Wikipedia:Meetup/Aotearoa New Zealand Online/12

Aotearoa New Zealand Online Meetup 12

  • Date: Sunday 23 May 2021
  • Time: midday to 2pm
  • Location: Virtual Meeting at this link
    Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers). The Jitsi web-based video conferencing platform is 100% open source and fully encrypted. No account is needed and it's free.
  • Cost: Free

Meetup Code of Conduct and Anonymity when Meeting Via Video Conference


All attendees are expected to understand and abide by the Draft Universal Code of Conduct for the Wikimedia Movement.

This video conferencing meetup is a replacement for an in-person meetup. While attending and remaining anonymous is supported by the group, lurking is not supported and will be actively discouraged. All attendees are expected to use their User name as an identifier on the video conference call and to introduce themselves and their interest in joining the call on the chat channel of the call as a minimum. Participation using video and / or voice in addition to Chat is encouraged but not required.

Some members of the group have been the target of cyber bullying in the past and these measures are intended to support creating a safe space for collaboration.

If a new attendee joins the group with video and voice disabled, they will be encouraged to participate by the facilitator, using this script:

Welcome new attendee. This group respects your right to remain anonymous. This group has a policy of discouraging lurking as it makes some of us uncomfortable. If you are happy to introduce yourself over voice, please let us know what you've been working on and if you need help with any editing issues.
If you're not comfortable updating the group by voice, then that's okay. You have the option of introducing yourself and adding your user page link into the chat feature. The chat is deleted once the video conference finishes.
If you want to remain completely anonymous and not chat, then this meetup is not for you. We make comprehensive and extensive notes of the meetup that will be included in the meetup page afterwards. That's the best way to catch up with what this meetup has been doing if you don't want to contribute during the video call.
If you're not sure how to use the chat feature you can access it by clicking on the icon that looks like a speech bubble in the bottom left corner.

If, after an appropriate length of time, the new attendee does not participate by video, voice, or chat, the facilitator of the group will remove the attendee from the video call.

If the new attendee persists in logging in, the group will discuss abandoning the meet up.

Chat for sharing pastes, URLs and so on


The Jitsi video conferencing platform has a chat feature. This is used to share URLs and other commentary while the discussions are occurring. The facilitators may take a copy to help with writing up outcomes from the meeting on the meeting Wikipedia page. Any copies will be deleted once outcomes and notes are completed.

Future Meetups


This is a monthly event running every 4 weeks, but double check the Aotearoa New Zealand Online page to confirm.

Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.





Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and three tildes like this: * ~~~

Unable to come


Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and three tildes like this: * ~~~

Agenda and Notes


1. Introduction to meet up by organisers

2. Wikimedia User Group of Aoteaora New Zealand Update and Discussion (15 minutes)

Comms Channels
User Group Page
Twitter account – please message @wikiprojectnz with what you're working on so they can message / retweet.
Facebook group (closed group for editors)
Facebook page (public page for promoting Wikimedia content relevant to NZ, encouraging editing and contributing)
Mailing list for newsletter please contact Giantflightlessbirds
Wiki-Con Weekends in 2021 and Events
Anything to update / discuss?
Registration is now live. Register here
Numbers Wiki-Con. Numbers will be 30 pax and there is a waitlist of 10. 30 was selected as this was the maximum that we could accommodate with catering funds. There is physical room for 40. If the numbers hit 30 the intention is to try to seek further funding for catering to accommodate anyone else that wants to attend.
Programme Of the 11 registrations received so far 5 look to be newbies. Group discussed how newbies could be accommodated. Giantflightlessbirds and Gertrude206 are willing to run a couple of break-out sessions targeted at helping them. Einebillion will time these with other free editing sessions. Ambrosia10 offered to do a session on How to use Auckland Museum content. Including how to input references referring to Auckland Museum's scholarly articles / 1lib1ref type work; How to use Auckland Museum images in Wikipedia and Wikidata; and How to use Auckland Museum collection data. Session would be 45 min session long with an additional 15 minutes for questions. Information would be prepared to ensure editors could take workflow away and work on it. Giantflightlessbirds suggested an editing session afterwards to ensure the information sticks to newbies. Einebillion agreed a 90 min to break out newbies and experienced editors session straight afterwards.
  • Any update on #1Lib1Ref campaign that will be taking place for three weeks between the 15 May to 2 June 2021?
Ambrosia10 updated group on the campaign for both the Dashboard and the "Drop in" Zoom calls supporting information professionals to contribute. Ambrosia10 has been contributing to this as well as presenting with others for the virtual Australian tutorial sessions. Ambrosia10 was asked and has delivered an in-person presentation to information specialists at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
Giantflightlessbirds updated the group that LIANZA has remained interested in promoting #1Lib1Ref to it's membership of New Zealand librarians. Giantflightlessbirds has been supporting this work. The link for the LIANZA drop-in session for librarians is: LIANZA webinars
MurielMary noted that librarians from Ara Institute of Canterbury are planning to join one of the Australian-run online sessions to learn about the campaign.
Einebillion reminded group to record activities in the draft annual report for the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand.
No one that attended was in the video conference
Oronsay noted that it went well but that there is a big lesson to learn about events with in-person and virtual participants. It's very difficult to engage people online whilst still having a group of people in the same room as you. Lessons included talk to the video conference attendees prior to the event starting, and make sure that the person looking after the virtual participants is in a room separate from the physical attendees.
Pakoire updated group about the project and encouraged group members to sign up to it. The project is one week into it's four months. Pakoire has been talking with Canadian Association for the Performing Arts, as they ran a performing arts Wikidata project. Pakoire has also set up a dashboard for the project for the Wikimedia Commons part and is learning about project dashboards - one goal is to increase images of venues that can have performing arts (including local halls). The project space is set up with an ongoing discussions about where the final location for the project space should be. It's currently on a User Page.
Question on the Wikipedia categories of New Zealand Theatres. There is one category in Wikimedia Commons that uses the USA spelling. A change to bring it into alignment with other New Zealand / British english categories has been rejected. The decision was made to move on to other issues. Group members talked about using the depicts statement instead of worrying about categories. Ambrosia10 agreed to show Pakoire about depicts statements at the next Wellington in-person meetup. Next steps for the project are confirming the three edit-a-thons in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin. Wikidata edits can be tracked by people adding depicts p5008 'Performing Arts Aotearoa New Zealand'.
  • Is there anything we want to add to the GLAM newsletter - any outreach or other such? See the April newsletter for ideas and maybe we can all attempt to edit a paragraph or two quickly at this meeting? - Ambrosia10 (talk)
Group agreed this is a good idea. Members to add comments as appropriate and Giantflightlessbirds committed to doing a final edit.
Here's the draft May 2021 NZ newsletter. —Giantflightlessbirds (talk) 00:38, 23 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
MargaretRDonald demonstrated the tool and encouraged group to have a go. MargaretRDonald needs the group help to crowdsource the best images and demonstrate the tools usefulness in the process.
  • Caddie Brain from Wikimedia Australia has suggested that the Aotearoa New Zealand user group consider setting up an outreach dashboard to be the umbrella under which any campaigns related to the user groups efforts be collated under. Ambrosia10 has emailed several of those who conduct events to discuss this. After discussion Ambrosia was "brave" and created the dashboard see Caddiie explained that the procedure for Australia is to create a new overarching dashboard at the beginning of the financial year, that is 1 July. However the consensus amongst NZ editors contacted was that because our user group reporting is Jan to Dec those were the dates that were more appropriate to use. Caddie has offered to explain more about the dashboard functionality. This can take place now or after the round table (I'll add it later in the agenda incase that's where folk prefer it). - Ambrosia10 (talk)
Caddie didn't attend so this was covered briefly by Ambrosia10
Dashboards discussed by members. Agreed it has its issues and needs more development work but it is an excellent way of ensuring you can follow up on newbie contributions following an edit-a-thon or training session. It also helps with reconnecting with contributing editors after the event. It's great to report back to partner organisations as it shows metrics on participation and contribution numbers.

3. Wiki News – add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of

Group noted link. Members encouraged to participate.

4. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated – You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want

  • Oronsay Working on the City of Sydney archive extracting images and uploading these to Wikimedia Commons. Also following Jess Wade’s new articles. Hasn't written new articles in over a month and wants to get back to this.
  • David Nind Little bit of time on WikiSource and having a go at that.
  • User:Ambrosia10 (talk) has been adding iNaturalist place id's in Wikidata to the items that have been created for New Zealand reserves. See this Wikipedia Weekly Youtube video on this work. Worldwide other Wikidata editors have been contributing to this and these identifiers have gone from a count of 5000 at the time of the youtube video a month ago to 31,000 uses. I have been participating in the NZ Performing Arts project adding new or improved items to Wikidata and done some basic editing to some New Zealand performer Wikipedia articles. I attending and gave support to the Sydney City Archives editathon Picture This. I've also been assisting with the #1Lib1Ref campaign both participating with other New Zealand based editors (see the New Zealand/Australia #1Lib1Ref Dashboard as well as attending the "drop in" zoom calls put on by both the New Zealand user group and Wikimedia Australia to support our information professionals. I did very quick and simple presentation on #1Lib1Ref to a small selection of staff at Te Papa. See this link for the slides of the presentation and links to other resources. Finally I've been invited to participate in a scholarly project on genera named after women. At present this entails the participants improving genus Wikidata items with the "named after" property and ensuring the women have as much information about them in Wikidata. The aim, once we've collated all the data, is for the group to write a scholarly article on this subject undertaking some analysis. I'm hoping this article can help some of these women hurdle the notability criteria for Wikipedia, enabling a Wikipedia article to be written about them. Ambrosia10 clarified that this wasn't possible.
  • Pakoire has been working on the Performing Arts Aotearoa project and content on Treaty of Waitangi Wikipedia pages. Is looking at doing pages on women's biographies in the academic area. Will also be looking at how the Wikidata depicts statement is a way to track edits. It's part of the Wikiproject to track impact and still developing ideas of how to do that. Using Wikidata property - P5008 On focus - list of Wikimedia Project. Has also ordered a T-shirt with Wikipedia Photographer - official photographer printed on it. This will hopefully help with ability to take photographs at openings and first nights.
  • Gertrude206 Not a lot of editing getting done. Has done a bit of 1Lib1Ref. Did give a talk to the Seniornet Wellington group on What is Wikipedia. This resulted in teaching one person how to edit. Happy to talk to Pakoire about Senior Net as a possibly interested contributors. Wikipedia Conference at Wellington - after Giantflightlessbirds did his edit-a-thon in Wellington during his roaming wikipedian project, participants were asked by Anne Goulding, one of the Victoria University lecturers, to contribute to research. There's been no follow up and we never heard anything further about the research. Although it had her name on the project it might have been a student project? Anne Goulding might be a good person to get in contact with by Noracrentiss - the organiser of that WikiCon. Giantflightlessbirds stated he was recently approached by the coordinator at Wellington's University of 3rd Age about Wikipedia. Gertrude206 agreed to pick this up.
  • Giantflightlessbirds Has been doing Wikimedia Commons photography. Has also now got 3 books in WikiSource transcribed and borrowed via Libby. Giantflightlessbirds is chatting with someone trying to solve the Wikisource and scanning file formats issue. The WikiSource connection might talk at Auckland WikiCon. Einebillion supportive of this. Giantflightlessbirds has been working with the Department of Conservation research staff and obtaiing photograph releases for lizards and gecko of West Coast. Has also been working on the Opera mini-project NZ Opera have commissioned the opera about the Unruly Tourists. We need an wikipedia article to document this and the unpleasant group.
  • Einebillion Picked up on the points Giantflightlessbirds was making about Wikisource formats and asked to be kept in the loop. Is looking at free and safe alternatives to help distribute scanned research at work. This information would be useful as Internet Archive has come up with an option. Has been personally working on getting all 147 peer reviewed articles from Tuhinga from 1993 onwards up into Wikidata. Completed that work yesterday.
  • MurielMary (talk) working through a very old but good list of global women without WP pages; currently deep in Japan with a smattering of Sri Lanka! WikiProject Women in Red missing articles Asia list* Also attended Wikipedia training for new editors run by the Smithsonian Institute. They went into complex parts of the system and the newbies struggled to keep up. It was a great reminder and lesson that having basic training in place that was well tested and kept simple was the best way to help newbies.

DrThneed I have wikified the writers and readers event that happened in Dunedin. Also talked to the director of that festival. It's on every two years. Trying to become the official Wikimedian for the event next time. It's a great way to find the missing writers and books. Performing Arts and 1Lib1Ref. Nominated a third article for Did you know. Did “That Bloody Woman” page

5. Review of questions raised during round table

6. Tools

Didn't happen
Demonstrated this useful tool. Helps input sort data. Adding the tool code to the .js provide was demonstrated to the group.

7. Further discussion

None. Group got on with editing using the clean up list for NZ articles for inspiration


  • Add anything you worked on or learned during the meetup.

Next meeting and Meetup timetables

  • 20 June 2021, same time, same place