Wikipedia:Meetup/Wellington/Meetup 19 February 2022

Wellington Meetup 19 February 2022

  • Date: Saturday 19 February 2022
  • Time: 10:00 am to midday
  • Location: Under COVID Alert Level ORANGE or RED : Virtual Meeting at this link
    Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers).
  • Location: Under COVID Alert Level GREEN : He Matapihi Molesworth Library at National Library, corner Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington
    Come to the main entrance of the National Library on Molesworth Street.
  • Bring (if meeting under Alert Level GREEN): a laptop if you have one. There are publicly available computers if you don't have a laptop.



Under COVID Alert Level Yellow or Red the group meet via video conference call.

Under COVID Alert Level Green the group meet at the He Matapihi Molesworth Library within the National Library. This is a Wellington City Council pop up public library. It was formerly The National Library space. Drinks are permitted in the library.

Meetup Code of Conduct and Anonymity when Meeting Via Video Conference


All attendees are expected to understand and abide by the Draft Universal Code of Conduct for the Wikimedia Movement.

The video conferencing meetup is a replacement for the in-person meetup. While attending and remaining anonymous is supported by the group, lurking is not supported and will be actively discouraged. All attendees are expected to use their User name as an identifier on the video conference call and to introduce themselves and their interest in joining the call on the chat channel of the call as a minimum. Participation using video and / or voice in addition to Chat is encouraged but not required.

Some members of the group have been the target of cyber bullying in the past and these measures are intended to support creating a safe space for collaboration.

If a new attendee joins the group with video and voice disabled, they will be encouraged to participate by the facilitator, using this script:

Welcome new attendee. This group respects your right to remain anonymous. This group has a policy of discouraging lurking as it makes some of us uncomfortable. If you are happy to introduce yourself over voice, please let us know what you've been working on and if you need help with any editing issues.
If you're not comfortable updating the group by voice, then that's okay. You have the option of introducing yourself and adding your user page link in the chat feature. The chat is deleted once the video conference finishes.
If you want to remain completely anonymous and not chat, then this meetup is not for you. We make comprehensive and extensive notes of the meetup that will be included in the meetup page afterwards. That's the best way to catch up with what this meetup has been doing if you don't want to contribute during the video call.
If you're not sure how to use the chat feature you can access it by clicking on the icon that looks like a speech bubble in the bottom left corner.

If, after an appropriate length of time, the new attendee does not participate by video, voice, or chat, the facilitator of the group will remove the attendee from the video call.

If the new attendee persists in logging in, the group will discuss abandoning the meet up.

Future Meetups


This is a monthly event occurring every four weeks, but double check the Wikipedia:Wellington Meetup page to confirm.

Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.

The Meeting




Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and four tildes like this: * ~~~

Unable to come

  • Ambrosia10 (talk) - will be "casting" with the biodiversity wiki crew so won't be able to make most of the meeting. I'll try and attend if you folk are still going after we finish. - Ambrosia10 (talk)

Agenda and Notes from Meeting


1. Introduction to meet up by organisers (if there are any newbies joining us)

2. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on

  • Group discussed the recent Australian Music edit-a-thon The main issues were the difficulty with copyright understanding, the difficulty with people wanting to launch straight into creating new articles rather than editing existing articles. Marshelec noted that it would be useful to develop a guide on how to develop new editors. Giantflightlessbirds noted that the difficulty was that no one in the world has cracked this issue. There was a research study about 2 years ago about the training and retention of editors. Pakoire suggested documenting user stories to help determine what retains the interest of new editors.
  • Oronsay is trying to add the occasional New Zealander to their tally of new articles. Just doing normal things and following up from the recent Australian music editathon.
  • Jonathanischoice Not much on New Zealand or Wellington or Wine related articles. Mainly working on the trombone article and trying to figure out what to do with the article and trying to reach consensus with other editors. It’s difficult to find other editors interested in putting their view point forward. The Music wikipedia project is dead.
  • Marshelec Doing a lot of athletics and not much Wikipedia. Enjoyed Barrowtown editathon particularly the work on the Westland Petrel article. There are great references so it should be possible to get it to Good article status. That’s a medium term project. Also working on and helping an editor with an article on the energy sector in Turkey. Giantflightlessbirds commented that there was a lot of work to do on New Zealand native trees.
  • MargaretRDonald has mainly been working on the Australian floral directory. A mix and match set has been uploaded. There are about 36k left to link and it’s down to doing them one by one. Trying to write a proposal to get more help with Wikidata. Would like to organise a wikidata editathon on biota and scientific authors.
  • Gertrude206 has taken photographs of the Anti-vaccine protest and asked whether number plates on cars is a privacy issue. The group talked about the issue and the consensus was that number plates were not a privacy breach as the photograph was taken in public. There was a warning that photographs of 2D art will be flagged as copyright breaches under NZ law.

3. Progress on Action Points and future events

  • Creation of overarching campaign on the outreach dashboard
User:Ambrosia10 has created the overarching campaign dashboard for the Aotearoa New Zealand User Group for 2022. If you are holding any events or editathons and you create a dashboard for them to track metrics could you please add it to this campaign to make reporting back to the Wikimedia Foundation easier at the end of the year. User:Ambrosia10 has added the joint upcoming #1Lib1Ref event to this campaign as well as the International Women's Day event dashboard to it. - Ambrosia10 (talk)
  • Proposed International Women's Day Editathon on weekend of 5 and 6 March Any update from Ambrosia10 and Pakoire ?

It’s on. It’s two days but you can contribute an hour a day or some such. We will be doing break outs and catch ups twice daily.

User:Pakoire has created the event page and User:Ambrosia10 has created a google doc where we've started listing women and resources for folk to use. User:Ambrosia10 has also created a dashboard for this event - please click this link if you want to sign up to the dashboard. Feel free to edit and add women to the google doc but, as we may have newbies attending, please only add those women who are notable for the purposes for Wikipedia and add enough resources to justify the creation of a stub article. Also feel free to propose any stub articles that are in dire need of expansion - again with any resources you have come across. - Ambrosia10 (talk)

Omicron has made it difficult. Rachel Yates, Curator Pacific Cultures is the contact. Still waiting to have a meeting and to take it further. Kowhaiarewhana is working on articles and sometimes has difficulties finding sources. The Te Papa Library has artist files that may contain information that might be useful. The librarians can copy these for you if you submit a research request using the website’s general enquiries form

  • One Lib One Ref campaign Australia Wikimedia Foundation and the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand are working on the One Lib One Ref campaign in June. Any update from Ambrosia10?

Happening in June. In May publicity will start to roll out in LIANZA. Considering organising a specific online event to get librarians to learn how to add references.

Our next organisation meetup will be the 18th of this month. You can find the One Lib One Ref events here - if you want to attend or hang out and edit or alternatively to help any newbies please sign up via Eventbrite links. User:Ambrosia10 will also be updating the group on our International Women's Day event planning. -Ambrosia10 (talk)
  • New Zealand Wikidata Thesis Project aims to get New Zealand dissertations into Wikidata. Any update from DrThneed?

No update

Omicron has taken this back down the priority list but some interest in organising an online conference possibly in October.

  • Visit to Parliamentary Librarians Any update from Marshelec?

Didn’t have an in person meeting but did meet virtually. They want to improve civics information and think Wikipedia pages are the best way to do this. But those interested are having to work through a careful policy system and get managerial approval to set up and contribute to a project. They also want to be in a position to provide guidance and conflict of interest for parliamentarians. After the meeting it’s been agreed that their next step is to create a project page for Parliamentary Services very similar to the Auckland Museum project page.Will be doing a project space like this NOTES (from Pakoire): Good meeting - four Wikipedians and about six staff - librarians and also information services. The main purpose of the Parliamentary Library and Engagement Wikipedia project group is to utilize Wikipedia as a way of enabling quality information about NZ civics to be accessed by people. The two main outcomes were:

They will develop policy and guidelines for their staff and create a Wikipedia Project page with support from us
We offered Wikipedia intro and training to their staff in the project - about 3 or 4 of them already have a Wikipedia account but no recent or regular editing.
  • National Digital Forum is due to occur in February 2022. Any update from Ambrosia10?

Ambrosia10 received Wikimedia Foundation funding to purchase a ticket and now the event has gone virtual there was an option to either get a refund or provide virtual tickets to another two people. The two additional tickets were given to Pakoire and another editor from the Pasifika Arts Aotearoa Project. Giantflightlessbirds is doing a presentation on what’s happening with the User Group and GLAMs for the National Digital Forum.

This is now a virtual event. Giantflightlessbirds will be presenting on projects undertaken by our Wiki community at the conference. User:Ambrosia10 was contacted by the organisers as the virtual tickets were less than the in person tickets. She contacted the Wikimedia Rapid Grant folks and obtained permission to use the excess to purchase two extra tickets. She gained permission to forward these tickets onto User:Pakoire and the Wikimedian in Residence User:Friagatewayfinder as both are doing important work ensuring Pacifica are better represented in Wiki projects. The funders agreed that attendance would expose both User:Pakoire and User:Friagatewayfinder to the wider NZ GLAM community. Ambrosia10 is particularly keen to ensure that both these editors meet Auckland Museum staff as Auckland Museum has one of, if not the largest, Pacifica collection in the country and are keen to learn about the initiative. Ambrosia10 met with James Taylor and Brianna Vincent recently to discuss crowdsourcing in general and Ambrosia10 explained about the project. James was keen to touch base if possible during NDF. User:Pakoire has proposed an "out of conference" zoom drinks/social session to see if we can entice GLAM folk to come hangout with wiki folk as a way to facilitate this. User:Ambrosia10 is VERY keen as her funding from the Wikimedia Foundation was intended to foster and encourage links between the NZ GLAM community and the NZ Wiki community. - Ambrosia10 (talk)

4. Further discussion on getting to Good Article / Featured Article status.

The selected page: Kererū has reached featured article status and is going to be the today's featured article on the main page of English Wikipedia for 19 February 2022. Marshall will be doing some comms on Facebook to promote this activity with other organisations including Forest & Bird, Zealandia and possibly Te Papa. The featured article stays up for 24 hours and works on UTC and clicks over at 1pm New Zealand time.

The Kererū page is going live on the front page of Wikipedia at 1pm. Marshelec has done a post in the Wikipedia User Group facebook group, contacted the admin of the Garden birds survey page, Urban wildlife trust and Kererū Discovery page. The admin has committed to posting about the front page. Marshelec also contacted the Kereru brewing company who have also posted about it. Everyone was very pleased about the result and committed to tweeting and boosting the views on social media.

5. Wiki News - add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of

No news

6. Demonstration of a tool

Jonathanischoice demoed creation of musical score images.

7. Get on with problem solving, editing, and chatting

  • NZPlant Conservation Network identifier is great site for any NZ plant but the links have changed and this means the identifiers no longer work. You have to go to the Way Back Machine on the Internet Archive to get the information. Giantflightlessbirds suggested that we reach out to show them how their identifiers are being used and the difficulties that are caused by not having the links be perpetual.
  • Pakoire has an issue with adding multiple references to the same exact source. There is a way to do this but no one can find an example right now. and other different examples given.
  • Pakoire given help to edit her js page.



Next meeting and Meetup timetables

  • 19 March 2022, same time, same place