Cleaning Lady is a 2019 film based off of a 2016 short film of the same title. The film centers around a tenuous friendship between Alice and her housekeeper Shelly. Their friendship is fueled by Alice's naïveté and Shelly's ever-increasing obsession with Alice. A slow burn film firmly in the realm of psychological horror, Cleaning Lady has been filed under multiple genres within the realms of horror, suspense, and drama. The film's poster describes it in the words of (i can't read the font yet) as "A twisted story of obsession and love."
- Directed by Jon Knautz. Written by Jon Knautz.
Plot Summation
editThis film has a plot but all I can think about is (censored as to not recall scene right now).
Main Characters
edit- A deeply-troubled woman with a Barbie-like facade, prone to codependency with men. Shelly, whose gentle intrusive nature, in conjunction with her burned-to-disfigurement face, oddly-enough does not seem to phase Alice in the least as the two fast become something resembling friends.
edit- (...quote...)
- (...quote...)
Critical Reception
edit- This film has been received by critics, so they claim.
Auxiliary Characters
edit- Character4: (...quote...)
- Character5: (...quote...)
edit- Character2: (...quote...)
- Character4: (...quote...)
- Character2: (...quote...)
- Character1: (...quote...)
- Character2: (...quote...)
- Character1: (...quote...)
- Character3: (...quote...)
edit- (Tag line of the movie)
- (Tag line of the movie2)
edit- (...quote...)
- Author1, source.
- (...quote...)
- Author2, source.
editExternal links
- MOVIE TITLE at Rotten Tomatoes
- MOVIE TITLE at Metacritic
- MOVIE TITLE at Box Office Mojo
- Official website
Category:(YEAR films) Category:(DIRECTOR films) Category:(COUNTRY films) Category:(GENRE films)