk)

1. Introduction to meet up by organisers (if there are any newbies joining us)

2. Progress on Action Points

  • MurielMary agreed to investigate via the affiliate rep at the Wikimedia Foundation whether there is a notification system for user groups.
  • Update from MM - I got a recommendation from other user groups about which mailing list to join and have subscribed today. Will monitor whether it's got the right information we are looking for and report back. FYI the list of mailing lists is here:
  • Transferred this information into the Online Aotearoa New Zealand agenda so information on mailing lists can be further distributed.Einebillion (talk) 01:19, 20 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Emailed both Internet NZ community grants and Rapid Grants for Wikimedia Foundation. Both grants are closed due to COVID19. Asking them when the grants are starting up given the likelihood of New Zealand going to COVID19 Alert Level 1 in the next week. Einebillion (talk) 11:23, 6 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Progressed this further. Internet NZ community rep has been in touch and offered the Internet NZ board room as a location for the workshop. I discussed with her the need for actual cash to pay for flights and taxis for the presenter. She's taking this to Internet NZ for approval. I'd also tweeted about the Wikimedia Foundation policy and had a response from the CEO asking her team to look at the policy regarding COVID19 and restriction of funding in-person events. Should funding be provided, my next step is to establish dates the presenter can get to Wellington. I'll put these dates into a doodle poll and get as many Wikidata folk in the room as possible. The data carpentry people are interested in having a few chairs and, if there are any spare, I've got other GLAM people that might be interested. Einebillion (talk) 01:19, 20 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Einebillion updating group on status of return to physical meetings at He Matapihi library as this will trigger the split of these online meetings and the creation of the Online Wikimedia Meetup for Aotearoa New Zealand on a monthly basis and the restart of the physical Wellington Meetup meetings.
  • Einebillion agreed to create a doddle poll with different days and times options and will post it on the meetup agenda page, the User group of Aotearoa New Zealand page, and Wikipediad NZ facebook page.
  • Giantflightlessbirds agreed to reach out to the Alexander Turnbull Library contact for another set of names for upload to Mix n Match.
  • Some progress happening here. Has contacted three people at Alexander Turnbull Library to progress uploading more sets of names.
  • Giantflightlessbirds agreed to set up a monthly newsletter and set up an email network for the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Quilt Phase agreed to contact James Taylor, Auckland Museum to see whether he'd be interested in presenting his presentation via video conference to the group.
  • James has responded to Quilt Phase saying that he felt he wouldn't be telling the group anything new. He feels it would be better to wait until Auckland Museum could absorb and action some of the recommendations of the report Giantflightlessbirds had completed for the Auckland Museum. Einebillion noted that she's struck this issue with people before. She thinks that other's see the people in the group that help facilitate the group activities as all having high levels of knowledge when we know that our group is very varied. Not only in what we do but what we know about. Supported Quilt Phase going back to James to let him know he can talk to the group twice. Once to present the presentation that Quilt Phase was so impressed by and then further down the track as Auckland Museum advances on its goals. No one in this group will know everything James is talking about and we're not all experts in everything. Ambrosia10 also supported this approach. Quilt Phase agreed to follow up with James Taylor, Auckland Museum. Agenda item moved to the Online Aotearoa New Zealand meetup agenda as this presentation is likely to be done via video conference. Einebillion (talk) 02:05, 20 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

3. Wiki News - add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of

4. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated - You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want

  • Oronsay (talk) Completed a few things for New Zealand. Mostly reviewing Trove looking for images of long dead women and adding images to biographies.
  • Quilt Phase Have an issue with content by a professional photographer who attended the London Black Lives Matter protest march and took photographs. He’s said they are free for anyone to use. I’ve been in contact to ask how he feels about wikicommons and whether he’d be open to allowing the open reuse of these images. There are 138 photographs, all taken in the public. The photographer is willing to release them but that’s a massive uploading and cataloguing job and there’s also the permission form to process. I need help. Giantflightlessbirds If there are any photographs that depict original artwork within the image then they are likely to be a problem. Create a spreadsheet and use the Pattypan tool for the upload. You’ll need to download the images onto your hard drive from the google drive repository to use Pattypan. See the simple manual here: Once the images are in wikicommons, get the photographer to check the metadata. The people depicted are in a public place so image clearances from those depicted aren’t required. The most important bit is getting the photographer to sign the agreement regarding copyright and getting that into Wikimedia Foundation. Giantflightlessbirds is happy to take this offline and talk Quilt Phase through the process.
  • Quilt Phase also is still working on the Turnbull data set and has done a few more but it’s getting harder and harder as the majority are not in wikidata now.
  • Ambrosia10 (talk) is still working on her document of Canadian and US women botanists from pre-1900. It’s been a 6 week project so far. Continued to do some more in mix-n-match on the Alexander Turnbull Library people set. Laptop in the repair shop so she can’t do as much as before. Bloodhound Tracker is an add-on site she uses for her workflow. She adds the wikidata items for the people she has researched into that site and then links to the specimens they have collected or identified which Bloodhound Tracker has pulled from GBIF. Bloodhound Tracker has had rebrand and now called Bionomia This rebrand has resulted in Ambrosia10 (talk) changing her 25 pg manual on how to use this site. She training Auckland Museum volunteers on using Bionomia to improve Auckland Museum data and disabiguation. Jonathanischoice (talk) asked whether is still a thing? It’s underfunded, underdevelopment and under resourced. Encyclopedia Of Life is not as all-pervasive as used to be.
  • David Nind (talk) no progress.
  • MargaretRDonald (talk) Out photographing and collecting plants. Done nothing.
  • Pakoire (talk) has been busy setting up a community garden. Did draft articles for each of the Topp twins who had joint page but not individual pages. Also looking at the Wellington College of Education page and thinking about listing those significant people who taught or attended there.
  • Canley (talk) has been helping Schwede66 (talk) with developing a list of living NZ Dames and Knights. This has resulted in a lot of work on lists such as birthday honours and writing a few wikidata queries to help. Considered using the Listeria tool but decided it wasn’t worth it for a stable table. The table can be updated by running a query every so often to check if anyone on the list has died or if new knighthoods or damehoods have been created.
  • Canley (talk) has also been working on the New Zealand Heritage list. Completed importing geographical coordinates for those wikidata items. NZ Heritage items have boring naming conventions but the full list is now in wikidata. There are a lot of lost heritage items because of CHch earthquakes so there’s still work to differentiate between them and places that do exist. Users can do queries on what places are Categoy 1 listed places, Category 2 etc.
  • Jonathanischoice (talk) is continuing to working on wine making in New Zealand. Completed a Cloudy Bay article edit and also updated the Marlborough region page. Asked whether anyone knew how to do maps. Interested in developing maps of wine regions ideally and needs help. The documentation is over 10 years old and nice examples of maps are hard to find. He’s finding it difficult to find document, tips, and people. David Nind (talk) will try and find a link for glacier areas to help.
  • slow_djinn (talk) No update.
  • 99of9 (talk) Does a lot of work on mix-n-match and making new properties and uploading sets on Australian lists. Often the Australian sets overlap with New Zealand.
  • Kerry (User name?) Has been spending time maintaining Australian english on Wikipedia, ensuring dates and measurement formats remain correct in articles.
  • Giantflightlessbirds The Featherston internet speed is terrible. Continuing to work for the Dodd-Walls Centre as their Wikipedian in Residence one afternoon a week They’ve started a Flickr stream to release their photographs from their archive. Also still working on a Massey University project to update their researcher information and photographs.
  • Einebillion (talk) has been working on setting up a Wikidata / Open Refine workshop in Wellington, facilitating these meetings, and the general admin of setting up meetup pages. No progress on my projects of learning Open refine using my dataset on New Zealand historic photographers nor updating wikidata with that information.
  • Ambrosia10 (talk) I've recently added both the Masterton District Library and the Wairarapa Archive to Wikidata. The Archive has a generous reuse statement for content in their images and I was able to get them added to the OpenGLAM survey. Do other participants have any other examples from around the country that might be able to be added? Have a look at this spreadsheet to see what's in there already. This brings a focus of openness to the small institutions and helps with the open GLAM movement in New Zealand and worldwide. The administrator of the document is Douglas McCarthy who does a lot of work with European GLAM institutions as he works for Europeana.
  • DrThneed (talk) has been working with content from the Dunedin City Archive but then saw what happened during the Black Lives Matter march in Bristol and saw the statue be dumped into the harbour. This took her down an avenue of adding profession of slave trader to wikidata people records where the resrearch firmly proves these individuals contributed to, invested in, and supported the slave trade. Started with 22 people with that occupation. It's now up to 308. It's a horrible subject but there's a lot of useful information to input. It has involved a lot of disambiguation of people and seeking out birth and death dates.

5. Review of questions raised during round table

  • Perhaps we'd like to consider a New Zealand Wikiconference, which could of course be online, but we could also have an actual physical event using an Unconference format, maybe even one in the North and one in the South Island. These are meant to be low-cost, low-preparation meetups without prepared PowerPoints, and we're one of the few countries that can run one. —Giantflightlessbirds (talk) 03:39, 12 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support this idea! Aim for first quarter of 2021? We could investigate small grant application to Wikimedia foundation for funding. MM (editing on my phone)
  • General discussion as to whether this could be best delivered online or in person. The cost of travel is a factor in participation. There is software where breakout areas could be delivered. Jonathanischoice (talk) noted that a New Zealand server version of Big Blue Button was available and that this video conference platform supported breakout rooms. The consensus was that an in-person unconference could be the best format. Consideration was given to location and feeling was that Christchurch might be the best location. Giantflightlessbirds (talk) committed to advancing this idea.

6. Demonstration of another tool

  • There was an interesting Wikipedia Weekly podcast on how to edit food items in Wikidata. See this Youtube link. I'd highly recommend following the Wikipedia Weekly Facebook group if you are interested. It doesn't just deal with Wikidata but also has episodes about editing WikiCommons and various language Wikipedias. Ambrosia10 (talk) (Transferred from previous meeting as meeting facilitator accidentally missed this agenda point out)
  • I know folk in previous meetings have discussed Wikipedia articles with lists. I came across this interesting video explaining about the Listeria tool. This is a tool that can generate lists via Wikidata. So you can have an article in Wikipedia that automatically updates when the data in Wikidata has been updated. This 55 minute presentation explains and models the tool. Ambrosia10 (talk)
  • David Nind (talk) demoed adding wikidata Q numbers into Open Street Map. Go to Open Street Map, Login, find the building or place described by the Q number, click on edit, click on the building or area you want to edit the Q number into. Got to Add field, select Wikidata, add the Wikidata Q number and then click on the tick at the top of the left hand column to save the information you've entered.
  • DrThneed (talk) walked the group through her workflow. Searched Wikipedia for mention of slave traders, checked references and updated wikipedia articles and wikidata occupation information of search results. Reviewed general texts about slave traders. Now moved onto academic literature. Need to review more modern literature as Victorian literature often doesn't refer to slave trading directly. Bristol History Society have digitised a lot of their articles and made them text searchable online which has helped significantly.
  • Giantflightlessbirds (talk) has been working with a biodiversity group looking at releasing their trapping data openly. Using wikidata to standardise trap types and names.
  • 99of9 (talk) demonstrated how to manually sync Mix-n-Match catalogues. There is an Action drop down that lets you do this. If you do this you'll see lists where values appear in Wikidata but not in Mix-n-Match and vice versa. Resolve those as in resolving it will also note any duplicates. To see if the catalogue listed in Mix-n-Match as been loaded with no issues the best way to check this is review the Constraint Violation Report. To get to this report - Go to the Wikidata property for the identifier e.g. Alexander Turnbull Library ID Go to the Discussion page tab and under lists is a link called: Database reports/Constraint Violations. Click on it and use information from that report to clean up the issues. If there isn't much in the report you also have the option of adding new constraints to the Property entry and the report will generate issues automatically.

7. Get on with problem solving, editing, and chatting



Next meeting and Meetup timetables

  • 4 July, Time: 10:00 am to midday Location: He Matapihi Molesworth Library at National Library, corner Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington