Good day, folks! This is my sandbox page, a space for my experiments on the process of editing Wikipedia. I can use it for this purpose, practicing even creating a new article. It's a safe place as anything I write will remain there before I discover how things work.

NOTE: This page is not and will not be dependent on a non-existent or deleted page.

Brief messsage


This user managing this sandbox had made its own one before, but erroneously moved this page to a draft (supposedly a preferred location for AfC submissions) which was later deleted; in late 2016, this page was deleted under CSD G8 (redirect to a deleted or non-existent page). (See: All public logs; search: User log: Deletion log, Target (title or User:username for user): this page.) In 2022, the page was recreated after a short discussion for its retrieval. (See this archive for the request message and the repl[ies].)

Sandbox proper

Sandbox is a place where new thoughts are laid out, being processed in the planning and realized in the execution; philosophy may be applicable.
(Image is for illustrative purposes.)


Battle of Agusan Hill


Version 1:

The Battle of Agusan Hill occurred on May 14, 1900 in in Agusan village,[1] in Cagayan.[2] United States Capt. Walter Eliot and 80 men[1] of the 40th United States Regiment[2] surprised 500 revolutionaries,[1] under Capt. Vicente Roa,[2] in a hill[1] in the east.[2] An encounter occurred;[2] more than 30 soldiers, including Roa, were killed.[1][2] Their rifles and ammunition were captured for the loss of two Americans.[1]


  • 35 soldiers were killed.[2]
  • 39 were killed.[1]

Gen. Nicolas Capistrano, leader of the Cagayan de Misamis revolutionaries, waged a war against the Americans in 1900–1901.[2] On April 7, 1900, together with Bukidnon lumads and Moros,[2] he led a surprise attack in the town,[1][2] but failed with 52 dead, as well as four Americans.[1]

On June 4, Col. Apolinar Velez, fortified the Makahambus Hill,[1] led the revolutionaries[1][2] in the west[2] in attacking Capt. Thomas Millar's company.[1] They succeeded in the battle[2] with only a Filipino revolutionary and nine American soldiers killed.[1][2] They captured a prisoner and rifles.[1]

Version 2:

The Battle of Agusan Hill occurred on May 14, 1900, in Cagayan de Misamis,[3] (or Cagayan),[4] Philippine Islands, when the revolutionaries from the First Company of the Mindanao Battalion led by[4] their commander,[3] Capt. Vicente Roa, were attacked[3] by the 40th Regiment U. S. Volunteer Infantry[4] under Col. Walter B. Elliot[3] at their positions [3] on Agusan Hills.[4] The Filipinos were defeated[3] in the encounter[4] suffering deaths of more than 30 soldiers,[4][3] including Roa.[3][4] This was their second defeat by the Filipinos in the municipality following the Battle of Cagayan de Misamis.[3]

1st Company[3]

  • 34 soldiers died.[4]
  • 38 dead.[3]

On May 14, 1900, the revolutionaries from the First Company of the Mindanao Battalion, led by Capt. Vicente Roa, encountered the 40th Regiment U. S. Volunteer Infantry on Agusan Hills in eastern Cagayan.[4]

Roa continued to fight as being told that all his men were killed, but he ran out of revolver's ammunition, and later fell—among 34 soldiers died. An American soldier looted one of his medals of honor.[4]

On May 14, 1900, the 1st Company of the US 40th Infantry Regiment under Col. Walter B. Elliot attacked the Filipino's positions, defeating the 1st Company, El Mindanao Battalon, suffering 38 deaths, including their commander, Capt. Vicente Roa y Racines.[3]

Version 3:

In the morning of May 4, 1900,[5][6] a team of armed soldiers, probably about 130 in number,[6] led by Capt. Vicente Racines Roa,[5][6] the commanding officer of the First Company of the Mindanao Battalion,[6] after doing patrol work along the eastern coast of Misamis,[5] arrived in Agusan[5][6] from Bukidnon.[6] Joining his fellow officers, they gathered in the house of Juan Bautista.[5]

The municipal captain (gobernadorcillo) at that time was Catalino Cuerquis, whom Roa told that the latter's team are going to fight the Americans which, in Cagayan, were armed and about 600 in number.[6]

Roa suggested to send a courier and dare the enemy to fight in Agusan at the same day. All quickly agreed. The officer discussed their plan of defense. Captain Roa was to lead his men occupying the first hill overlooking the main road of Agusan, Sgt. Uldarico Akut to lead another assigned in the next hill, while the Macheteros were to hide under the houses. However, on the last minute, Akut's team were told to move to another hill farther to guard the road leading to the Maitom Camp of Gen. Capistrano.[5]

In the morning, Fortunato Yacapin, a messenger, carried Roa's letter to the Americans. Yacapin, living in Agusan, learned Spanish at the school of Nicolas Capistrano. The American-officers, who were accompanied by Spanish volunteers, were Spanish-speaking as well.[6]

Fortunato called his subordinate, Vicente Agapay to take Roa's letter to the Americans. The letter was received in Lico-an where Americans took Vicente to Casa Real (now the City Hall complex), the governor's residence. Americans replied that they will go to Agusan.[6]

Later, the two companies of American soldiers came in Agusan[5][6] from Lico-an and going near Lapasan,[6] well-armed and had a battleship escort along Macajalar Bay.[5][6]

The Americans passed Gusa, at Capitan Agapito Yacapin's residence; Yacapin ran to Roa in Agusan.[6]

Americans reached the Cugman river, some of them went to the mountain and others to the sea. The bridge is also high that few enemies were stationed. Thus, Filipinos, unaware of the enemies, were surrounded.[6]

Roa shot immediately after seeing the enemies in the river of Gusa,[6] followed by his group firing at the Americans reaching the area, and they retreated as planned.[5] They were chased on top of the hill. However, the Macheteros failed to come out from the hiding places and attack the Americans, due to lack of leadership and cooperation.[5] The Americans in the seashore and the mountains fired at them.[6] Also, the battleship at the bay bombarded Agusan Hill.[5][6]

The macheteros (armed with machetes), arrived from Tagoloan, Bubuntugan and Jasaan, did not enter Agusan and ran instead.[6]

Roa's group fought on top of the hill without dugouts nor trenches, hiding behind the cogon grass and bushes. The enemy knew their location through the smoke of guns. They were able to shoot straight because the slopes of the hills were not that steep, however, they lacked ammunition.[6]

Roa's group fought continually until all his men were killed, leaving him severely wounded. Roa refused to surrender despite being surrounded by opponents. He ran out of bullets for his revolver and used his sword till his death.[5]

An American soldier got one of his medals of honor, which was kept as a memento.[5]

At the end of the battle, the soldiers of the first company of the Mindanao battalion, with their leader, Roa, died, with their bodies laid on top of the hill.[5]

Only Dionesio Abas, the bugler, was the sole survivor. He hides with the dead.[6]

In 1931, the remains of Roa's group were interred inside the monument in Divisoria, erected by a fellow revolutionary and then mayor Apolinar Velez, who named it the Cry of Freedom monument. Velez wrote only a simple dedication in Spanish in their memory: El pueblo a sus heroes — in English, From the town to its heroes.[6]





After the 1898 Philippine Revolution, and Spain ceding the archipelago to the United States, on March 30, 1900, Cagayan de Misamis was occupied by the American forces,[7] whose presence caused hostilities among the local residents of the town;[8] three battles followed.[7]

On April 7, revolutionaries/guerilla forces led by Gen. Nicolas Capistrano lost in a battle[8] when they raided the American barracks in the present-day Gaston Park. Capistrano and his men eventually retreated.[7]



Capt. Vicente Roa y Racines, commanding officer, First Company, Mindanao Battalion, with other officers held a meeting in Juan Bautista's residence. They agreed to send a courier to dare the Americans for an open battle in Agusan, a village about 16 kilometers east of the town.[8]

Capt. Walter B. Elliott, the Commanding Officer of "I" Company, 40th Infantry Regiment of US Army Volunteers answered the challenge.[8]

Capt. Roa prepared with his troops of about 500; having 200 rifles and some shotguns.[8]

It was initially planned that the infantry and the cavalry would occupy two hills overlooking a main road to ambush the opponents; the macheteros, armed with bolos and hidden in the houses, would finish them off from behind. The start would be signaled with a bugle sound and three gunshots.[8]

Captain Elliott's company of about 80 men was reinforced with their superior weapons and supported by the warship at Macajalar Bay.[8]

On May 14, 1900, while the company of Capt. Elliott was approaching to its objective, Gen. Capistrano gave last minute order to the cavalry under Sgt. Uldarico Akut to move farther away from the main force, gurarding a road leading to Maitum where Capistrano was based. This significantly affected the frontlines of Roa's troops.[8]

When the enemies were sighted by the Filipino guerillas, a bugler and Capt. Roa signaled his men of the start of the the battle. Being disheartened, some of the macheteros, did not participate while others fled. Overmatched troops continued to fight. As they were to be overpowered, Capt. Roa's rifle and revolver bothe ran out of ammunition and later fought with his sword until he was killed. Capt. Roa was beheaded; his medals were taken off by an American soldier.[8]



Different statements:

  • The Filipino warriors were defeated with 38 guerillas, including Roa, killed, and 35 rifles captured. American soldiers only suffered 2 dead and 3 wounded.[8]
  • According to the Historical and Cultural Commission (Hisccom) of Cagayan de Oro, the city hall listed 46 members, including Roa, killed in the raid, mostly held the rank of private; a dozen of them macheteros who all fought under the group.[7]



On June 4, Filipino revolutionaries under the then-major Apolinar Velez won in the Battle of Makahambus Hill, when the advancing American soldiers, trying to negotiate the surrender of the group, were forced to retreat. Many Americans died in the offensives in the Filipinos' first victory since the Philippine–American War began in 1899.[7]

It was said that there were indigenous people from Bukidnon who joined in these battles.[7]

Following the battle, the Americans sent the troops from Zamboanga to Cagayan de Misamis as an augmentation force. The guerillas later abandoned their stronghold in Macahambus because of attacks by the US forces.[9]

With the American forces winning most of the battles, and the surrender of key officials, the First Philippine Republic eventually fell in 1901. At that time, the deaths of Gen. Capistrano's troops led him, along with Akut, to surrender in Cagayan de Misamis, as well as other Filipino officers in Sumilao. On July 4, 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt granted general amnesty and pardon to those who were involved in the war.[9]

Gen. Capistrano became an elected member of the Philippine Assembly in 1909, and a senator (1916–1919). Col. Velez became the governor of the then-undivided Misamis (1906–1909). Akut (1912–1916) and Velez (1928–1931) both served as mayor of Cagayan de Misamis.[9]



The Filipino resistance to the American occupation in Misamis was narrated in a manuscript by Filomeno Bautista Sr., the former Academic Supervisor of Surigao, Bukidnon, and Misamis, published in 1939.[10]

A 1968 interview of Fortunato Yacapin, an eyewitness to the battle, was included by Catholic priest Francisco Demetrio in his book The Village: The Story of Early Cagayan de Oro.[11]

Battle (2)


On May 14, 1900, two companies of armed American soldiers[11] staged an offensive[7] against the 1st Company of the Mindanao Battalion, under Capt. Vicente Roa y Racines,[11] positioning[7] in a hill[11] in the village[7] of Agusan. During the fighting, the American battleship bombarded the Filipinos from the bay. Being outnumbered, the Filipinos fought; majority of them were killed, was the last. An American snatched a medal from him, reportedly as a memento.[11]

It was said that there were indigenous people from Bukidnon who joined in this battle.[7]



In 1931,[8] as ordered by Velez,[7][11] one of the former resistance leaders[11] and then municipal mayor,[11][8] the municipal government of Cagayan de Misamis[8] exhumed the remains[7][11][8] of the killed revolutionaries—his former comrades-in-arms[11]—that were buried[8] in Agusan Hill,[11][8] which were later moved[7][8] and interred[11][8] in the monument[7][11] that served as a common grave in Plaza Divisoria[8] Velez had led the erection of the monument for them,[11] calling it the Cry of Freedom Monument,[11][8] where a statue of Andres Bonifacio was placed,[11][8] and with engraved words: El Pueblo a sus heroes ("from the town to its heroes").[8]

There are four monuments[11] in Plaza Divisoria in downtown Cagayan de Oro, the area serving as the burial place for those died while fighting the Americans.[7]

One of these, the second to be erected,[11] is solely dedicated to the killed freedom fighters.[7] It only have features including a small door in its back,[11] leading to a chamber where the remains were interred.[7] The marker only have a brief dedication in Spanish inscribed: A pueblo a sus héroes—in English, "[From] the town to its heroes".[11][7]

Its design is almost similar to the first monument of hero Andres Bonifacio, Grito de Balintawak in Quezon City; and despite the absence of Bonifacio's name, for decades,[11] it had been mistakenly identified being built in his honor,[7] being called Bonifacio and Balintawak.[11]

The Hisccom said the bones belonged to resistance fighters died in the Battle of Agusan Hill. Dr. Antonio Montalván II, an anthropologist and ethnohistorian, however disputed the claim, saying that the monument contains the bones which are "rather unaccounted for as to where they come from," that the idea that the bones belonged to those from the Agusan battle was based on a legend, and that some remains of those who died in two other battles might be included. The accounts in the United States' archives were said gave estimates on the deaths.[7]

The National Historical Commission of the Philippines installed markers acknowledging the three battles. A street in Cagayan de Oro is named after Roa.[7]

There have been proposals in the House of Representatives to declare Filipinos who led the revolution against Spanish and American colonial rule in Mindanao as national heroes, which include Roa, along with Nicolas Capistrano, Apolinar Velez, and Apolinario Pabayo, from the present-day Misamis Oriental. In 2013, brothers Cagayan de Oro 2nd District representative Rufus Rodriguez and Abante Mindanao party-list representative Maximo Rodriguez authored House Bill No. 2508; they cited the urgency of correcting the injustice inflicted on people in the island whose sacrifices went unnoticed in the country's history.[12] In 2022, Rufus Rodriguez filed House Bill No. 1461.[13]

Filipino resistance to the Americans in Misamis began with the bombardment of Cagayan by the American ships and the landing of the American troops; followed by the organization of a Filipino resistance army at Gango under Nicolas Capistrano. A battle occurred in Cagayan, while the Filipino headquarters in Tanculan was removed. Another battle occurred in Macahambus Hill, Filipino troops at Sumilao later surrendered.

On May 14, 1900, in the Battle of Agusan Hill, Capt. Vicente Roa led the Cagayan revolutionaries in the east in an encounter with the 40th Regiment, U.S. Volunteer lnfantry. With all his men killed, Capt. Roa continued on fighting with his revolver until he ran out of ammunition and he also fell. An American soldier snatched one of his medals of honor. Roa, together with 34 soldiers of the First Company of the Mindanao Battalion, were killed.

Source in:

Source out:

Other battles


After the 1898 Philippine Revolution, and Spain ceding the archipelago to the United States, on March 30, 1900, Cagayan de Misamis was occupied by the American forces; three battles followed.

On April 7, revolutionaries led by Gen. Nicolas Capistrano, raided the American barracks in the Battle of Cagayan de Misamis, which was occurred in the present-day Gaston Park. The forces, however, were outmatched. Capistrano, seeing defeat, ordered his men to retreat.

On May 14, American troops successfully staged an offensive against Mindanao Battalion's 1st Company, under Captain Vicente Roa, positioning in the village of Agusan. According to the Historical and Cultural Commission (Hisccom) of Cagayan de Oro, the city hall listed 46 members, including Roa, killed in the raid, mostly held the rank of private; a dozen of them macheteros who all fought under the group.

On June 4, Filipino revolutionaries under the then-major Apolinar Velez won in the Battle of Makahambus Hill, when the advancing American soldiers, trying to negotiate the surrender of the group, were forced to retreat. Many Americans died in the offensives in the Filipinos' first victory since the Philippine–American War began in 1899.

It was said thet there were indigenous people from Bukidnon who joined in these battles.

Plaza Divisoria in downtown Cagayan de Oro serves as the burial place for those died while fighting the Americans. A monument was erected there, solely dedicated to the killed freedom fighters; inscribed on it are the words: El Pueblo A Sus Héroes ("The Town to its Heroes"). The monument, similar to that of hero Andres Bonifacio, had been mistakenly identified being built in his honor.

It is said that Velez, one of the resistance leaders and then municipal president, ordered the remains of the heroes—his former comrades-in-arms—be exhumed and moved to the monument. There is a small door in the back of the monument, leading to a chamber where the remains were interred.

The Hisccom said the bones belonged to resistance fighters died in the Battle of Agusan Hill. Dr. Antonio Montalván II, an anthropologist and ethnohistorian, however disputed the claim, saying that the monument contains the bones which are "rather unaccounted for as to where they come from," that the idea that the bones belonged to those from the Agusan battle was based on a legend, and that some remains of those who died in two other battles might be included. The accounts in the United States' archives were said gave estimates on the deaths.

The National Historical Commission of the Philippines installed markers acknowledging the three battles. A street in Cagayan de Oro is named after Roa.[14]

Following the Battle of Makahambus Hill, the Americans sent the troops from Zamboanga to Cagayan de Misamis as an augmentation force. The guerillas later abandoned their stronghold in Macahambus because of attacks by the US forces.

With the American forces winning most of the battles, and the surrender of key officials, the First Philippine Republic eventually fell in 1901. At that time, the deaths of Gen. Capistrano's troops led him, along with Uldarico Akut, to surrender in Cagayan de Misamis, as well as other Filipino officers in Sumilao. On July 4, 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt, granted general amnesty and pardon to those who were involved in the war.

Gen. Capistrano became an elected member of the Philippine Assembly in 1909, and a senator (1916–1919). Col. Apolinar Velez became the governor of the then-undivided Misamis (1906–1909). Uldarico Akut (1912–1916) and Velez (1928–1931) both served as mayor of Cagayan de Misamis.[15]

Filipino resistance to the Americans in Misamis began with the bombardment of Cagayan by the American ships and the landing of the American troops; followed by the organization of a Filipino resistance army at Gango under Nicolas Capistrano. A battle occurred in Cagayan, while the Filipino headquarters in Tanculan was removed. Another battle occurred in Macahambus Hill, Filipino troops at Sumilao later surrendered.

The Filipino resistance to the American occupation in Misamis was narrated in a manuscript by Filomeno Bautista Sr., the former Academic Supervisor of Surigao, Bukidnon, and Misamis, published in 1939.[16]

On May 14, 1900, Cap. Vicente Roa led the Cagayan revolutionaries in the east in an encounter with the 40th US Regiment where he was killed, together with 14 soldiers in the Battle of Agusan Hill.

In 2013, brothers Cagayan de Oro 2nd District representative Rufus Rodriguez and Abante Mindanao party-list representative Maximo Rodriguez authored House Bill 2508 in the House of Representatives, aiming to declare Filipinos who led the revolution against Spanish and American colonial rule in Mindanao as national heroes, which include Roa, along with Nicolas Capistrano, Apolinar Velez, and Apolinario Pabayo, from the present-day Misamis Oriental. They cited the urgency of correcting the injustice inflicted on people in the island whose sacrifices went unnoticed in the country's history.[17]

In 2022, representative Rufus Rodriguez filed House Bill No. 1461, which proposed to declare as national heroes those who led the revolution against Spain and the United States in Mindanao, which included Roa, along with Nicolas Capistrano, Apolinar Velez, and Apolinario Pabayo from present-day Misamis Oriental.[18]



Article: Misamis (province)

On May 15, 1901, the United States Philippine Commission enacted Act No. 128, establishing the province of Misamis with Cagayan as its capital.[19]

In 1903, through Act No. 579, the local civil government for the non-Christian tribes other than Moros was established.[20] Later that year, by virtue of Act No. 787, the territory was reduced as part of the province, along with that of Surigao, were transferred to the newly-organized Moro Province.[21] Then, by virtue of Act No. 951, the number of municipalities was reduced from 24 to 10.[22]

NOTE: Iligan was part of Misamis by 1902.[23]

The boundary between Misamis and provinces of Department of Mindanao and Sulu, which was established by Act No. 2711 of 1917, was later changed to present-day ones.[24] In 1921, through Act No. 2968, the northern parts of the special provinces of Bukidnon and Agusan were annexed into the province when the boundary line was adjusted.[25] In 1927, certain sitios in the territory segregated from Bukidnon were organized into four municipal districts (Claveria, Lourdes, Lumbia and Taglimao).[26] On the other hand, through Act No. 3354 of the same year, the first law for the division of Misamis, the portion of Zamboanga was annexed to the newly-created Occidental Misamis, provided that the Governor-General may order such of the affected territories of Zamboanga to the municipal district or districts or barrios belonging to the new province.[27]

Misamis was divided into the new provinces of what was then called Oriental Misamis and Occidental Misamis, with their boundaries established; since as early as 1927 by virtue of Act No. 3354,[27] which was repealed by Act No. 3537, approved in 1929 and eventually became effective at the beginning of 1930.[28]

  • Oriental Misamis consisted of the municipalities of: Balingasag, Cagayan (capital), Gingoog, Initao, Quinoguitan,[28] Salay, Tagoloan, and Talisayan, the island of Camiguin with its municipalities and adjacent small islands, and the municipal districts of Claveria and Lourdes.[27] With part of Act No. 3537 being amended by Act No. 3777 in 1930, the municipal district of Lumbia was included[29] instead of Napaliran.[27]
  • Occidental Misamis comprised the municipalities of Baliangao, Plaridel, Lopez Jaena,[28] Oroquieta, Aloran, Jimenez, Tudela, Clarin, and Misamis.[27] The capital of the province was to be designated by the majority of the local officials in a convention called by the provincial governor.[27][28]

User's contribution report


Accomplishment calendar

January February March
XXXX in the Philippines:
2022 (omissions unidentified yet)
Contents transferred to:
Cristina Gonzales
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
The Outstanding Women in the Nation's Service (& partial)

Timeline of the 21st century (random)
2023 Philippine barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (as updated)
2022 Maguindanao division plebiscite (as updated)
2021 Calabarzon raids (as updated)
Eastwood City Walk of Fame (as updated)
Silang, Cavite (recent)
Dacer–Corbito double murder case (recent arrest of suspects; partial)
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Law (as updated)
Sajid Ampatuan (as updated)
Ferdinand Topacio (random)
Dacer–Corbito double murder case (partial)
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) (random)
List of radio stations in Central Luzon (random)
Timeline of the Moro conflict (as updated)

XXXX in the Philippines:
2020 (random)
2021 (random)
2022 (omissions unidentified yet)

Timeline of the 20th century (random)
CBN Asia (random)
List of Manila Broadcasting Company stations (random)

(In line with leadership change in UP system)
President of the University of the Philippines (as updated)
Angelo Jimenez (& partial)
Danilo Concepcion

(CE: Feb. 11)
Maguindanao del Sur (random)
Maguindanao del Norte (random)
Roel Degamo (as updated)
Pryde Henry Teves (as updated)
Timeline of the communist rebellion in the Philippines (as updated)
Kalinga (province) (recent)
(CE: Feb. 19)
(CE: Feb. 23)
(CE: Mar. 2)

XXXX in the Philippines:
2022 (omissions unidentified yet)

Timeline of the communist rebellion in the Philippines (as updated)
Roel Degamo
(CE: Mar. 4)
Governor of Negros Oriental
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao del Norte (modern)
Manuel Mamba (as updated)
Laoac (history)
(CE: Mar. 7)
(CE: Mar. 9)
Murders of Kian delos Santos, Carl Arnaiz and Reynaldo de Guzman (verdict)

(History: establishment)
Palimbang (w/ others)
Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte
Surigao del Norte: Sison, San Isidro
San Andres, Quezon
Zamboanga del Norte: Polanco, Piñan, Liloy, Labason, Gutalac, Tampilisan, Jose Dalman
Alicia, Zamboanga Sibugay
La Union: Sudipen, Pugo, San Gabriel
Trinidad, Bohol
Torrijos, Marinduque
Samar: San Jorge, Pagsanghan

Zamboanga del Norte: Dipolog, Sindangan, Manukan, Salug
Bohol: Talibon, Ubay
Samar: Gandara, Tarangnan

Killing of Percy Lapid (as updated)
The Outstanding Women in the Nation's Service
Pamplona massacre (as updated)
Marawi (plebiscite; history)
San Jose del Monte (plebiscite)
Timeline of the Moro conflict (as updated)

(History: renaming)
Tobias Fornier

San Nicolas, Pangasinan (dispute issue)
(CE: Mar. 29)
April May June
XXXX in the Philippines:

Pamplona massacre (as updated)
Roel Degamo
MV Lady Mary Joy 3 (as updated)—Aleson Shipping Lines (as updated)
The Bible (miniseries) (random)
Marco Sison (as updated)
Timeline of the communist rebellion in the Philippines (as updated)
Bong Revilla (as updated)
Occidental Mindoro (recent)
Chief of the Philippine National Police (as updated)
(CE: Apr. 24; Apr. 25)
San Jose del Monte (as updated)
Marilao (as updated)
Timeline of the Moro conflict (as updated)
Timeline of the communist rebellion in the Philippines (as updated)

XXXX in the Philippines:
2022 (omissions unidentified yet
Contents transferred to (H1):
Recom Echiverri
2023 Philippine barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections
(untransferred entry)
Catriona Gray

MT Princess Empress oil spill (as updated)
Abante (as updated)
Pia Wurtzbach (as updated

Nueva Vizcaya: Dupax del Norte, Dupax del Sur, Alfonso Castañeda

Pamplona massacre (as updated)
Roel Degamo
Sajid Ampatuan (as updated)
(CE: May 12; May 16; May 17; May 21)
New Bilibid Prison (random)
Dacer–Corbito double murder case (developing)

(Adiong family)
Mamintal Adiong Jr.
Mamintal Adiong Sr.
Ansaruddin Alonto Adiong

Carlos Padilla (politician)
Ditsaan-Ramain (random)
Bohol (recent)
Basher Dimalaang Manalao
Benasing Macarambon Jr.
Governor of Lanao del Sur (random)
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (as updated)
List of political families in the Philippines

(Joson family)
Bagong Lakas ng Nueva Ecija
Eduardo Joson
Tomas Joson III
Eduardo Nonato Joson

XXXX in the Philippines:

(CE: Jun. 6)
Kidnapping and killing of Jee Ick-Joo (as updated)
MT Princess Empress oil spill (as updated)
(CE: Jun. 14)
(CE: Jun. 15)
—Jose Oyson (draft)
Timeline of the 21st century (random)
(CE: Jun. 22)
(CE: Jun. 23)
Laoac (history)
Apollo Quiboloy (reversion)
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (as updated)
Killing of Percy Lapid (as updated)
July August–October November–December
(In line with operational change of 105.1 FM Metro Manila)
DYBM (partial)
Mareco Broadcasting Network (partial)
DWBM-FM (partial)

NOTE: Time and date following GMT/UTC.

Bulletin board

2023 updates
Recent actions
Past 8 months (Jan.–Aug. 2023) Next 4 month's targets (Sept.–Dec. 2023) This month's reports (Sept.–Dec. 2023)
(see another table) To-do:
  • Finish drafts.
  • Finish unfinished expansions.
Earlier accomplishments
Late JULY 2023
July 2 – 9, 2023:
Mareco Broadcasting Network (updated)
DYBM (random)
DWBM-FM (updated)
DWWW (updated)
(Four aforementioned articles edited in line with operational change of 105.1 FM Metro Manila)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
 Sonshine Media Network International
 Kingdom of Jesus Christ (church)
 Apollo Quiboloy
Crossover (disambiguation page)
Carmona, Cavite (re: cityhood plebiscite)
Roel Degamo (updates)
Pamplona massacre (updates)

July 10 – 16, 2023:
Homicidal (undo)
Ben Tumbling (randoms)
Asiong Salonga (random)
Jovito Salonga (random)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
 Makati–Taguig boundary dispute
Jones Bridge Massacre (Task Force Clabio) (random)
2003 in the Philippines (random)
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (random)
Meralco (random)
Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (random)
Manila Police District (random)
Martial law in the Philippines (entry addition)
1901 in the Philippines (random)
2022 in the Philippines (random)
 Ronnie Ricketts
Portal:Current events/2023 July 16
2021 in the Philippines (random)

July 17 – 23, 2023:
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
 List of Filipino Catholic saints and beatified people (edited but later reverted)
2022 in the Philippines (random)
 Ramon Tulfo
 Walden Bello
 Leila de Lima
Portal:Current events/2023 July 17
Portal:Current events/2023 July 18
Maharlika Investment Fund (minor update)
2000 in the Philippines (random)
2003 in the Philippines (random)
2019 in the Philippines (random)
2002 in the Philippines (random)
2018 in the Philippines (random)
1990 in the Philippines (random)

July 24 – 31, 2023:
Sagay Broadcasting Corporation (minor update)
2023 in the Philippines (update)
 Dito Telecommunity
Proclamation No. 55 (update)
State of emergency (update)
(Two aforementioned articles edited in line with the repeal of Proc. 55, s. 2016)
2022 in the Philippines (random)
 Death of River Nasino
 Mel Tiangco
 Ronaldo Aquino
 2021 Calabarzon raids
Padre Garcia (re: contemporary history)
MV Lady Mary Joy 3 (update)
Bacoor (update re: cityhood; plebiscite)
2023 Philippine barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (update)

August 1 – 6, 2023:
2023 in the Philippines (update)
2022 in the Philippines (random)
 Youth Day (Philippines)
 Marcelo H. del Pilar
 Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines (2022)
 Education in the Philippines
Sangguniang Kabataan (random)
Typhoon Doksuri (update re: Rizal accident)

August 7 – 13, 2023:
2023 in the Philippines (update)
 Death of Darwin Dormitorio
 Resorts World Manila attack
2022 in the Philippines (random)
 Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) (randoms)
Emma Henry (randoms)

August 14 – 20, 2023:
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Emma Henry (randoms)
1986 in the Philippines (random)
List of assassinations in the Philippines (updates)
Pura Luka Vega (updates)
Killing of Percy Lapid (updates)
2020 in the Philippines (random)
2021 in the Philippines (random)
2022 in the Philippines (random)
1935 in the Philippines (random)
Michael Ray Aquino (undo)
Portal:Current events/2023 August 16
Jay Sonza (updates)

August 21 – 27, 2023:
Jay Sonza (updates)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Bacoor (random)
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) (update)
(Edited in line with the church's anniversary)
Roel Degamo (updates)
Pamplona massacre (updates)

August 28 – 31, 2023:
Media circus (concerning revisions)
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) (update)
(Edited in line with the church's anniversary)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (updates)
Portal:Current events/2023 August 31

September 1 – 10, 2023:
Media circus (& its talk page) (concerning revisions)
Aleson Shipping Lines (updates)
List of records of the Philippines (random)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Roel Degamo (updates)
Timeline of the communist rebellion in the Philippines (updates)
Timeline of the Moro conflict (updates)
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (updates)

September 11 – 17, 2023:
Timeline of the Moro conflict (updates)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (updates)
Portal:Current events/2023 September 12

September 18 – 24, 2023:
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
San Jose del Monte (update & random)
Timeline of the communist rebellion in the Philippines (updates)
Portal:Current events/2023 September 23
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) (random)

September 25 – 30, 2023:
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) (random)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
MT Princess Empress oil spill (updates)
Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/2018 Luzon lambanog deaths
Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Mandaue's Administration

October 1 – 8, 2023:
Marikina (re: cityhood, contemporary history, other randoms)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Edward Hagedorn (& its talk page)
Portal:Current events/2023 October 5

October 9 – 15, 2023:
Edward Hagedorn
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Juan Luna (in line w/ change of his birth date)
Fernando Batul

October 16 – 22, 2023:
Fernando Batul
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Philippine expressway network (random update)

October 23 – 31, 2023:
Fernando Batul
Portal:Current events/2023 October 23
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Portal:Current events/2023 October 24
Portal:Current events/2023 October 26 (undo)
Joey Paras
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (updates)

November 1 – 5, 2023:
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (updates)
San Jose del Monte (re: cityhood; update on HUC plebiscite)
Malolos (re: cityhood)
Meycauayan (re: cityhood)
Portal:Current events/2023 November 5

November 6 – 12, 2023:
Portal:Current events/2023 November 5
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (updates)
San Jose del Monte (random)
Jomari Yllana (random update)
Joey Paras
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
2024 in the Philippines (updates)
2000 in the Philippines (undo)

November 13 – 19, 2023:
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (updates)
Portal:Current events/2023 November 13
Joey Paras
Janet Lim-Napoles (random update)
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Portal:Current events/2023 November 17

November 20 – 26, 2023:
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
List of journalists killed in the Philippines (updates)
Gold FM (disambiguation page)
1998 in the Philippines (random)
Damdaming Bayan (early history)
Joe Taruc (random)
Jay Sonza (random)
DZRH (random)
Andal Ampatuan Jr. (update)
List of massacres in the Philippines (updates)

November 27 – 30, 2023:
List of massacres in the Philippines (updates)
1995 Ipil massacre (random)

As of DECEMBER 2023
December 1 – 3, 2023:
2023 in the Philippines (updates)
Manolo Favis
Eastwood City Walk of Fame
Timeline of the Moro conflict (updates)
Portal:Current events/2023 December 1

Later targets:
Edward Hagedorn (finalize expansion)
Fernando Batul (finish expansion)
Joey Paras (finish expansion)
San Jose del Monte (check re: Muzon & HUC plebiscites)
Malolos (info: history)
Manolo Favis (finish)
Eastwood City Walk of Fame (further update?)
Planned edit: DZRH
Planned edit: Tiya Dely
Planned edit: Ampatuan clans—Andal Sr., Andal Jr., Zaldy, Sajid
Planned edit: Maguindanao massacre (info: victims & suspects)
Upcoming plans: 1947 Calapan incident; 1952 PHL hijacking


Update as of MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM.



Articles recently edited (by September 2022):

Articles edited (by August 2022):

Earlier this 2022:

Table (proposed for this section):

Articles edited by this user
List aside from those in the right Years in the Philippines
20XX Later Later
NOTE: Covering Feb. 2016–Dec. 2021 PST. Excluding WP:RFU, as well as this userpage & its subpages, and drafts. IP: In progress; L: To be continued later.

Table used in this section:

Articles Years in the Philippines
20XX Later Later
Reserved for notes.

In 2021 (complete):

In 2020 (complete):

  • XXXX in the Philippines (1993–94, 2019–2020)

In 2019 (complete):

In 2018 (complete):

In 2017 (complete):

In 2016 (complete):

NOTE: Covering Feb. 2016 onwards (as of Sept. 2, 2022 09:00 PST); to be updated. Excluding WP:RFU, as well as this userpage & its subpages, and drafts. IP: In progress; L: To be continued later.



Removed contents from articles pending transfer


These are contents, omitted either by yours truly or by any user, that might not be suitable for certain articles but might be for another.

  • (June) Maria Victoria Chan, a 12-year-old elementary student, was raped and killed by Larry Mahinay, Rizaldy Celez and Boyet Gonzales in Valenzuela.
  • January 28 – early February – Widespread floods caused by continuous torrential rains in northeastern Mindanao affects villages in Caraga Region and the provinces of Misamis Oriental, Davao del Norte and Compostela Valley, and leaves at least 17 deaths, thousands homeless, and millions worth of damages in crops and property.[30]
  • February 2 – A Caloocan court convicts three Filipino-Chinese men and a Filipino woman and sentences them to death regarding their involvement in illegal drug trafficking. The suspects were arrested in an entrapment operation in a motel in the city in 1999.[31]

NOTE: Covering those excluded by edits from mid-2022 to Sept. 15 (as of Sept. 15, 2022 09:00 PST); to be updated. NOT yet included here are those by edits in early 2022, as well as those by edits by a WP user and a non-WP/IP contributor in Aug 28–29 UTC. (All listed remains pending transfer to specific article/s.)


  • February 12 – At least 9 people are killed after they were ambushed at Kalumamis Village in Guindulungan, Maguindanao.[32][33]
  • February 21 – One police personnel dies while two others are confirmed injured when a helicopter of the PNP crashed in Real, Quezon.[34][35]
  • February 24 – The Manila RTC, rejects the bid of 10 fraternity members implicated in the 2017 death of University of Santo Tomas law student Horacio Castillo III to junk the hazing case against them supposedly due to insufficiency of evidence.[36]


  • June 5 – Mount Bulusan is placed on Alert Level 1 after a phreatic or steam-driven eruption was reported at 10:37 a.m. and it lasted for 16 minutes.[39][40]
  • June 23 – The Sandiganbayan allows former Quezon City councilor and actor Roderick Paulate to present a Commission on Audit (COA) official as witness for his defense involving the graft and falsification of public documents charges filed against him over alleged hiring of bogus employees.[41]
  • June 24 – The Sandiganbayan allows President-elect Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos, Jr., and his family to present defense evidence in their defense in connection with an ill-gotten wealth case filed against them in 1987.[42]
  • June 26 – A ferry sailing between the islands of Bohol and Leyte, carrying 165 passengers is engulfed with fire causing one dead and a missing person.[43]


  • July 1 – Former Vice Pres. Robredo launches the Angat Buhay Foundation, a non-government organization which she earlier said aimed to be the largest volunteer network in the Philippines.[44][45][46]
  • July 6 – Metro Manila's dengue cases increase at 16 per cent between late May to early June.[47]
  • July 7
    • The Supreme Court (SC) suspends Manila Metropolitan Trial Court Branch 26 Presiding Judge Jorge Emmanuel Lorredo for 30 days for uttering homophobic slurs against 2 of his litigants in court.[48]
    • Pres. Marcos creates a Private Sector Advisory Council composed of several leaders in the business sector "to be attuned" to the problems in the sector.[49]
  • July 9 – At least two are killed in elevator crash in the Burgundy Corporate Tower along Gil Puyat Avenue in Makati.[50]
  • July 21 – The Sandiganbayan junks the motion of detained businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles to quash her latest graft and malversation cases in connection with the pork barrel scam.[51]


  • August 21 – The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) raises the alert status of the Mayon Volcano after observing an increased level of activity.[52][53]
  • August 22 – Severe Tropical Storm Ma-on (Florita) hits the northern parts of Luzon, three people were reported killed while four others were injured.[54][55][56]
  • August 23 – The skeletal remains of the 22-year-old Jovelyn Galleno who was reported missing on Aug. 5, were found in the grassy area of Pulang Lupa in Barangay Santa Lourdes, Puerto Princesa, Palawan.[57]
  • August 25 – The Mandaluyong City Prosecutor's Office publicly releases its decision on June 29, that recommends the indictment of Jose Antonio Sanvicente, the suspect in the June 6 hit-and-run incident involving Christian Joseph Floralde for frustrated homicide instead of frustrated murder.[58][59][60]
  • August 26 – Cases of cholera and typhoid have increased in the country during the rainy season.[61]

Table re: Kalinga-Apayao


Article: Kalinga-Apayao
Status: DONE

  1. ^ Created as a municipal district in 1932 through an executive order, taken from Lubuagan.[66]
  2. ^ Later created as a municipal district prior to becoming a regular municipality in 1963.[67]
  3. ^ a b Created in 1964 via EO 111, later abolished and reverted to Balbalan and Pinukpuk before 1980.[62][68]
  4. ^ Created in 1965 as Liwan via RA 4396, renamed in 1971 via RA 6184, taken from Tabuk.[62]
  5. ^ Formerly Bayag, renamed in 1967 via RA 4980.[69]
  6. ^ Created in 1929 as municipal district of Macatel via EO 200, later renamed through a resolution, taken from Tauit.[72]
  7. ^ Created in 1956 via EO 217, taken from Luna.[73][74]
  8. ^ Created in 1963 via RA 3672, taken from Pudtol.[62]
  9. ^ Abolished in 1936 via EO 13, annexed to Luna.[75] At present, it also comprises parts of the municipalities of Flora, Pudtol, Sta. Marcela, as well as Allacapan (separated from this municipal district and organized into a new one in 1927 via EO 68)[70] and Lasam in the province of Cagayan.[73]
  10. ^ Abolished in 1936 via EO 78, annexed to present-day Calanasan and Kabugao.[76]
  11. ^ Created in 1966, same day as establishment of Kalinga-Apayao, via RA 4741, taken from Balbalan and Lubuagan.[62]
  12. ^ Created on June 17, 1967 via RA 4974, taken from Flora and Luna.[62]

Table re: Isabela


Article: Isabela (province)

0% related articles edited


Table re: Agusan


Article: Agusan (province)

Municipalities (1917): Buenavista, Butuan (provincial capital), Cabadbaran, Jabonga, Nasipit, Talacogon.[77]

Municipal districts (1917): [Amparo], Azpitia, Bahbah, Bakingking (or Baquingquing), Balete, Basa, Baylo, Borbon, Bunaguit, Bunawan, Concordia, Corinto, Cuevas, Ebro, Esperanza, Gracia, Guadalupe, Halapitan, Langasian, La Paz, Las Nieves, Libertad, Loreto, Los Arcos, Maasin, Mambalili (or Mambabili), [Manila (Bugabus)], Manpinsahan (or Mampinsahan), Maygatasan, Milagros, Novele, Nuevo Sibagat, Nuevo Trabajo, Patrocinio, Prosperidad, Remedios, Rosario, Sagunto, Salvacion, San Ignacio, San Isidro, San Luis, [San Mateo], [San Vicente], Santa Ines, Santa Josefa, Santo Tomas, Trento, Tudela, Verdu, Veruela, Violanta, Waloe.[77]

  • Organized into the municipality of Esperanza (EO 611, s. 1953): Bakingking, Baylo, Bunaguit, Concordia, Esperanza, Guadalupe, Maasin, Maygatasan, Milagros, Nuevo Sibagat, Nuevo Trabajo, Remedios, San Luis, Santa Ines, Verdu
  • Constituted into the municipality of Bunawan (RA 2517; 1959): Basa, Bunawan, Cuevas, Libertad, Mambili, San Isidro, San Salvacion, Santa Maria, Trento, Tudela; with the villages of San Marcos and San Ignacio
  • Constituted into the municipality of San Francisco (RA 2518; 1959): Alegria, Borbon, Cabanto, Cabawan, Ebro, Novele, Rosario, San Francisco
  • Constituted into the municipality of Prosperidad (RA 2650; 1960): Anibongan, Aspitia, Aurora, Bahbah, La Caridad, Los Arcos, Mapaga, Maug, Prosperidad, Salembuagon, San Salvador, Santa Irena, Sianib; all "in the provincial sub-division of Gibung"
  • Declared as municipalities:

Later created: Agusan del Norte: Carmen, Kitcharao, Tubay; (post-1967) Magallanes, Remedios T. Romualdez, Santiago; Agusan del Sur: Bayugan, San Francisco, (post-1967) Rosario, Sibagat[78]

Table re: Maguindanao


Article: Maguindanao



Article: The Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (Uncertain)



As of 10-01-2022, 12:01am PST. Edits are ongoing.

Time card

Time card analysis (as of Oct. 1, 2022; 00:01 PST)
Su M Tu W Th F Sa Prob.
00:00 10 10
10:00 10 10
13:00 30
14:00 20 20 30 20
15:00 H
16:00 H 20
17:00 30
18:00 10 10
20:00 10
Number of edits made:
  0   1–10   11–20   21–30   31–40

  • Time and days are in PST.
  • Probabilities suggest that this editor is doing various actions either more or less likely in a specific time.
    • Most: Thursday at around 3:00 p.m.
    • More: Weekdays at around 1:00–5:00 p.m.
    • Least (zero): Sunday at around 5:00–6:00 a.m.

Other stuff

  • Issue: WP:RS. Find a Grave (Link). (See: link at WP; link 2.)
  • Philippine Headline News Online can't be accessed? By January 29, 2023, during my editing sessions, the PHNO website can't be accessed and it only says either "Error 403–Forbidden" (main page) or "Error 404–Page not found" (specific page); such a surprising thing since it has been used for years. Now, i'm having a trouble visiting the website, as i consider this as a reliable source. The problem remains even after more than a week, so i suggest to visit PHNO through this link, thanks to Wayback Machine.
  • Old articles of the Associated Press can't be accessed? While i am glad to see that the AP News website was redesigned by around June 2023, it seems that old news articles can't be accessed and it only says "PAGE UNAVAILABLE"; another surprising one. For the past months, none of them had been restored; so i suggest for now to find articles from that source at old newspapers via Google News Archive and the likes.
  • All materials from CNN Philippines now a lost media?
Here's the story: Sources:
It was too fast. Three days.



Royandoyan, Ramon (January 29, 2024). "CNN Philippines to stop broadcasting after 9-year run". Nikkei Asia. Japan. Retrieved January 31, 2024.

Agence France-Presse/nh (January 29, 2024). "CNN Philippines to close due to financial losses". CNA. Singapore. Retrieved January 31, 2024.
On Jan. 29, 2024, in another blow for the media industry in the Philippines, Nine Media Corporation, the parent company of CNN Philippines, announced its decision to stop the channel's broadcasts, as well to shut down news and production operations on all platforms from Jan. 31, due to financial losses. Throughout its existence, Nine Media suffered losses of 5-billion.

That ended its delivery of English language news to a democratic country, which began in March 2015 upon the start of its broadcast operations as a CNN franchise, mainly on free-to-air.

Result: Since late evening of January 31, 2024, its official website is now closed, with texts: "This website is unavailable"

Everyone is sad as it happened; yet more as even the channel's media platforms were neither to be maintained nor to be archived. Otro adios.
Following the news organization's closure, by the night of Jan. 31, contents from its website and social media channels were wiped off. Nearly all traces of these presence have been scrubbed; only snapshots of the site, archived on The Wayback Machine of The Internet Archive, remain.

“Sa huli, hindi lang kaming mga empleyado ang talo, kung hindi ang taumbayan.”
—L. Tan, Jan. 31, 2024
Barreiro, Victor Jr. (February 1, 2024). "CNN Philippines website, social media presence erased after closure of operations". Rappler. Philippines. Retrieved February 2, 2024.

Chi, Cristina (February 1, 2024). "Calls for sustainable news business model mount after CNN Philippines closure". Philippines. Retrieved February 2, 2024.
  • On userboxes:
 This user is a WikiFarmer.
 This user has visited 8 of the 82 Provinces and the Metro Manila.8
 This user's time zone is UTC+08:00.
 This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.
 This user is bold, but not reckless, in updating pages.
 This user contributes through Google Chrome.
math-2This user can contribute with intermediate mathematical skills.
?met?This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans and Brits have such a hard time with them.
This editor is a
Journeyman Editor
and is entitled to display this Service Badge.
This editor is a Grognard and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Little Red Book.
  • Religion: confidential
  • Profession: semi-confidential

Wait for more:


On userboxes
This is Round 2.
Wait for more. (Two more rounds of edits)

Millennials or Generation Z? Uncertain, under assessment.

YThis user is a member of
ZThis user is a member of
Generation Z.
Based on my observations through the articles:
  • Majority of the sources suggest that this user is a member of Millennials and not of Generation Z.
  • One-third to two-fifths of the sources suggest that this user is a member of Generation Z and not of Millennials.
  • Silent Gen: The Encyclopedia of Strategic Leadership and Management uses the range 1925–45.
  • Baby boomers: 1946–64 by various organizations: YouGov and Australia's Social Research Center. Author Landon Jones.
    • Canada: Doug Owram, 1946–62; culturally, everywhere, were born between the late war years and about 1955 or 1956.
    • France: French sociologist Michèle Delaunay, between 1946 and 1973, Spain: between 1958 and 1975.
    • French academic, Jean-François Sirinelli, between 1945 and 1969.
    • United Kingdom: Office for National Statistics, two baby booms in the middle of the 20th century, one in the years immediately after World War II and one around the 1960s.
    • Australia: Bernard Salt, between 1946 and 1961.
    • United States: can be segmented into two broadly defined cohorts: (1) the "leading-edge baby boomers" are individuals born between 1946 and 1955; (2) usually called "Generation Jones", but sometimes also called names like the "late boomers" or "trailing-edge baby boomers", was born between 1956 and 1964.
  • Gen X: 1965–80 as per: Bloomberg, Business Insider and Forbes. Between '65 and '80 as per: U.S. news outlets The New York Times and The Washington Post. Time magazine (roughly defined).
    • U.S. Social Security Administration, as between 1964 & 1979. United States Department of Defense, 1965–77.
    • Jeff Gordinier (2008) include those born between 1961 and 1977 but possibly as late as 1980.
    • George Masnick of the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, 1965–84 (in order to satisfy the premise that boomers, Xers, and millennials "cover equal 20-year age spans."
    • Based on external events of historical importance, Schewe and Noble (2002) argue that a cohort is formed against significant milestones and can be any length of time. Against this logic: 1966–76, with those born between 1955 & 1965 being labelled as "trailing-edge boomers".
  • Millennials:
    • Jonathan Rauch, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, wrote for The Economist in 2018 (Link) (1981–96 birth cohort is a "widely accepted" definition for millennials). Reuters also state the same.
    • (General) American Psychological Association, CBS and ABC Australia.
    • CNN reports that studies often use 1981–1996 to define millennials, but sometimes list 1980–2000. Sociologist Elwood Carlson, who calls the generation "New Boomers", identified the birth years of 1983–2001.
Lost Gen () Greatest Gen Silent Gen Baby boomers Gen X Millennials (or Gen Y) Gen Z Gen Alpha
Pew Research Center 1901–27 1928–45 1946–64 1965–80 1981–96 1997–2012
(Tentative endpoint)
2021 United States Census, published in 2022 1928–45 1946–64 1965–80 1981–96 1997–2013
Jean Twenge, psychologist 1928–45 1946–64 1965–79

"somewhere around 1965–80" (Link)
1980–94 1995–2012
(as iGen)
2021 census report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (Link) Interwar: until 1945
(Starting year unspecified)

1946–64 (Link)
1966–80 1981–95 1996–2010 2011–21
David Foot, author, Canada (1996) Baby boomers: 1947–66 (Demographic, not culturally, definition)

(Following considered altogether a separate generation)
Gen. X: (as late boomers) between 1960 & 1966
Bust Gen.: between 1967 & 1979
PwC, professional services firm, London 1900–45 (as Traditionalists) 1946–64 1965–80 1981–95 1996–2000

1995 onwards (Link)
McCrindle Research, Australia 1901–24
(as Federation Gen.)
(as Builders)
1946–64 1965–79 1980–94
(as Gen. Y)
1995–2009 2010–24
Brookings Institution, United States think tank

According to: (upper, link) W. Frey; (lower, link) M. Winograd, M. Hais.
Pre-boomer: 1945 and earlier 1946–64 1965–80 1981–96 1997–2012 2013+ (Post-Gen Z)
1946–64 1965–81 1982–2003
Federal Reserve Board Silent and earlier: before 1946 1946–64 1965–80 1981–96
Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States (Independent) (Link) 1946–64 1965–75 1976–2001
(as Echo boomers)
Gallup, analytics company Traditionalists: before 1946
(Starting year unspecified)
1946–64 1965–80 1981–96 1997–2002

1997–present (Link)
Resolution Foundation, United Kingdom 1911–25 1926–45 1946–65 1966–80 1981–2000
William Strauss (d. 2007) & Neil Howe, authors
The authors also identified generations until 1882.
As voted in a website contest. (Link)
1883–1900 1901–24
(as G.I. Gen.)
1925–42 1943–60 1961–81
(as 13th Gen.)
1982–2004 2005 onwards
(as Homeland Gen.)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary 1946–64 '80s or '90s Late '90s & early 2000s
Oxford Dictionaries Between early '80s and late '90s Late '90s or early 21st century
Color legends:
  Baby boomers, Gen X: Consensus around the date range, widely accepted definition.
  Millennials: Consensus around the date range, widely accepted definition; thus, this user belongs to this cohort, as per source.
  Millennials, Gen Z: Cohort/s where this user belongs, as per source.
  Gen Z: Sources citing 1995 as starting birth year. Means that this user belongs to this cohort, as per source.
  Gen Z: Sources citing 1996 as starting birth year. Means that this user belongs to this cohort, as per source.
  Gen Z: Sources citing 1997 as starting birth year.

Notes in example:

  • Self-consider: Early 1990s, 1990–94; mid-1990s, 1993–96; late-1990s, 1995–99.
Example (for illustrative purpose)
1946–64 1965–80 1981–96 1997–20XX Source whose designated date range is widely accepted.
(Maybe) (Unlikely) 19XX–94 1995–20XX Source Z95
(Maybe) (Unlikely) 19XX–95 1996–20XX Source Z96
(Maybe) 19XX–XX 19XX–96 1997–20XX Source Y96
(Maybe) (Unlikely) 19XX–EYXX
(EYXX: 1997 or later)
SYXX–20XX Source YL
(Maybe) (Unlikely) 19XX to late 1990s Mid-1990s to 20XX Source D
Conclusion: This suggests that this user is a member of (what generation?).
Lost Gen ()* Greatest Gen* Silent Gen* Baby boomers* Gen X* Millennials (or Gen Y)* Gen Z* Gen Alpha*
Ipsos, market research company (2021, Canada) (Link) 1946–64 1965–80 1981–96 1997+
World Economic Forum (Link)
Fortune (citing Deloitte) (Link) Between Jan. 1983 & Dec. 1994 Between Jan. 1995 & Dec. 2003
CBS News (Link) Between mid-1920s & early 1940s Between 1980 & 1995 Between 1995 & 2010 (also Centennials)
Ipsos, market research company (2023, U.K.) (Link) Pre-War: Before 1945 (Starting year unspecified) 1945–65 1966–79 1980–95 1996–2012 After 2012
(Other Sources)
  • Gen Z:
  • Gen Alpha: Media sources: 2010–24 as per and 2011–25 as per
    • As per Baby boomers, bet. 1946 & '64; Gen X, 1965/'80; Millennials, 1981/'96; Gen Z, 1997/2012; Gen Alpha, 2012–24.
    • As per Greatest Gen: before 1928; Interwar Gen: between 1928 & '45; Baby Boomer Gen: 1946/'65; Gen X: 1966/'80; Gen Y (millennials): 1981/'96; Gen Z: 1997/2012; Gen Alpha: 2013/'21.
    • As per Millennials: between 1981 & '96; Gen Z: 1997/2012 or 2010; Gen Alpha: 2010/'25.
    • As per The G.I. Generation, also known as the Greatest Generation, born roughly between 1901 & '27; the Silent Generation, 1928/'45; Baby Boomers, 1946/'64; Generation X, also known as Gen X, 1965/'80; Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y for short, 1981/'96; Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, 1997/2009; Generation Alpha (born roughly between 2010/'24 or '25.
Sample of measurement parameters for contemporary generations
Sources (authors)
Silent Boomer Gen X Gen Y
(Lynne) Lancaster & (David) Stillman, 2002 1946–64 1965–80 1981–99
Schewe & Meridith, 2004 1946–65 1966–76
Oblinger D., Oblinger J.L. & Lippincott, 2005 1946–64 1965–82 1982–91
Martin, 2005 1978–88
Shi & Allen, 2007 1977–94 or 1982–2003
Howe & Strauss, 2007 1925–42 1943–60 1961–81 1982–2005
Cennamo & Gardner, 2008 1925–45 1946–61 1962–79 1980–2000
Codrington, 2008 1929–45 1946–67 1968–89 1989–2005
Hurst & Good, 2009 1925–45 1980–2003
Reisenwitz & Iyer, 2009 1946–64 1965–76 1977–88
Schiffman, Kanuk & Wisenblit, 2010 1946–64 1965–79 1977–94 or 1982–2004
Twenge, Campbell, Hoffman & Lance, 2010 1925–45 1946–64 1965–81 1982–1999
Brosdahl & Carpenter, 2011 1925–45 1943–60 1961–81 1982–2000
Murray, Toulson & Legg, 2011 1925–45 1946–64 1965–81 1982–94
Jain & Pant, 2012 1922–45 1946–64 1965–80 1980–2000
Zemke, Raines & Filipczak, 2013 1943–60 1960–80 1980–2004
PEW Research, 2014 1928–45 1946–64 1965–80 1981–96
Markert, 2004
Further subdivided. See separate table.
1926–45 1946–65 1966–85 1986–2005
Source: (Link)
A generational cohort classification (Markert, 2004)
Generations Cohorts Bihorts
Early Late Early-early Late-early Early-late Late-late
Great War Gen.: 1906–25
See note below.
Silents: 1926–45 1926–35 1936–45 1926–30 1931–35 1936–40 1941–45
Boomers: 1946–65 1946–55 1956–65 1946–50 1951–55 1956–60 1961–65
X-ers: 1966–85 1966–75 1976–85 1966–70 1971–75 1976–80 1981–85
Gen Y: 1986–2005 1986–95 1996–2005 1986–90 1991–95 1996–2000 2001–05
Post-Y Gen.: Since 2006
See note below.
Note: Journalist J. Markert, like George Masnick, acknowledged the 20-year increments but (compared to Masnick's) goes a step further and subdivides the generation into two 10-year cohorts with early and later members of the generation. This thinking is applied to each generation, especially the four.

Source(s): (Same link) (Link)
Baby boomers Name Gen X Name Millennials (or Gen Y) Name Gen Z
Pew Research Center 1946–64 1965–80 Xennials: Between 1977 and 1983 1981–96 1997–2012
Others Jonathan Pontell, cultural commentator and marketing consultant Xennials: identified as a "microgeneration" (Ryan W. Miller,, 2018)

Xennials, Generation Catalano: "between the tail-end of the Carter administration (1977–81) and the ascendency of the Reagan Revolution (1981–89)" (Sarah Stankorb,, 2014)

Generation Catalano (also Carter babies): between the inaugurations of Carter, Jan. 1977 and of Reagan, Jan. 1981 (Doree Shafrir,, 2011)

Generation Catalano, Xennials (also The Lucky Ones, Oregon Trail Generation): "the tail end of the '70s and the start of the '80s" (Anna Garvey,, 2015)
Laura Pence, WFXB FOX TV South Carolina, 2021
Boomers proper: 1942–53 Generation Jones: 1954–65 (including early Gen X years) 1966 to late 1970s Ends about 1995 Zillennials: About 1992–98 Starts about 1995
Adam Avery, The Frederick News-Post, 2008
Between 1946 and 1955 Generation Jones: Between 1956 and 1964
Between the mid-1940s and mid-1960s (Jeffrey Williams, citing standard accounts, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2014)

Between 1946 and 1964 (Associated Press, 2009)
Generation Jones: {Latter half of the Baby boomers from the early 1960s to the early years of Gen. X} (Greg Seigle, citing Pontell, The Washington Post, 2000) {Identified as a "microgeneration"}

Zennial: Between 1992 and 1998 (Nicea DeGering, Good Things Utah, KTVX-tv ABC-4 Utah, 2021)

Zillennials: Between 1993 and 1998 (Maisy Farren,, 2020)

Something's interesting





1994 Malangas mine explosions
DateFirst explosion:
March 17, 1994
Second explosion:
August 29, 1994
LocationMalangas, Zamboanga del Sur



















In preparation. Article: List of journalists killed in the Philippines.

  • Enrique "Ike" Lingan, radio commentator and reporter; d. Feb. 4, 1990, Lucena. Shot by a policeman while about to file a complaint in a police station following an altercation in a nightclub. Felipe Navarro was sentenced to 14 y. 8 m. in prison.[147]

  • Fernando Consignado, 50, Radio Veritas correspondent. Death likely related to a land dispute case.[147]

  • Polly Pobeda, commentator of DWTI; d. May 17, 2003. Gunned down while aboard a motorcycle on his way to the station.[147]

  • Jacobo Amatong, editor-in-chief of Mindanao Observer, and Zorro Aguilar, editor of Nandao Today and human rights lawyer; d. 1983, Zamboanga del Norte. Killed by suspected military personnel. Remained unsolved (May 2005).[148]

  • Rafael Cimafranca, reporter at Mindanao Observer; d. 1993, Piñan, Zamboanga del Norte. Killed by a suspected member of a drug syndicate. Remained unsolved (May 2005).[148]

  • Atty. Ferdinand Reyes, editor-in-chief of Press Freedom, lawyer; d. Feb. 2, 1996, Zamboanga del Norte. Shot in his home. Remained unsolved (May 2005).[148]

  • Klein Cantoneros, 34, commentator at DXAA; d. May 4, 2005, Dipolog, Zamboanga del Norte. Shot by 3 unidentified men while on his way home; managed to hide for two hours until he was brought to hospital wherein he died about 8 hours later. (as immediately reported)[148]

  • Marlene Esperat, journalist; d. March 25, 2005, Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat. Killed in their home while having dinner.[148]

  • Apolinario "Polly" Pobeda, 37, broadcaster at DWTI-am; d. May 17, 2003, Lucena. Ambushed while on his way to station. The prime suspect, Joven Geron, an alleged leader of a criminal gang whose members believed to be behind the killing, was arrested in San Juan, Batangas in April 2005, yet for another slay case. Another suspected member surrendered thereafter.[148]

  • Arnulfo Villanueva, columnist for communnity periodical Asian Star Express Balita; d. Feb. 28, 2005, Cavite. By May, murder charges were filed by the regional Criminal Investigation and Detection Group against 7 persons involved. Incident was considered as not work-related, but a personal grudge.[148]

  • Nine (for 2004) included in Freedom Forum Journalists Memorial: Elpidio "Ely" Binoya, Radyo Natin; June 17. Romero Binungcal, Remate/Bulgar; Sept. 29. Allan Dizon, The Freeman/Banat; Nov. 27. Rowell Endrinal, DZRC/Bicol Metro News; Feb. 11. Herson Hinolan, Bombo Radyo; Nov. 13. Gene Boyd Lumawag, MindaNews; Nov. 12. Arnnel Manalo, DZRH, Aug. 5. Rogelio Mariano, Radyo Natin-Aksyon Radyo, July 31. Eldy Sablas, DXJR-FM, Oct. 19.[148]

  • Armando Tingoy, radio commentator, security guard; d. Aug. 1985(?) Shot by 3 gunmen as he was about to leave a company where he was also worked as security guard. (as reported)[149]

  • Randolph Sunico, 50, editor of the weekly Philippine Chronicle; d. Sept. 23, 1985, Davao City. Shot by 4 men along a downtown street. (3rd newsmen to be killed in the city)[150]

  • Atty. Claro Chavez, 41, columnist of the daily Philippine Tribune (Cagayan de Oro), lawyer; d. Sept. 26, 1985. Shot by 3 armed men in his house.[150]

According to NPC pres. Antonio Nieva, a record of 7 journalists were killed in 1984; 8 deaths and a kidnapping in April–July 1985.[150]

W/ list[151]

  • Josef Nava, editor-publisher of monthly news magazine Visayan Life Today (Iloilo City), nightly program host at now-defunct DYRP; d. Oct. 30, 1988. Shot by a man while on his way home with his son aboard a pedicab. He had been exposing fictitious loans at the GSIS; had denounced also drug syndicates. Remained unsolved (2004).[152]

  • Eddie Suede, program host, and Noel Teneso, 26, cub reporter/trainee, both from DYFM Bombo Radyo; d. July 1, 1985, Iloilo City. Shot by several men in a restaurant. Suede, known for his lampoon-style criticisms and reportedly the target, had been exposing an alleged syndicate in the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). Police had no leads as no witnesses came out. Remained unsolved (2004).[152]

  • Severino Arcones, program anchor at DYFM Bombo Radyo; d. Oct. 17, 1989, Iloilo City. Shot by a man, accompanied by several lookouts, in front of his house. It was alleged that suspects were from the "Sparrow Unit" of the Alex Boncayao Brigade. No witnesses came out; remained unsolved (2004).[152]

  • Rolando Ureta, program director of Radio Mindanao Network–DYKR and also evening program host; d. Jan. 3, 2001, Lezo, Aklan. Shot by two motorcycle-riding men while on his way to his parents' house, also aboard a motorcycle. He had been investigating the illegal gambling and drug trafficking in the province. Remained unsolved (2004).[152]

  • Willie Vicoy, 45, news photographer for Reuters and, formerly, for United Press International, d. Apr. 25, 1986, Cagayan; & Pete Mabazza, Manila Bulletin correspondent. Along with eight soldiers, died after being shot in a communist guerrilla ambush in Cagayan. The first journalists killed while covering the country's communist insurgency.[153]

  • Willy Vicoy and Pete Mabasa; d. 1986, Cagayan. Killed when a military convoy was ambushed by New People's Army guerillas.[154]

  • Leo Palo, Bobby Sagado, Narciso Balani of Davao City; d. 1987, Davao City. Shot in a radio station after opposing an anti-communist vigilante warlord.[154]

  • Also in 1987: Ramon Noblejas, Leo Enriquez, Manuel Sanchez, Martin Castor, Robert McDonald. Leyte, Cebu, Quezon City.[154]

  • Rey Katindig, publisher and editor of Northern Sierra Madre Express; d. May 15, 1990, Tumauini, Isabela. Died of heart attack while being mauled by Land Transportation Office traffic enforcers.[154]

32 journalists killed 1972–1985. (Asian News & Features report)[154] 11 journalists killed 1987. (CPJ)[154]

Articles from Philippine Daily Inquirer:

  • Virgilio Pacala, Manila Hotline; d. Mar. 24, 1987, Laguna. Ricardo Ribano, People's Journal; d. June 22, 1988, Quezon. Noli Resurreccion, DZMM; d. Nov. 17, 1988, Laguna. Cesario de Vera, DZEC; d. Nov. 23, 1989, Biñan, Laguna. Joseph Kruegger, Mindoro Weekly Reporter; d. Feb. 6, 1990, Oriental Mindoro. Enrique Ger, _____; d. Feb. 7, 1990, Oriental Mindoro. Nicasio Enciso, Manila Bulletin; d. May 26, 1991, Tagaytay, Cavite. Roberto Berbon, DZMM; d. Dec. 15, 1996, Cavite. Joy Mortel, Mindoro Guardian; d. May 31, 2001, Occidental Mindoro.[158]

  • Enrique Lingan, Lucena radioman, worked also at Quezon Times; Feb. 4, 1990, Lucena. Shot; policeman jailed.[158]

  • Sonny Alcantara, Celestron Cable TV & Kokus Newsweekly; d. Aug. 22, 2002, San Pablo, Laguna. Suspect/s at large (Aug. 2004).[158]

  • John Villanueva Jr., 53, broadcaster at DZGB-am Legazpi City; former vice mayor of Camalig, Albay; d. Apr. 28, 2003, Legazpi–two NPA recruits were identified by the Army as suspects. Case uncertain if politically-motivated or insurgency-related (Aug. 2004).[158]

  • "Polly" Pobeda, DWTI-am Lucena; d. May 17, 2003, Lucena. Suspects, brothers both bodyguards of a city councilor, were arrested and detained.[158]

  • Noel Villarante, DZJV/The Laguna Score; d. Aug. 19, 2003, Santa Cruz, Laguna. Suspect/s at large (Aug. 2004).[158]

  • Nelson Nadura, 42, commentator at DYME Masbate, pres. of the Union of Print and Broadcast Journalists in Masbate, NPA leader; d. Dec. 2, 2003, Masbate. Ambushed.[158]

  • Ruel Endrinal, broadcaster at DZRC Legazpi; d. Feb. 11, 2004; Legazpi. Had received death threats.[158]

  • Arnel Manalo, DZRH/Bulgar/Southern Tagalog Public Forum; d. Aug. 5, 2004, Bauan, Batangas. Suspected lone gunman, believed to be a hired killer, was identified; murder "practically solved" by mid-Aug.[158]

  • Fernando Consignado, 50, Radio Veritas correspondent; d. Aug. 12, 2004, Nagcarlan, Laguna. Shot.[158]

  • Joy Mortel, reporter of community periodical Mindoro Guardian, d. May 31, 2001, Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro. Shot by unidentified men inside her home. Criminal charges were later filed against suspected New People's Army rebels, as accusations by the police were based on the evidence.[159]

  • Apolinario "Polly" Pobeda, commentator at DWTI Lucena, d. May 17, 2003. Ambushed by unidentified men while on his way to station aboard his motorcycle. Two of the arrested suspects were bodyguards of a city mayor, who denied involvement. Trial is ongoing (Dec. 2003).[159]

  • Noel Villarante, Laguna-based, commentator at DZJV, stringer for (local) periodical Laguna Score; d. Aug. 19, 2003, Santa Cruz, Laguna. Gunned down. It was first reported that his death was due to his criticisms to illegal gambling in the province and of politicians accused of coddling illegal drug traffickers. A suspect, a civilian police agent, was arrested, however, was believed as a "fall guy".[159]

  • Joy Militante, newscaster at GMA TV-12 Legazpi City; d. Aug. 20, 1997, Naga City–attacked and stricken with a bamboo wood by an unidentified man in Legazpi City while she was on her way to work from her boarding house; died later in a hospital. Ramon Apuyan was charged with murder before the city's prosecutor's office; however, the case was dismissed sometime in 1998. Remained unsolved by Dec. 2003.[159]

  • Beverly "Ka Claire Domingo/Ate Claire" Marmol, commentator at Bombo Radyo Legazpi, rebel returnee, former teacher, information officer, asser and agent of the Bicol police; d. Feb. 17, 2001, Legazpi. Gunned down by 3 suspected NPA Sparu members in front of the station, after her regular program. Remained unsolved by Dec. 2003.[159]

  • John Villanueva, broadcaster at DZGB Legazpi, former vice mayor; d. Apr. 28, 2003, Camalig, Albay. Shot by two unidentified motorcycle-riding men whole on his way home aboard his motorcycle, after his afternoon program. Police was suspected of being the "supporter" of the communists, who in turn accused an anti-communist group and the military as the perpetrators. Case remained unsolved by Dec.[159]

  • Nelson V. Nadura, 42, commentator at DYME Masbate City; pres., Union of Print and Broadcast Journalists of Masbate, NPA rebel returnee; d. Dec. 2, 2003, Masbate City, Masbate. Shot by 2 unidentified men while on his way home aboard a motorcycle, shortly after had left the station after his morning program. (as immediately reported)[159]

Nadura: 50th as per NUJP; 73rd as per Inquirer records.[159]

  • Rey Bancayrin; d. 1998, Zamboanga City. Murdered in the announcer's booth of a radio station.[160]

2001: Two (Ureta and Cayona) of four documented by the CPJ were already established as work-related.[160]

  • Roland Ureta, Aklan radio reporter; d. Jan. 2001.[160]

  • Candelario Cayona, Zamboanga City d. May 2001. He had reportedly received an on air-threat from an Abu Sayyaf spokesperson.[160]

  • Mohammad Yusop, religious program host at Islamic Broadcasting Co.–DXID Pagadian City; d. Feb. 23, 2001. Shot by motorcycle-riding gunmen.[160]

  • Joy Mortel, Mindoro Guardian reporter; d. May 31, 2001, Occidental Mindoro. Shot by two men in her home after an argument.[160]

CPJ: 37 reported since 1986–2001.[160]

Outside sources:

[1] "Aquino recalls Sandra Burton, offers Mass" Philippine Daily Inquirer. 03-01-2004.
[2] 1983 article written by C.P. for the Associated Press:
Daily News, 01-03-1984.
Lakeland Ledger, 12-29-1983.
The Press-Courier, 12-21-1983.
The Tuscaloosa News, 01-03-1984.
Williamson Daily News, 12-24-1983.
[R1] Another article by the Associated Press:
The Lewiston Journal, 12-17-1983.
The Day, 12-17-1983.

[CR1] 1985 article written by D.B. for the Associated Press:
Lewiston Journal, 08-06-1985.
Ocala Star-Banner, 08-06-1985.
The Lewiston (Maine) Daily Sun, 08-07-1985. (1)
[S1] United Press International report re: Tim Olivarez:
The Bulletin, 03-20-1985.
The Citizen, 03-21-1985. (2/L)
Tim Olivarez, 27, correspondent for daily tabloid Tempo; disappeared Feb. 4, 1985, Metro Manila. He was believed to be held and later killed, with the military being implicated. He had wrote stories since Dec. 1984 on an alleged "smuggling lord" in Manila who had also connections with the military. Arrests were made in March.
[R2] Another article by the Associated Press:
The Free Lance-Star, 12-21-1985; p. 31.
The Citizen, 12-20-1985; p. B13.
——Schenectady Gazette, 12-20-1985.

[3] "Filipino journalist, Marcos foe, killed after threat in life" Spokane Chronicle. 02-20-1986.
[R] The Spokesman-Review. 01-06-1987 (Link 1) (Link 2)

Opinion pieces from the Philippine Daily Inquirer:
[O1] Re: Klein Cantoneros: "Killings can destabilize government" 05-20-2005.
[O2] Re: Jun Pala: "Outrage over Pala's killings swells" 09-25-2003.
[O3] "Stop the killings!" 10-03-2006.
[E1] Re: Rowell Endrinal, Isabelo Maghoyo, Eliseo "Ely" Binoya, Rogelio Mariano, Arnel Manalo: "Attack on democracy" 08-10-2004.
[E2] Re: Roberto "Robby" Ramos: "Final solution" 11-22-2005.

Other pieces from PDI:


  • Frank Mararac, radio commentator for an affiliate of DZXL; d. July 10, 1990, Lingayen, Pangasinan. With his son, while riding a pedicab on way home, was ambushed by three unidentified gunmen. Known for his commentaries about irregularities in the local government.[161]

  • Jean Ladringan, 43, local newspaper publisher; d. July 8, 1990, General Santos. With her husband, killed in a robbery. (3rd in the city since 1983)[161]

  • Edgar Damalerio, broadcaster; d. May 13, [2002]. PO1 Guillermo Wapile, Pagadian-based intelligence officer, gunman, was jailed but escaped from prison Jan. 27, 2003. The court then archived the case, as his family and two witnesses were removed from the Witness Protection Program.[162]

  • Joselito Paloma, 41, editor & publisher of the weekly Surigao Star; president of a college in Mindanao, former provincial press club president; d. Aug. 20, 1985, Surigao City. Shot, later found in his car in a highway. Newspaper was reported being critical of the government. (as reported) (11th in 1985 as per NPC)[163]

  • Kenneth Lee, Depthnews; d. Jolo, Sulu, sometime in 1979. Parts of his mutilated body were found in various places.[164]

  • Porfirio Doctor, editor-publisher of Nationalist Guardian; d. Dec. 28, 1982, Zamboanga City. Gunned down. Newspaper wes noted for its exposes on illegal practices of prominent businessmen.[164]

  • Jacobo Amatong, Mindanao Observer, d. Sept. 23, 1984, Dipolog City.[164]

27 killed since 1979 (as of Sep. 1985)[164]

  • Randolf Sunico, 50, editor of weekly Southern Philippines Chronicle; d. Sept. 23(?), 1985 in Davao City. Shot by 3 unidentified gunmen while returning from an opposition rally. (as reported) (12th in 1985, 3rd in the city; 24th since [when?])[165]

  • Pete Mabasa, Manila Bulletin correspondent; d. Apr. 24, 1985, Cagayan. Killed along with six others when communist rebels ambushed a military convoy. Believed to be the 1st journalist killed while covering the (since 1969) communist insurgency. (as reported)[166]

  • (Willie Vicoy, 45, veteran photographer for Reuters and, formerly, for United Press International.) (then critically wounded; as reported)[166]

  • Philip Agustin, 54, publisher-editor of the newsweekly Starline Times Recorder; d. May 10, 2005, Dingalan, Aurora. Shot dead inside his daughter's house. There were three suspects, one of them arrested; also included a municipal government employee. He had exposed in the paper's special edition the alleged anomalies committed by the town mayor.[167]

  • George Benaojan, 27, reporter for DYDD Talisay, Cebu, columnist of Bantay Balita; d. Dec. 1, 2005, Cebu. Shot by a gunman. (as reported via condemnation)[168]

  • Ruel Endrinal, program host and commentator at DZRC Legazpi, publisher of regional periodical Bicol Metro News, former president of Prensa-Bicol; d. Feb. 11, 2004, Legazpi City. Shot while heading to work at the station. He had been receiving death threats as being critical to local politicians and criminal gangs. (as reported)[169]

  • Roberto "Robby" Ramos, 39, reporter and columnist of provincial weekly Katapat News (Cavite); d. Nov. 20, 2005, Cabuyao, Laguna. Killed by 2 motorcycle-riding men on a street. It was believed due to a raid on stores of pirated compact discs. He had received death threats following columns on illegal gambling and prostitution in the province. (as reported)[170]

  • Ricardo Uy, broadcaster; d. Nov. 18, 2005, Sorsogon City. Shot by a gunman in front of his house.[170]

  • Edgar Damalerio, radio commentator; d. May 13, 2002, Pagadian City. Attacked attacked near the police station while on his way home from a press conference. Former policeman Guillermo Wapile, tagged as the gunman, was taken into police custody but disappeared in February 2003, two days before a warrant of arrest was issued. Six months later, his wife, child, & 2 witnesses, were removed from local Witness Protection Program. (CMFR records: 35th since 1986; 52nd since 1961; 3rd in the city since 1999)[171]

  • Journalists killed in 2006 before P. Agustin: Edgar Amoro (Feb. 2, Pagadian City); Arnulfo Villanueva (Feb. 28, Naic, Cavite); Romeo Sanchez (Mar. 9, Baguio); Marlene Esperat (Mar. 24, Tacurong City); Klein Cantoneros (May 4, Pagadian City)[172]

  • Philip "Apê" Agustin, 54 (b. May 1, 1951), publisher-editor of regional newsweekly Starline Times Recorder (Dingalan, Aurora; also has an office in Isabela); d. May 10, 2005, Dingalan, Aurora. Died minutes later in a municipal hospital minutes after being shot by 1 of 2 unidentified assailants in her daughter's house. He had then distributing copies of his newsweekly's special edition on the alleged slow rehabilitation of calamity-hit Dingalan. (as reported)[172]

  • Fernando Consignado, Radyo Veritas correspondent; d. Aug. 12, 2004, Nagcarlan, Laguna. Shot dead inside in his house. He had reported on anomalies on government projects in the town.[173]

  • Edgar Damalerio, Pagadian-based radio commentator. Alleged killer, PO1 Guillermo Wapile bolted the local jail in 2002.[173]

PNP count < NUJP count[173]

  • Romeo Binungcal, 43, news correspondent of Remate and, formerly, Bulgar tabloids, former editor of the local periodical Mt. Samat Forum; former commercial photographer, former manager of a local massage parlor; d. Sept. 29, 2004, Pilar, Bataan. Died on the spot after being shot by a lone gunman while on his way home aboard his motorcycle. (as reported)[174]

Outside sources
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link A Link 4
1986 Salvatierra: The Gadsden Times, 02-21-1986 1985: The Tuscaloosa News, 01-22-1985 Mid-1985: Record-Journal, 07-25-1985 From Philippine Daily Inquirer:
PDI column, 12-11-02 PDI column, 06-06-06 PDI report, 02-11-00 PDI report, 05-06-06 PDI opinion, 05-02-06
1986 Salvatierra: Ocala Star-Banner, 02-21-1986 1985 article written by D.B. for the Associated Press:

Lewiston Journal, 08-06-1985
The Lewiston (Maine) Daily Sun, 08-07-1985

New Strait Times, 07-29-1985
PDI letter, 07-23-05 PDI report, 06-03-05
PDI report, 12-17-03 "Attack on democracy" (editorial) 08-10-2004. p. A12.
(Retrieved on Day 9)
1983 Aquino: MS, 09-22-87 Record-Journal, 07-18-1985
Observer-Reporter, 07-18-1985 (2/L)
[1] Eduardo Suede, DYFM Bombo Radyo Iloilo; d. July 1, 1985. Shot dead at a restaurant along with Noel Teneso, a reporter trainee, and an employee at the agency under investigation. It was believed that his death was due to his investigation of graft in the local office of a government insurance agency.
[2/L] Walter Sisbrenio, newspaper reporter; d. Nov. 1984. A military man was arrested, no motive was given. Case reportedly solved.

(By Mid-July 1985: 8 deaths, 1 missing/presumed dead. 7 in 1984; 4 in 1977–1983)


1983 Aquino: Eugene Register-Guard, 08-22-1983
1983 Aquino(?): New Straits Times, 04-25-1985
PDI story, 08-31-03
PDI news, 08-16-04 Star-Phoenix, 07-04-1985
The Tuscaloosa News, 07-04-1985 (1)
Larry Olivarez, 23, radio newscaster and disc jockey; d. July 3, 1985, Baguio. Dead on arrival at a hospital after being stabbed by 3 assailants at a farewell party in his honor. (14th since 1984)

Plan 9


Time: Starting late November 2018. Location: Philippines. Cause: Methanol-laced lambanog (arrack). Deaths: 9 in Calamba, Laguna and 4 in Quezon City.

The Luzon lambanog deaths started to occur in late November 2018 in separate places in the Philippines after drinking arrack (locally known in the Philippines as lambanog) in separate places in the Philippines.

Poisoning. The case started on November 29 when the residents from Calamba, Laguna drank the lambanog (locally known for arrack) and begin to symptoms such as stomach cramps, resulting in bringing them to the hospital; they subsequently died thereafter.[175] Person who consumed lambanog experienced other symptoms such as nausea, chest pains, and blurry vision. Meanwhile, another four person, who were tricycle drivers, were reported to have died after they consumed arrack and thirteen others were hospitalized in Quezon City.[176]

Batul was with RGMA Super Radyo and DYPR of Palawan Broadcasting Corporation. In his career on radio, he was a critic of the administration of then Puerto Princesa city mayor Edward Hagedorn.[177] A popular, hard-hitting broadcaster[178] and radio commentator,[177] he tackled various issues, mainly corruption.[178] His criticisms, even an interview, earned him the ire of government and military officials, among others.[177]

Batul was the vice mayor of the city,[177][178] with his term unfinished as his rival Lucilo Bayron won an electoral protest in 2003.[177]



List 1


List 2


List 2


List 3

List 3A
List 3B

Calendar guide


Perpetual calendar formula. Retr. 11222023.

1988 PHL elections


Tree charts, under planning

Title TBA
United Nationalist Democratic Organization
Liberal Party
Upon split of United Democratic Opposition (1980), LP and Lakas ng Bayan (1978) remained; while SDP (1981), UNIDO, & Partido Demokratikong Pilipino (1982) were created.
LP Kalaw Wing
LP Salonga Wing
(Merger of Lakas ng Bayan & PDP)
(LP Salonga Wing was further divided into Abad and Daza factions, 2000)Laban ng Bayan
Laban ng Bayan was the merger of LP Salonga Wing & PDP–Laban, as well as National Union of Christian Democrats (1984) & regional parties
UNIDO–LABAN was a short-lived coalition existed in line with the 1986 presidential election.
UNIDOKilusang Bagong Lipunan
PDP–LabanKBL, upon establishment, consisted of Nacionalista Party (1907) members and some from LP.
LP Kalaw WingUNIDO–NP Laurel Wing
NP Roy Wing
Partido Nasyonalistang Pilipinas, Ople
NP Enrile Wing
Lakas ng Bansa
PDP–Laban Cojuangco Wing
PDP–Laban Pimentel Wing
(Binay faction separated in 2014 as United Nationalist Alliance)
(Divided into Cojuangco, Laurel, and Enrile factions, 1989)
Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino
(Divided into various factions in 1991 and 1997)
Title TBA


NP–Roy Wing


former members:
Bicol Saro
Mindanao Alliance
National Union for Liberation (NUL)
Christian–Social Democratic Party (CSDP)

Laban ng Bayan

initial members:
LP–Salonga Wing
Young Philippines Party
Bicol Saro
National Union of Christian Democrats (NUCD)
Convenor Group
Bansang Nagkaisa sa Diwa at Layunin (BANDILA)

additional members:
Mindanao Alliance
Muslim Federal Party
Laban ni Ninoy sa Gitnang Luzon

Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN)

LP–Kalaw Wing (Eva Estrada Kalaw)

Social Democratic Party

UNIDO–Laban ng Bayan

Title TBA
(Feb. to May 1987)
Ruling coalitionPNPKBLNP
Cayetano Wing
Mindanao AllianceLP
Kalaw Wing
CSDPPusyon BisayaTimawaPnBBAYAN
In favor of the new constitution; with BANDILA.

PNP is the only traditional opposition party campaigned for approval.
Coalition for Democratic Action (CODA)
(Formed to campaign against the new constitution.)
Position was deferment of the ratification.No official position; though its member organizations, Kilusang Mayo Uno & Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas, campaigned for rejection.
Lakas ng BansaPDP–LabanUNIDOLP
Salonga Wing
Cayetano Wing
PNPMindanao AllianceLP
Kalaw Wing
CSDPA segment of KBLMuslim Federal PartyKBLPnBBAYANother leftist groups
Lakas ng Bayan
(ruling coalition; supported by BANDILA)
Grand Alliance for Democracy
UPP–KBLAlliance for New Politics

Under planning


Major political parties were formed at the final years of Marcos administration.

In the 1984 legislative elections, The Liberal Party split into two factions: one, led by former senator Jovito Salonga, who held the boycott; another, led by former senator Eva Estrada Kalaw, decided to participate.

The LP Salonga wing and PDP–Laban were became part of Laban ng Bayan in 1985 which was then allied with UNIDO to form a coalition, UNIDO–LABAN, in line with the 1986 presidential election. In 1987, then vice president Salvador Laurel headed a separate faction from UNIDO, which then composing the LP Kalaw wing, hence a faction with the Nacionalista Party (NP).

Meanwhile, KBL was divided into factions, including:

Presidential brother Peping Cojuangco led the turncoats from the KBL and pro-Aquino faction of UNIDO, which formed Lakas ng Bansa (1987–88).


Under planning


Day 4:

(2: Mexico*) (4: Rappler) (5: PNA) (6: SET*) (7: NDI)

{.....}(8: ELib USA tag*){.....}(9: JSTOR) (10: SC E-Library*)

(12: JSTOR) (13: DataTalk '16*){.....}(14: ABS-CBN '22*){...}(15: Sage*)

Elections held during the presidency of Corazon Aquino were:[191]


Day 3:

(PDF) (3: JSTOR) (4: CR) (8: SETph*) (10: OGph) (11: LP tag) (13: AI*)

The Commission on Elections reported that 149 people were killed in the 1988 local elections, compared to 150 in the 1986 presidential elections and 87 in the 1987 legislative polls.[193]



By virtue of Republic Act No. 6636, signed on November 6, 1987, from November 9, 1987, the local elections was reset to January 18, 1988.[196]




(Philippines Free Press Online) (JSTOR 1) (JSTOR 2) (ResearchGate)

(Vera Files)

Day 2:

(Official Gazette, tag)

For finalization

Party affiliations of provincial governors
Political party Elected
[n 1]
[n 2]
UNIDO 22 4
PDP–Laban 15 12 [n 3]
Lakas ng Bansa (LB) N/A 15 14 [n 4][n 5]
Liberal Party (LP) 3 6
PDP–Laban/LB 10 [n 6]
PDP–Laban/LP/LB 3
Ruling coalition (other) 1
Kilusang Bagong Lipunan 69 1 2 [n 7]
Nacionalista Party 1 3 [n 8]
Local parties 2 1 4 [n 9]
Independents 1 7 [n 10]
No data 16 3
Total 73
  1. ^ As of 1987; immediately prior to the 1988 local elections.
  2. ^ Party identifications are based on certificates of candidacy.
  3. ^ 1988: Included those under PDP–Laban/IPP.
  4. ^ Lakas ng Bansa was established on Nov. 10, 1986.
  5. ^ 1988: Included those under LB/LLB.
  6. ^ 1988: In cases of governors being affiliated with two or more political parties, individual membership is difficult to be identified; they may also be interpreted that they were endorsed as coalition candidates by two or more parties.
  7. ^ 1988: Two elected candidates included an independent KBL.
  8. ^ 1980: From Batangas.
  9. ^ 1980: From National Union for Liberation (Nueva Vizcaya) and Mindanao Alliance (Misamis Oriental); both later became member organizations of UNIDO, then moved to Laban ng Bayan at the final stage of the unification process of the opposition.
    1988: Panaghiusa of Cebu remained; also included were BILEG Ti La Union (La Union), Balane (Nueva Ecija), and Magdalo (Cavite).
  10. ^ 1980: From Eastern Samar.
Sources: Department of the Interior and Local Government (for OICs, 1987) and Commission on Elections (for 1980, n.d., & for 1988, same year); via M. Kimura (1989).

The 1980 local elections was the last to be held under the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos which was ended following the 1986 revolution; thereafter, the government under Corazon Aquino replaced local elective officials by appointed officers-in-charge (OICs).

Prior to the 1986 revolution, Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL), led by then President Ferdinand Marcos, was the ruling party then. It dominated two-thirds of the Batasang Pambansa, as well almost monopolized local elective positions nationwide.

KBL, along with the opposition's United Nationalist Democratic Organization (UNIDO)–Laban ng Bayan coalition, mainly contested the 1986 special presidential election, with leftist forces under BAYAN held the boycott. Parties not aligned into these groups, the LP-Kalaw Wing and Social Democratic Party, unsuccessfully fielded their candidates.

With Marcos administration ended and as a result of the replacement of local elective officials by the government, KBL disintegrated rapidly, eventually reducing to a minor party. Its members remained, some either joined:

  • Partido Nacionalista ng Pilipinas (PNP), formed on March 15, composed of KBL reformists and led by Blas Ople.
  • NP–Cayetano Wing, proclaimed on August 19. Rafael Palmares, successor of the late former Senator Jose Roy as the leader of the NP–Roy Wing, had reorganized the Nacionalista Party with Renato Cayetano of KBL as the secretary general.

For the parties under the ruling coalition, UNIDO had difficulty maintaining strength; while PDP–Laban, in contrast, grew rapidly. The latter divided into two blocs, the progressives led by Aquilino Pimentel Jr., and the conservatives led by Jose Cojuangco Jr.

Lakas ng Bansa, a pro-Aquino movement, was launched on November 10. It eventually became a political party prior to the legislative elections of May 1987; recruited members later abandoned their membership in the former various parties. While some PDP–Laban members were transfered, Cojuangco remained as its chairman; Pimentel of the party's progressive bloc, as well as top officials of UNIDO, did not join the group. Same as the Liberal Party (LP)–Salonga Wing (Jovito Salonga) and National Union of Christian Democrats (NUCD) which were revitalized upon arrival of Raul Manglapus from exile and remained in relatively low profile despite increase of their strength.

The Mindanao Alliance, led by former Misamis Oriental governor Homobono Adaza, and Christian–Social Democratic Party (CSDP), led by Francisco Tatad, eventually left the ruling coalition to join the opposition, along with the LP–Kalaw Wing (Eva Kalaw).

Partido ng Bayan (PnB), a legal party of leftist forces, was proclaimed on August 30.

By the time of the February 1987 constitutional plebiscite, realignment of political parties reflected with their preferences during the campaign. For opposition parties, however, PNP, whose leaders were members of the Constitutional Commission, campaigned for the constitution, while PnB preferred the deferment of the ratification. Nevertheless, the constitution was ratified.

In the legislative elections on May 11, four major groups of political parties emerged:

  • Lakas ng Bayan (ruling coalition): Lakas ng Bansa, PDP–Laban, UNIDO, the LP–Salonga Wing, & NUCD; supported by BANDILA.
  • Grand Alliance for Democracy (GAD; opposition): NP–Cayetano Wing, PNP, Mindanao Alliance, the LP-Kalaw Wing, CSDP, a segment of KBL, & Muslim Federal Party.
  • Union for Peace and Progress–Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (UPP–KBL): composed mainly of those KBL members still closely identified with former President Marcos.
  • Alliance for New Politics: leftist forces, including PnB and BAYAN.

The ruling coalition won the majority of legislative seats; GAD won a few. The rest, including independents, composed those remaining in the lower house.

Shortly after a coup attempt in August, vice president Salvador Laurel, head of UNIDO, left Aquino and attempted to form an opposition group, leading to the revival of the old NP, the NP–Enrile Wing with Juan Ponce Enrile as its titular head, which was joined by former NP politicians who were under KBL, resulting to KBL only composed of Marcos loyalists. On the other hand, UNIDO, constituting the NP–Laurel Wing, opposed the move of Laurel and remained in the ruling coalition, leading to a reconciliation between Aquino and Laurel in December, at the beginning of the campaign period of the local elections.

As the local elections approached, other political parties tried to expand and to consolidate their organizations. The LP–Salonga Wing, which expanded most visibly as BANDILA joined with them, and UNIDO, fielded their candidates. Another two major parties under the ruling coalition, PDP–Laban headed by Cojuangco, and Lakas ng Bansa headed by Paul Aquino in acting capacity, formed a tactical alliance to field common candidates to be proclaimed by the president; PDP–Laban's Pimentel's bloc, however, did not follow such alliance.

Results show major victory among the ruling coalition, particularly Lakas ng Bansa and PDP–Laban, both had affiliated governorships increased while that of United Nationalist Democratic Organization otherwise; except for Ilocos and Cagayan Valley regions which were dominated by opposition and independent candidates. Fifty-four elected governors were from this coalition. On the other hand, the opposition, particularly KBL, had results remained insignificant.


Breakdown of seats won by political parties
Political party Number of seats
Administration candidates PDP–Laban 2,959 9,630 18.56% 60.39%
Lakas ng Bansa 2,134 13.38%
Liberal Party 1,259 7.9%
UNIDO 591 3.71%
Coalitions 2,634 16.52%
Unknown 43 0.27%
Opposition candidates NP 583 1,061 3.66% 6.65%
KBL 151 0.95%
GAD 1 0.01%
Partido ng Bayan 17 0.11%
Coalitions 309 1.94%
Either independents or under local and regional parties 5,255 32.95%
Total 15,946 100%
Source: Commission on Elections.

In the 1988 local elections, a total of 150,000 candidates competed for 15,946 local seats that included provincial governorship, city and municipal mayoralty, and membership in the legislative assemblies in provincial, city and municipal levels; 80% of 20.5 million registered voters participated.

Political parties declared "open zones" in which members supported candidates, either independent or from another party. Commission on Elections (COMELEC) recorded that 60% of the seats were won by pro-administration candidates.

It was observed that the traditional nature of politics in the country was reinforced. Candidates with familiar names were elected in the urban areas, as voters in the rural areas supported their relatives and friends.

The alliance between the PDP–Laban and the Lakas ng Bansa produced a common ticket in 53 provinces. It preceded the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino which was organized later that year as a merger of those supporting the Aquino administration. Its membership in the lower house grew prior to the 1992 elections.


2nd version


The 1988 local elections was the first such elections and the second national elections under the new Constitution; the third electoral exercise in 11 months.

On May 11, 1987, the first national, legislative elections was held under the new constitution which was ratified in a plebiscite on February 2.

The Commission on Elections said thee were some 150,000 candidates seeking for a total of 16,454 local positions, Local officials including provincial governors and vice governors, city and municipal mayors and vice mayors, and members of the provincial board, city and municipal councils; positions consisted of 60 city mayors, 75 provincial governors, 1,548 municipal mayors, about 14,000 provincial members, vice mayors, and councilors nationwide.

Prior to the elections, the Liberal Party (LP) and UNIDO split up from the ruling coalition. Contest in several areas was between LP and Lakas ng BansaPartido Demokratiko Pilipino Lakas ng Bayan coalition. Opposition parties Kilusang Bagong Lipunan and Nacionalista Party were unable to endorse candidates as most of their members are endorsed by the administration. The administration was led by presidential relatives: Lakas ng Bayan by Paul Aquino, her brother-in-law, and Emigdio Tanjuatco, her cousin; PDP–Laban by her brother Jose Cojuangco Jr. On the other hand, the LP, while most of its leaders and members had been adopted by other administration parties, regained its strength after the Marcos presidency; refusing to be part of common administration ticket, endorsed its own candidates.

The election saw for the first time movie stars, television personalities, and newsmen became interested to these positions.

The COMELEC, for the first time, implemented campaign rules, whose violations resulted to several disqualification proceedings.

To give the opposition a fair chance, the president required the OICs to resign 45 days prior to the local elections.

Of 27.641,982 million registered voters in 103,504 polling precincts nationwide, some 23 million were expected to vote on the election day. In Metro Manila, 4,595,267 registered voters in 16,631 (or 16,681 or 16,391) precincts. The election was held 7 a.m.–4 p.m.

Cities outside Metro Manila can vote for provincial offices, except: Angeles, Bacolod, Baguio, Butuan, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu City, Dagupan, Davao City, Iligan, Iloilo City, Naga, Olongapo, Ormoc, San Carlos, Zamboanga City.

COMELEC put at least 39 places under their control, citing political tensions: provinces (18) of Sultan Kudarat, Cagayan, Ilocos Norte, Isabela, Abra, Quezon, Ilocos Sur, Kalinga-Apayao, Masbate, Sorsogon, Samar, Northern Samar, North Cotabato, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi; districts (2) including the 2nd district of Cebu, the 5th district of Iloilo; cities (10) of Caloocan, Olongapo, Danao, Iligan, Marawi, Cotabato City, Pasay, Cavite City, Trece Martires, Tagaytay; municipalities (9) of Santo Tomas, Pangasinan, Magallanes, Cavite, Caluya, Antique, Balaoan, La Union, Santo Tomas, La Union, Parañaque, Makati, Pandi, Bulacan, Kumalarang, Zamboanga del Sur.

Reasons included presence of armed men; terrorism, fraud, harassment; intense political rivalry and participation of insurgents; as well as violent incidents; and kidnapping.

Voting in 14 places were deferred citing concerns on peace and order: Abra, Quezon, Ilocos Sur, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Northern Samar, Ifugao, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi; Iligan, Marawi, Cotabato City.

The COMELEC reset that in Leyte to February 1. Tension built up in the province following the postponement and disqualification of a Lakas ng Bansa gubernatorial candidate.

Prior to the elections, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Integrated National Police were deputized to assist the COMELEC in election duties.

Since January 16, all military and police units had been on red alert in relation to the election. The AFP ordered all service commands in Metro Manila for possible attacks following reports of destabilization attempts to be launched by Marcos loyalists.

On election day, COMELEC deployed some 17,000 Citizens Military Training cadets for poll duties in all urban areas in the country, including some 6,500 in Metro Manila.

Running political dynasties were observed at least in Olongapo and in Cagayan where warlords were the candidates as well.

In Western Visayas, the Regional Unified Command reported 23 election-related incidents prior to the elections, with 9 deaths, 4 wounded, 3 missing. Most of which were in Capiz with 6 incidents and 3 deaths. The region, being the free zone, had many of the candidates were associated with former president Ferdinand Marcos. Meanwhile, New People's Army reportedly asked ₱10,000 for each candidate to permit them to campaign in NPA-controlled areas.

In Cagayan, among the candidates was gubernatorial candidate Rodolfo Aguinaldo, a former military intelligence officer and provincial commander who later resigned following the Aug. 27, 1987 coup attempt. No violent incidents were reported in the province. Vote buying was reported in Tuguegarao.

The COMELEC granted a one-day extension of the campaign.

The military allowed former Col. Rolando Abadilla to vote in his precinct in Batac, Ilocos Norte while being under military detention; but denied the request of Col. Orlando Dulay to vote in his hometown in Isabela as his detention was ordered by the Supreme Court.

In Ilocos Norte, there were no election-related violence amid intense rivalry. Soldiers were fielded on January 16.

There were reported shootings in Makati and Plaridel; bombings in Olongapo.[202]

The first local elections held after 7 years, as well under the new Constitution. The campaign started on December 1. Between 85%–90% of 27 million voters participated to elect 16,000 local officials.

Known political warlords formerly associated with the Marcos regime began to became part of the Corazon Aquino government since OIC appointments in 1986. They were among those endorsed by the administration in the 1988 elections. Marcos loyalist politicians were installed in the the legislature following the 1987 elections.

Results show that administration candidates were leading in majority of Metro Manila, as well as some politicians replaced in 1986, most were guest candidates of the PDPLPLakas ng Bansa ruling coalition. In Ilocos Norte, home province of former president Ferdinand Marcos, candidates identified with Marcos were leading in top provincial posts. Final official results from the provinces were expected until the following week.

The Commission on Elections, reacting to reports on cessation or postponement of counting of election returns in five Metro Manila suburbs, ordered all boards of canvassers a continuous count.

Poll-related incidents were reported nationwide, including vote buying, flying voters, harassment, terrorism, ballot switching, snatching of election paraphernalia, absence of polling booths, disobedience of assigned teachers, and even the low-quality indelible ink, as well as "open balloting" especially in Western Visayas. There were reports also of presence of armed men, shooting, and ballot stuffing, as well as missing ballot boxes, electioneering, and barring of poll watchers, in some precincts in Metro Manila.

COMELEC received protests prior to the end of voting time at 4 p.m. During the campaign period, COMELEC received a total of 14 complaints against local candidates, which included overspending and oversized billboards, while 20 others were dismissed.

In Quezon and Leyte, voting continued in a number of remote barangays despite the postponement, whose order came late. The COMELEC postponed the elections in Leyte to Feb. 1, with political tensions and rebel activities as reasons. It was questioned by residents and the Liberal Party, citing normal peace and order situation. Meanwhile, the COMELEC decided to move the elections in Quezon from Feb. 8 to Jan. 25 upon the request of the political parties and candidates.

Nineteen more were killed a day before and on the election day; most incidents were perpetrated by communist rebels.

Two incidents occurred during political rallies of PDP–Laban gubernatorial candidates. In Labo, Camarines Norte, OIC governor Roy Padilla was shot. In Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, 29, including a candidate for provincial board member, were wounded in a grenade explosion while OIC governor Noli Santos escaped unhurt.

On election day, AFP revealed through military intelligence documents that some 157 candidates were supported by the CPP–NPA. Its CAPCOM (Capital Regional Command) received reports on eight election related incidents in Metro Manila. Nevertheless, The PC-INP stated that the elections were generally peaceful.

Some 10,000 voters in three barangays in Quezon City were reportedly casted ballots in an open space.

Peaceful election was observed in San Juan. There were apprehensions in Pampanga and Tarlac due to firearms ban.

Makati were among those placed under COMELEC control.[203]

Within a 45-day campaign period which ended on January 16, there were 81 fatalities, 32 of them candidates; 51 people were wounded; 17 others kidnaped.
(27-M voters troop to polls today amid fears of violence, Arnold Atadero; Facts & figures; pp. 1, 8)[202]
(The blind cast their vote, too, Lynette Ordoñez; pp. 1, 8)[203]

There were 91 reported incidents; 66 killed, 31 of them candidates.
(Many 'firsts' will be recorded in today's polls, Lolita Rivera; p. 2)[202]

89 deaths in election-related violence; 40 were blamed on the NPA Sparrow Unit.
(Solarz brushes off intervention by US; p. 2)[202]

Since Dec. 1 (the start of campaign; and with addition of 19 persons killed—including a candidate—and 38 wounded in several violent incidents on Jan. 17–18), 95 were killed, some 33 were kidnaped, 18 of them were released until the election day.
(Bet, 18 others slain on D-Day, Antero Soriano; pp. 1, 8)[203]

Reports on casualties during the campaign and on the election day, as per Malacañang
Elections Killed Wounded
1988 (local) 75
1987 104 83
1986 (presidential) 141 53
1984 (Batasang Pambansa) 164 70
1980 (local) 69 410
1971 (local) 905 629
(Cory: Polls showed faith in democracy, Divina Paredes; pp. 1, 8)[203]

Out of 86 election-related deaths as of that morning, 38 were candidates for local posts. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) attributed these to the intervention of the NPA rebels in the electoral process. The Philippine Constabulary placed the fatalities in election-related incidents at 95.
(CPP–NPA growth feared after polls; p. 2)[203]

PDF directory

Title Topic Website Specific link Used for article
PDF_file_title What the PDF is all about? This file is user in what article/s?
NOTE: This table is in the planning stage.

Sample: calendar table


Sample 1

JANUARY 2001 Events of January 2001
Jan. 16: Assassination of D.R. Congo president Laurent Kabila
Jan. 20: Outgoing U.S. president Bill Clinton issued controversial pardons.
Jan. 20: Inauguration of George W. Bush as U.S. president.
Jan. 20: Four-day protest ended as Gloria Arroyo replaced Joseph Estrada as the Philippine president.
Jan. 26: Earthquake hit Gujarat, India
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
January 1New Year's Day
January 15Wikipedia established
(On This Day)

(Infoplease) (1) (2)
(On This Day) (1) (2)
(Xinhua via People's Daily)
(S2) (S3)
JANUARY 2001 15 Events of January 15 (world)
1559: Coronation of Elizabeth I as Queen of England
1953: Purge in East Germany began
1967: Super Bowl I
1973: U.S. president Nixon suspended U.S. offensive in North Vietnam
1982: U.K. PM Thatcher's son Mark, missing for 6 days, was found safe
1984: Benn won Labour's nomination for the by-election in Chesterfield, U.K.

1929: Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leader (d. 1968)
Events of January 15 (Phils.)
1890: Publication of Jose Rizal's Ingratitud in La Solidaridad
1995: Pope John Paul II presided Mass at Luneta Park at the end of World Youth Day
2015: Arrival of Pope Francis for 5-day state visit

1894: Dr. Hilario Lara, Father of Modern Public Health and National Scientist (1985)
1914: Isabel Rosario Cooper, actress

1973: Execution of Lim Seng, drug trafficking convict
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Wikipedia established
(The New York Times)
(On This Day)
(History Channel)
(AP, via USA Today)
(Associated Press)
(Library of Congress)

(The Kahimyang Project)
(Source 1) (Source 2)

Sample 2

DECEMBER 2003 Events of December 2003
Dec. 5: A commuter train explosion in Russia killed at least 44 people
Dec. 12: Paul Martin succeeded resigned Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien
Dec. 13: Capture of Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq
Dec. 25: Mars Express' Beagle 2 entered Mars' orbit in an unsuccessful landing attempt
Dec. 26: Earthquake hit Iran
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
December 1Tagalog Wikipedia established
December 25Christmas Day
December 30Rizal Day
(On This Day)

(Infoplease) (1) (2)
(On This Day) (1) (2)
(Xinhua via China Daily)
(Same source)
(S2) (S3)
DECEMBER 2003 01 Events of December 1 (world)
1955: Arrest of Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama for challenging race law, causing bus boycott
1959: Twelve nations signed in Washington, D.C. a treaty for scientific peaceful use of Antarctica
1991: Ukrainians ratified independence from the Soviet Union

1872: Gerard Swope, General Electric Company president (d. 1957)
1884: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff German artist (d. 1976)
1935: Woody Allen, American actor and director

1934: Assassination of Sergei Kirov, former communist official, in Leningrad (b. 1886)
1973: David Ben-Gurion, Israel's founding father, died (b. 1886)
Events of December 1 (Phils.)
1846: First issue of La Esperanza, country's first daily newspaper in Spanish

1870: José Alejandrino, engineer, army general and senator
1874: Luis Ma. Guerrero, scientist
1926: Onofre Corpuz, National Scientist (2004)

1959: Death of José Nepomuceno, Father of Philippine Movies
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tagalog Wikipedia established
(The New York Times)
(On This Day)
(History Channel)
(AP, via USA Today)
(Associated Press)
(Library of Congress)

(The Kahimyang Project)

User's guide on time zones



  • Transition to new year: 1223.2200–0108.0200 PST

Table 1

UTC offset UTC−12:00 UTC−05:00 UTC+00:00 UTC+01:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+09:00 UTC+14:00
Places of interest E of IDL
Baker and Howland islands
DC Greenwich & UK Madrid & most of Spain Bethlehem PHL Tokyo & Japan W of IDL
Line Islands
Uses DST (Advanced by 1 hr.)
Dec. 30 10 pm 5 am 10 am 11 am noon 6 pm 7 pm midnight
December 31 midnight 7 am noon 1 pm 2 pm 8 pm 9 pm 2 am
3 am 10 am 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 11 pm midnight 5 am
4 am 11 am 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm midnight 1 am 6 am
10 am 5 pm 10 pm 11 pm midnight 6 am 7 am noon
11 am 6 pm 11 pm midnight 1 am 7 am 8 am 1 pm
noon 7 pm midnight 1 am 2 am 8 am 9 am 2 pm
5 pm midnight 5 am 6 am 7 am 1 pm 2 pm 7 pm
Jan. 1 midnight 7 am noon 1 pm 2 pm 8 pm 9 pm 2 am
Date January 1 Jan. 2
For more information, see: Time zone

Table 2

UTC offset UTC−12:00 UTC−11:00 UTC−10:00 UTC−05:00 UTC+00:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+12:00 UTC+13:00 UTC+14:00
Places of interest   United States
US Minor Outlying Islands
Other side of the Earth   Kiribati
Located in Pacific Ocean Located in Caribbean Sea

Navassa Island
(uninhabited territory)

Same time zone as claimant:
Uses DST (Advanced by 1 hr.)
Gilbert Islands
—16 inhabited atolls & coral islands
Phoenix Islands
—only 1 of 8 atolls inhabited: Canton Island
—2 coral reefs
W of IDL
Line Islands
—3 of 8 atolls inhabited: Kiritimati, Tabuaeran, Teraina
Filippo Reef (outside the EEZ, existence uncertain)
E of IDL
Phoenix Islands:
Baker Island
Howland Island
(uninhabited territories)
Line Islands:
Palmyra Atoll (incorporated terr.)
Jarvis Island
Kingman Reef (uninhabited terrs.)

Midway Atoll
(unincorporated territory)
Johnston Atoll
(uninhabited territory)
  United States
US Minor Outlying Islands

Located in Pacific Ocean

Wake Island
(unincorporated territory)

Same time zone as claimant:
  Marshall Islands
These locations are the last worldwide to celebrate New Year: those in UTC–11:00 are the last inhabited; in UTC–12:00 are unofficially. The first worldwide to celebrate the New Year.
Dec. 30 10 pm 11 pm midnight 5 am 10 am 6 pm 10 pm 11pm midnight
December 31 midnight 1 am 2 am 7 am noon 8 pm midnight 1 am 2 am
3 am 4 am 5 am 10 am 3 pm 11 pm 3 am 4 am 5 am
4 am 5 am 6 am 11 am 4 pm midnight 4 am 5 am 6 am
10 am 11 am noon 5 pm 10 pm 6 am 10 am 11 am noon
11 am noon 1 pm 6 pm 11 pm 7 am 11 am noon 1 pm
noon 1 pm 2 pm 7 pm midnight 8 am noon 1 pm 2 pm
5 pm 6 pm 7 pm midnight 5 am 1 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Jan. 1 midnight 1 am 2 am 7 am noon 8 pm midnight 1 am 2 am
Date January 1 January 2
For more information, see: Time zone

On reference materials




Regular holidays, 2024

  • Jan 1: New Year's Day
  • Mar 28: Maundy Thursday
  • Mar 29: Good Friday
  • Apr 9: The Day of Valor
  • May 1: Labor Day
  • Jun 12: Independence Day
  • Aug 26: National Heroes Day
  • Nov 30: Bonifacio Day
  • Dec 25: Christmas Day
  • Dec 30: Rizal Day

Special non-working holidays, 2024

  • Feb 10: Lunar New Year's Day
  • Mar 30: Black Saturday
  • Aug 21: Ninoy Aquino Day
  • Nov 1: All Saints' Day
  • Nov 2: All Souls' Day
  • Dec 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception
  • Dec 24: Christmas Eve
  • Dec 31: New Year's Eve

Special working days, 2024

Islamic holidays (tentative dates)


  • Feb. 25: People Power Anniversary
  • Mar 31: Easter Sunday


(S1) (S2)

See also





  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n American Battles and Campaigns Retr. 03152024.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n MS, Nov. 9, 1996 MS, Feb. 26, 1998 Retr. 03152024.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Philippine-American War Sites to Visit in Cagayan de Oro BusinessWeek Mindanao. August 7, 2023. Retr. 03162024.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j (PDF) Retr. 03152024.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n The Battle of Agusan Hill SunStar. May 13, 2010. Retr. 03152024.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u An account of the Battle of Agusan Hill Mindanao Gold Star Daily. May 1, 2018. Retr. 03152024.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Rappler June 13, 2022. Retrieved 032024.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Noel Autor (2 of 4) Oct. 6, 2016. Retrieved 032024.
  9. ^ a b c Noel Autor (4 of 4) Oct. 14, 2016. Retrieved 032024.
  10. ^ Metro Cagayan de Oro June 13, 2021. Retrieved 032024.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Mindanao Gold Star Daily May 10, 2018. Retrieved 032024.
  12. ^ Press release from the House of Representatives Sept. 23, 2013.
    Philippine News Agency via Philippines Today October 3, 2013.
    Retrieved 032024.
  13. ^ House Bill No. 1461 2022. Retrieved 032024.
  14. ^ Rappler June 13, 2022. Retrieved 032024.
  15. ^ Noel Autor (4 of 4) Oct. 14, 2016. Retrieved 032024.
  16. ^ Metro Cagayan de Oro June 13, 2021. Retrieved 032024.
  17. ^ Press release from the House of Representatives Sept. 23, 2013.
    Philippine News Agency via Philippines Today October 3, 2013.
    Retrieved 032024.
  18. ^ House Bill No. 1461 2022. Retrieved 032024.
  19. ^ Act No. 128, 05-15-1901.
  20. ^ Act No. 579, 01-05-1903.
  21. ^ Act No. 787, 06-01-1903.
  22. ^ Act No. 951, 10-22-1903.
  23. ^ "Index to Official Gazette (1902–1912)" (PDF). University of San Carlos. 2014. Retrieved March 11, 2024 – via The Library Corporation.
  24. ^ Act No. 2711 (PDF), 03-10-1917. R2.
  25. ^ Act No. 2968, 02-21-1921. R2.
  26. ^ Executive Order No. 74, 08-22-1927. R2.
  27. ^ a b c d e f Act No. 3354, 11-30-1927.
  28. ^ a b c d Act No. 3537, 11-02-1929.
  29. ^ Act No. 3777, 11-28-1930.
  30. ^ "Mindanao floods worsen, death toll rises" PHNO. February 2, 2000. Retrieved January 7, 2019.
  31. ^ "Death to 4 shabu suppliers" PHNO. March 2, 2000. Retrieved January 7, 2019.
  32. ^ "At least 9 dead, 3 injured in Maguindanao ambush". ABS CBN News. February 12, 2022. Retrieved February 26, 2022.
  33. ^ Cabrera, Ferdinandh (February 12, 2022). "9 dead in ambush in Maguindanao". GMA News. Retrieved February 26, 2022.
  34. ^ Rita, Joviland (February 21, 2022). "1 dead, 2 hurt as PNP chopper crashes in Quezon". GMA News. Retrieved February 26, 2022.
  35. ^ "Cop dies, 2 others injured in Quezon chopper crash". ABS CBN News. February 21, 2022. Retrieved February 26, 2022.
  36. ^ Navallo, Mike (March 2, 2022). "Manila court denies frat boys' bid to dismiss 'Atio' Castillo hazing case". ABS CBN News. Retrieved March 3, 2022.
  37. ^ "1 hurt in Koronadal City bus blast —military". GMA News. May 26, 2022. Retrieved June 2, 2022.
  38. ^ Panti, Llanesca (May 26, 2022). "Sandiganbayan rejects bid of alleged Marcos dummies to halt ill-gotten wealth trial". GMA News. Retrieved June 2, 2022.
  39. ^ Cabristante, Raffy (June 5, 2022). "Phivolcs reports phreatic eruption at Bulusan Volcano". ABS CBN News. Retrieved June 5, 2022.
  40. ^ Doctor, Mel Matthew (June 5, 2022). "Phreatic eruption detected in Bulusan Volcano, Alert Level 1 up —PHIVOLCS". GMA News. Retrieved June 5, 2022.
  41. ^ Panti, Llanesca (June 23, 2022). "Sandiganbayan allows Roderick Paulate to present COA exec as witness". GMA News. Retrieved June 25, 2022.
  42. ^ Panti, Llanesca (June 24, 2022). "Marcoses get another chance to present defense in ill-gotten wealth case". GMA News. Retrieved June 25, 2022.
  43. ^ "Huge fire engulfs ferry in Philippines". June 26, 2022. Retrieved June 27, 2022.
  44. ^ "'A new chapter': Robredo launches Angat Buhay NGO". ABS CBN News. July 1, 2022. Retrieved July 1, 2022.
  45. ^ Cepeda, Mara (July 1, 2022). "Robredo launches 'Angat Buhay,' hopes supporters' campaign energy sustains it". Rappler. Retrieved July 1, 2022.
  46. ^ Panti, Llanesca (July 1, 2022). "Robredo launches Angat Pinas, Inc. to aid communities". GMA News. Retrieved July 1, 2022.
  47. ^ Ropero, Gillan (July 6, 2022). "Dengue cases rise in Metro Manila; total at 3,975: DOH". ABS CBN News. Retrieved July 9, 2022.
  48. ^ "Supreme Court suspends Manila judge over homophobic remarks". ABS CBN News. July 7, 2022. Retrieved July 9, 2022.
  49. ^ Domingo, Katrina; Manahan, Job (July 8, 2022). "Marcos creates Private Sector Advisory Council". ABS CBN News. Retrieved July 9, 2022.
  50. ^ "2 killed in elevator crash in Makati". July 9, 2022. Retrieved July 16, 2022.
  51. ^ Marcelo, Elizabeth (July 25, 2022). "Sandigan denies Napoles' bid to quash 'pork' raps". The Philippine Star. Retrieved July 27, 2022.
  52. ^ Cabuenas, Jon Viktor (August 21, 2022). "PHIVOLCS raises Mayon Volcano's alert status". GMA News. Retrieved August 21, 2022.
  53. ^ "Mayon alert level raised as volcano shows signs of unrest". ABS CBN News. August 21, 2022. Retrieved August 21, 2022.
  54. ^ "Signals up as Florita makes landfall today". The Philippine Star. August 23, 2022. Retrieved August 23, 2022.
  55. ^ "Florita leaves 3 dead, 4 injured: NDRRMC". ABS CBN News. August 25, 2022. Retrieved August 25, 2022.
  56. ^ "3 reported dead, 4 hurt due to Florita —NDRRMC". GMA News. August 25, 2022. Retrieved August 25, 2022.
  57. ^ Casilao, Joahna Lei (August 30, 2022). "DNA confirms skeletal remains that of missing Jovelyn Galleno —police". GMA News. Retrieved August 30, 2022.
  58. ^ Navallo, Mike (August 25, 2022). "SUV driver in viral hit-and-run indicted for frustrated homicide". ABS CBN News. Retrieved August 25, 2022.
  59. ^ Bolledo, Jairo (August 25, 2022). "SUV driver in Mandaluyong hit-and-run indicted for frustrated homicide". Rappler. Retrieved August 25, 2022.
  60. ^ "Mandaluyong prosecutors indict hit-and-run suspect for frustrated homicide". GMA News. August 25, 2022. Retrieved August 25, 2022.
  61. ^ Maru, Davinci (August 26, 2022). "Cholera, typhoid cases in Philippines up in 2022: DOH". ABS CBN News. Retrieved August 30, 2022.
  62. ^ a b c d e f 1995 Provincial Profile - Kalinga Apayao
  63. ^ Act No. 2711
    Full text from the Official Gazette.
    Digitized copy from the Internet Archive.
  64. ^ a b Republic Act No. 4695
  65. ^ a b Act No. 1642
    Report of the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War, 1908 (First of two parts)
  66. ^ History of Different Barangay of Tanudan
  67. ^ Tinglayan: Executive Summary, 2020 (PDF)
  68. ^ Executive Order No. 111, s. 1964
  69. ^ Republic Act No. 4980: (Link 1) (Link 2)
  70. ^ a b c "Index to Official Gazette (1913–1928)" (PDF). University of San Carlos. The Library Corporation. 2011–2012. Retrieved 2022-07-31.
  71. ^ a b The Manolay cult: The genesis and dissolution of millenarian sentiments among the Isneg of Northern Luzon (PDF)
  72. ^ Brief History
    History and government of Luna, Apayao
  73. ^ a b Pudtol - A Brief History
  74. ^ Pudtol: Executive Summary, 2015 (PDF)
    Executive Order No. 217, s. 1956
    Executive Order No. 335, s. 1959
  75. ^ Executive Order No. 13, s. 1936
  76. ^ Executive Order No. 78, s. 1936
  77. ^ a b Act No. 2711
  78. ^ RA 4979
  79. ^ a b EO No. 82, s. 1847
  80. ^ a b c article
  81. ^ a b MindaNews article
  82. ^ EO No. 66, s. 1936
  83. ^ D4: Proclamation No. 284, s. 1938; July 19, 1938
  84. ^ D4: Proclamation No. 363, s. 2000; August 24, 2000
  85. ^ a b c d e Asian Development Bank, May 1997 (PDF)
  86. ^ a b c d e D2: Manila Standard, Sept. 11, 1994 issue, page 5
  87. ^ a b c d e f g h i D3: Manila Standard, Sept. 2, 1994 issue, page 2
  88. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l AP, Aug. 31, 1994
  89. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k UPI, Aug. 30, 1994
  90. ^ a b D2: Los Angeles Times, Sept. 2, 1994
  91. ^ a b D2: Los Angeles Times, Sept. 4, 1994
  92. ^ D2: Gulf News, Mar. 11, 2019
    cited by: ENVIS, May 15, 2014
  93. ^ a b Chicago Tribune, Aug. 30, 1994
  94. ^ a b c d e f Philippine mine blast kills 79. The Buffalo News, Aug. 30, 1994 (Subscription required)
  95. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Manila Standard, Sept. 4, 1994 issue, page 2
  96. ^ a b c d UPI, Aug. 29, 1994
  97. ^ a b New York Times, Aug. 30, 1994
  98. ^ D2: PNOC, Aug. 29, 2018
  99. ^ a b (Possible source to be added)
  100. ^ (Source semi-possible to be added)
  101. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Source A
  102. ^ a b c d e f g h Clark Air Base: History and Significant Events, 2001
  103. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag (PDF)
  104. ^ a b c d e f TBA
  105. ^ a b c d e f g h Stars and Stripes, 1964; via Flickr
  106. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y New York Times, May 12, 1964
  107. ^ a b c d e f TBA
  108. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u UPI via The Windsor Star, May 12, 1964
  109. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Source B
  110. ^ a b c d e f AP via Eugene Register-Guard, May 12, 1964
  111. ^ a b c d e f Source P
  112. ^ a b c d e f g h UPI via The Altus Times-Democrat, May 12, 1964
  113. ^ AP via The Victoria Advocate, May 18, 1964
  114. ^ a b c The Manila Times, April 22, 2005 (Subscription required)
  115. ^ a b c d e f g h i The Philippine Star, March 28, 2005
  116. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u China Daily, March 15, 2005
  117. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Arab News, March 20, 2005
  118. ^ a b The Philippine Star, March 16, 2005
  119. ^ a b CNN, March 15, 2005
  120. ^ a b c d Retr. 032623.
  121. ^ a b c d RA 8029, June 5, 1995 Retr. 032623.
  122. ^ a b (Untitled PDF) Retr. 032623.
  123. ^ a b c d e Positively Filipino Retr. 032623.
  124. ^ CPRomulo Retr. 032623.
  125. ^ a b c d e f D5: (Opinion: Extradition of Aquino, Mar. 4, 2010)
  126. ^ a b c d e f g h i j D5: (, Feb. 6, 2009)
  127. ^ a b c d D2: (The Philippine Star via PressReader, Apr. 1, 2013)
  128. ^ a b c d e f g h i D2: (Ang Minero, Mar. 14, 2022)
  129. ^ a b c d D2: (Bilyonaryo, Mar. 11, 2022)
  130. ^ D4:
    (G.R. Nos. 162144-54. Nov. 21, 2012)
    (ABS-CBN News, Dec. 5, 2012)
    (, Mar. 4, 2013)
  131. ^ a b c d e f (, Jan. 23, 2014)
  132. ^ a b c d e f g h D3: (Info, Phil. Daily Inquirer, Dec. 20, 2012)
  133. ^ a b c d e f g h D4: (Info, Phil. Daily Inquirer, Feb. 8, 2014)
  134. ^ D4: (Administrative Order No. 82, s. 2003, Sept. 10, 2003)
  135. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n D5: (Phil. Daily Inquirer, June 27, 2011)
  136. ^ a b c d e f g h i D3: (, Mar. 5, 2010)
  137. ^ a b D4: (U.S.A v. M.R. AQUINO, No. 07-3202, Feb. 6, 2009)
  138. ^ a b c D3: (Phil. Daily Inquirer, Dec. 20, 2012)
  139. ^ D5: (No. 10-4347, Feb. 10, 2011; via Scribd)
  140. ^ D2: (, June 26, 2011)
  141. ^ D4: (, Sept. 15, 2014)
  142. ^ D4: (ABS-CBN News, Feb. 20, 2022)
  143. ^ a b c d e f g h i Journal Online, Jul. 1, 2021
  144. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Philippine Daily Inquirer, Jul. 1, 2021
  145. ^ a b c d e f g h i Rappler, Jul. 8, 2015
  146. ^ a b c d e f The Philippine Star, Mar. 15, 2001
  147. ^ a b c Phil. Daily Inquirer, 08-16-2004.

    "P2M offered on info on media murders, Journalists to wear black in Crame rally today", Yolanda Sotelo–Fuertes & TJ Burgonio, pp. A1, A4. (mentioned Binoya and Abayon cases)
    "Widow reminds media groups of unlisted victim", Delfin T. Mallari Jr., p. A4. (Lingan case)
    "Kin mourn death of Veritas reporter", Romulo Ponte, p. A19 (developments on Consignado case)
    "Lawmakers support inquiry into media killings", Delfin Mallari Jr., p. A19 (mentioned Pobeda case)
  148. ^ a b c d e f g h Phil. Daily Inquirer, 05-05-2005. (via Google News Archive)

    "Another journalist killed in Mindanao, Dipolog City broadcaster ambushed on way home", PDI Mindanao Bureau et al, pp. A1, A19. (Cantoneros case; also mentioned Garcia–Esperat)
    "Names of 9 slain RP journalists on freedom memorial", Associated Press, pp. A1, A19. (mentioned nine jounalists killed in 2004)
    "Zamboanga del Norte: Hot spot for journalists", Julie S. Alipala, p. A19 (mentioned past cases in Zamboanga del Norte)
    "Suspect in Quezon journalist's killing arrested", Marlon Ramos, p. A19 (updates on Pobeda and Villanueva cases)
  149. ^ "Journalist killed" The Evening News, 08-02-1985; p. 2A. (Retrieved on Day 2.)
  150. ^ a b c "Life-and-death struggle of Philippine Press" New Straits Times, 09-30-1985; p. 13. (Retrieved on Day 2.)
  151. ^ Phil. Daily Inquirer, 08-22-2004.
  152. ^ a b c d PDI, 08-21-2004.
  153. ^ St. Petersburg Times, 04-26-1986.
  154. ^ a b c d e f Mla. Standard, 07-15-1990.
  155. ^ 04-30-2006
  156. ^ 04-07-2005
  157. ^ 09-13-2003
  158. ^ a b c d e f g h i j PDI, 08-26-2004
  159. ^ a b c d e f g h 12-03-2003

    "Another hard-hitting broadcaster shot dead", Ronnie Lorejo, pp. A1, A5. (Nadura and Villanueva cases)
    "50 Filipino journalists killed since 1986", Ronnie Lorejo & Delfin T. Mallari Jr., p. A5. (mentioned past cases)
  160. ^ a b c d e f g 04-01-2002
  161. ^ a b MS, 07-12-1990

    (Mararac case; mentioned also that of Ladringan)
  162. ^ PDI, 09-04-2004

    (update on Damalerio case)
  163. ^ The Register-Guard, 08-20-1985

    (Paloma case)
  164. ^ a b c d "Killing of newsmen: official probe under way" New Straits Times, 09-20-1985; p. 13 (Retrieved on Day 7)

    (Lee, Doctor, and Amatong cases)
  165. ^ The Sydney Morning Herald, 09-24-1985

    (Sunico case)
  166. ^ a b The Lodi (Co.) News-Sentinel 04-25-1986

    (Mabasa case; Vicoy was wounded by that time)
  167. ^ PDI, 05-15-2005

    (update on Agustin case)
  168. ^ MT, 12-03-2005

    (NUJP condemnation on Benaojan case)
  169. ^ PDI, 02-13-2004

    (Endrinal case)
  170. ^ a b "Political killings escalate. Newsman, Bayan leader shot dead; bodies of 2 leftists found" PDI, 11-22-2005; pp. A1, A8 (Retrieved on Day 9)

    (Ramos case; mentioned also that of Uy)
  171. ^ "Kin, witnesses to newsman's murder lose gov't protection" PDI, 08-30-2004; p. A9 (Retrieved on Day 9)

    (update on Damalerio case)
  172. ^ a b Phil. Daily Inquirer, 05-12-2005

    "Publisher shot dead; sixth RP journalist killed in 5 months", Tonette Orejas, pp. A1, A20. (Agustin case; also mentioned prior deaths in 2006)
    (With related articles in pages A1, A17, A20)
  173. ^ a b c Phil. Daily Inquirer, 08-17-2004 (Retrieved on Day 9) (via Google News Archive)

    "GMA ups bounty to P3M for info on media murders", Juliet Labog–Javellana & Christian V. Esguerra, pp. A1, A6. (Demalerio and Consignado cases)
    (With related article in page A6)
  174. ^ PDI, 09-30-2004

    (Binungcal case)
  175. ^ "9 patay matapos uminom ng lambanog; sample nakitaan ng methanol". ABS-CBN News. Retrieved December 7, 2018.
  176. ^ "FDA looking into death of 4 tricycle drivers after they drank 'lambanog'". Manila Bulletin.
  177. ^ a b c d e IFEX
  178. ^ a b c The Philippine Star
  179. ^ a b c d e f g h Vera Files via ABS-CBN Retr. 032523.
  180. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r ABS-CBN Retr. 032523.
  181. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Vera Files via ABS-CBN Retr. 032423.
  182. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Vera Files via ABS-CBN Retr. 032523 & 032423.
  183. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Vera Files via ABS-CBN Retr. 032523.
  184. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Rappler Retr. 032423.
  185. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l FilipiKnow Retr. 032423.
  186. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Amnesty International via Refworld Retr. 032423.
  187. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y PCIJ Retr. 032623.
  188. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Image: Getty Images Retr. 032423.
  189. ^ a b c Mr. Ron Gluckman Retr. 032423.
  190. ^ (pre-PDF) Factional Dynamics in Philippine Party Politics, 1900–2019 Julio Cabral Teehankee, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs; May 11, 2020; via Sage Jounals; retr. Day 3.
  191. ^ Significance of 1986 snap election recalled Severino Samonte, Philippine News Agency; Dec. 19, 2021; retr. Day 4.
  192. ^ Odd winners in Philippine elections Daniela Deane, United Press International; Jan. 30, 1988; retr. Day 4.
  193. ^ Philippine campaign dirty, perilous William Branigin, The Washington Post; Apr. 15, 1992; retr. Day 3.
  194. ^ Two articles from The New York Times; Jan. 18, 1988: Renegade Officer Seeks Philippine Governorship, Seth Mydans; Candidate Is Slain, Associated Press; retr. Day 3.
  195. ^ Violence turns Philippine campaign into 'survival course' for candidates Keith Richburg, The Washington Post; Jan. 14, 1988; retr. Day 3.
  196. ^ Republic Act No. 6636 Supreme Court E-Library; Nov. 6 1987; retr. Day 2.
  197. ^ (PDF) Reforming the Philippine electoral process: Developments 1986–88 National Democratic Institute for International Affairs; 1991; retr. Day 1.
  198. ^ Large turnout predicted in Philippines election AFP, The Canberra Times via Trove; Jan. 17, 1988; retr. Day 1.
  199. ^ Early Philippine Returns Show Mixed Results for Aquino Mark Fineman, Los Angeles Times; Jan. 19, 1988; retr. Day 1.
  200. ^ (PDF) The Revolution and Realignment of Political Parties in the Philippines (Decetnber 1985-January 1988): With a Case in the Province of Batangas Masataka Kimura; Southeast Asian Studies, Dec. 1989; via Kyoto University Research Information Repository; retr. Day 3.
  201. ^ (PDF) Electoral Politics in the Philippines Julio Teehankee; Electoral Politics in Southeast and East Asia, n.d.; via Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; retr. Day 3.
  202. ^ a b c d Manila Standard, 01-18-1988. pp. 1–3, 8.
  203. ^ a b c d e Manila Standard, 01-19-1988. pp. 1–3, 8–9.