
Latest comment: 3 months ago by Aricardo1917 in topic French West Indies



Some decisions to be made about the Paris Arrondissements. Rough outline below. -- Tarquin 07:21 Jul 26, 2002 (PDT)

Disambiguation problem


Paris is not the only city in France with Arrondissements. For that matter, is the word used in other countries for other things?

AFAIK, Lyon has them too, perhaps Lille (not sure)

I've found more uses in Canada (at least Québec) and in Belgium, where they are a subdivision of provinces. In the Netherlands, arrondissements are used in law; there are 19 arrondissements with their own court. Jeronimo
I which case, I suppose Arrondissement must become a page about the general use of the term, with a list of places that use it, and the content currently there must be moved to (say) Paris Arrondissements.
Arrondissements were created by the PLM law (Paris, Lyon, Marseilles), so they are restricted to these 3 cities Comte0

Arrondissement is also an old word describing a subdivision of a département (sort of county or sous-prefecture). This word is very uncommonly used today, but can still be found in historical texts (not so old though). This definition might still be officially recognized in France. Not sure. - Olivier

They technically exist, and encyclopedias like Quid and Larousse give them. But AFAIK nobody uses them... -- Tarquin 06:24 Sep 5, 2002 (PDT)

The arrondissement, in this case, is a subdivision of a département. The capital of the arrondissement is a sous-prefecture. see:
"le Sous-Préfet, délégué du Préfet dans l'arrondissement est en charge de l'administration générale. Il concourt au maintien de la sécurité et de l'ordre public et veille à la protection des populations. Relais indispensable du Préfet dans les arrondissement, il est au plus près des préoccupations quotidiennes des citoyens. Il est le garant du respect des règles administratives dont il organise et supervise le contrôle tout en apportant aux collectivités territoriales les conseils appropriés. Comme le Préfet, le Sous-Préfet coordonne dans son arrondissement la mise en œuvre des actions de l'Etat et participe au développement local de celui-ci. Médiateur, il garanti le maintien de l'ordre et la cohésion sociale tout en recherchant avec ses partenaires locaux le consensus adapté à chaque situation." - User:Olivier

Style for names


We need to standardize how they are referred to in text. Options are:

  • 20th arrondissement
  • XXe arrondissement (usually written like this in french)
  • XXth arrondissement (a sort of mix n match)
Not the mix-and-match, please; that will look wrong to almost everyone. I'm neutral as between the other two.
I'd go for XXe. For English-speakers it's quite normal (not particularly pretentious) to say "We stayed in a lovely hotel in the quinzième."
Since no one expressed otherwise, I think I'll be bold and standardize on XXe arrondissement and move the articles to XXe arrondissement (Paris). _R_ 20:25, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Hmmm, actually I'll make it XXe arrondissement since I don't foresee the need for any disambiguation. _R_ 21:23, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

A page each?


Does each Arrondissement need a page to itself?

Wait and see--if they do, people can wikify them and make the articles. I wouldn't make them links yet, though. Vicki Rosenzweig

For the page names, see above.

Not necessarily need, but US counties and even neighbourhoods of NY City have their own articles here, so if there enough content for an article on the 20th arrondissement, why not? Jeronimo 07:52 Jul 26, 2002 (PDT)

The following was copied from: User talk:Olivier

Hi Olivier, is the list of streets of each arrondissement of Paris really useful ? It would be better restricted to a very few important streets like the Champs-Elysées or Rue Mouffetard, in my opinion. (That is, streets that are likely to get their own entry in the encyclopedia ?) E.g. the list for the 5th arrondissement is not too bad, but the one for the 6th arrondissement looks definitely too big. -- FvdP 20:18 Sep 25, 2002 (UTC)

Good question. Starting a couple of arrondissement pages was my tentative answer to the discussion of the Talk Page: a page each? I believe so.

Now regarding the content: I would be in favor of actually listing all the streets of Paris (maybe at the bottom of the article rather than at the top, as it is currently the case). Many streets have names, which people (including most Parisians) often do not know what they are related to. Listing the streets gives the opportunity to link many street names to Wikipedia articles, thus demystifying them. Additionally, many streets have an history (especially in the 5th, 6th, and other central arrondissements): former names, located in place of former buildings (convents, medieval towers...), built in place of former fortifications. Many of them have hidden gems: for instance the workshop of Picasso was located in the Rue des Grands Augustins (that's where he panted Guernica or Les demoiselles d'avignon. Not completely sure which one). The action of Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu, a novel by Balzac takes place in the same building. I think that this information would be interestingly placed next to the street name in the 6th arrondissement article. Of course such pieces of information might seem minor, but in my experience, they tend to matter to people living in Paris, and to visitors as well.

That being said, I am very open to any suggestion/comment regarding the format of the arrondissement articles. Ultimately, the 'pedia community will decide. - User:Olivier

Maybe at least put the (long) street list at the end of the article: that is a good suggestion; or in a separate article like "List of 5th arrondissement streets". In the latter case the most significant streets should still be referenced in the main article, maybe along the other significant places & monuments. --FvdP 17:49 Oct 1, 2002 (UTC)

"french language country subdivisions"


"French" is a proper noun in English, and needs to be capitalized. 22:03, 28 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Done. SCHZMO 22:05, 28 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

kaymakam is equall


is kaymakam a same rank for arrondisments?--3210 06:51, 30 June 2006 (UTC)Reply



In various articles I see arrondissement and arrondissment (no "e" between "diss" and "ment"). Which is right? Are both right? Jordan Brown (talk) 17:43, 7 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Arrondissement & Communes of Cameroon


It seems there is an issue between this article, when it sets "Each of Cameroon's departments are subdivided into arrondissments: they sit above subdistricts and communes in Cameroon's structure" and Communes of Cameroon, that sets "The Communes of Cameroon are the third-level units of administration in Cameroon", i.e. communes sit above arrondissments (or maybe they are the same thing ....) Mac9 —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:58, 22 November 2010 (UTC)Reply



Luxembourg appears to be missing from this article, despite having arrondissements judiciaires (per French Wikipedia). (talk) 02:18, 28 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

French West Indies


This article appears to be missing the arrondissements of Guadeloupe/Martinique. Would it be better to place that information under the France or North America heading? Aricardo1917 (talk) 17:15, 22 May 2024 (UTC)Reply