Relationship between serialist and other composers


George Rochberg one of the first composers to abandon serialism in favor of a return to tonality wrote.

Michael Beckerman wrote: "Trying to write tonal music at a place like Columbia Univerity in the 1960s and '70s was like being a dissident in Prague in the same period, with similar professional consequences"

Middle Ages


By the 9th century, the Catalan language had developed from Vulgar Latin on both sides of the eastern end of the Pyrenees mountains and valleys (counties of Rosselló, Empúries, Besalú, Cerdanya, Urgell, Pallars and Ribagorça), as well as the territories of the Roman province and later arch-diocese of Tarraconensis to the south.[1] From the 8th century onwards, the Catalan counts had extended their territory southwards and westwards, conquering territories of the Iberian Pensisula to the muslims, and bringing their language with them.[1]

This process was given its definitive impetus with the separation of the County of Barcelona from the Carolingian Empire in 988 A.D.[1] By the 9th century, The christian rulers occupied the northern parts of present-day Catalonia, usually termed "Old Catalonia"; and during the 11th and 12th centuries they expanded their domains to north of the Ebro river, a land known as "New Catalonia".[1] During the 13th century, the Catalan expanded to the Land of Valencia and across to the Balearic Islands and Alghero in Sardinia.[1]

By the 15th century, the city of Valencia had become the center of social and cultural dynamism, and Catalan was present all over the Mediterranean world.[1] The correlation between political splendor and linguistic consolodation was articulated throught the Royal Chancery, which propagated a highly standarized language.[1]

Greuges of Guitard Isarn, Lord of Caboet (ca.1080-1095)[2][3]

Hec est memoria de ipsas rancuras que abet dominus Guitardus Isarnus, senior Caputense, de rancuras filio Guillelm Arnall et que ag de suo pater, Guilelm Arnall; et non voluit facere directum in sua vita de ipso castro Caputense che li comannà. Et si Guilelm Arnal me facia tal cosa que dreçar no·m volgués ho no poqués, ho ssi·s partia de mi, che Mir Arnall me romasés aisí com lo·m avia al dia che ad él lo commanné. Et in ipsa onor a Guillelm Arnal no li doné negú domenge ni establiment de cavaler ni de pedó per gitar ni per metre quan l·i comanné Mir Arnall.

Lines 1-4. Passages in Catalan in italics

According to historian Jaume Villanueva (1756-1824), the first attested Catalan sentence is thought to be found in a 8th century manuscript from Ripoll that has been lost. It was a whimsical note in 10th or early 11th century calligraphy: Magister m[eu]s no vol que em miras novel ("my master does not want you to watch me, newbie").[4]

During the 11th century, several feudal documents (especially oaths and complaints), written in macaronic Latin begin to show Catalan elements, with proper names or even sentences in Romance.[5] Of historical and linguistical importance is the Memorial of Complaints of Ponç I[6] (ca.1050-1060), featuring whole sentences in Romance.[5] By the end of the 11th century, documents written completely or for the most part in Catalan begin to appear, like the Complaints of Guitard Isarn, Lord of Caboet (ca.1080-1095), or The Oath of peace and truce of count Pere Ramon (1098).[5] Catalan shares many features with Gallo-Romance, from France and Northern Italy. Old Catalan diverged from Old Occitan between the 11th and 14th centuries.[7]

During the Low Middle Ages, Catalan lived a golden age, reaching a peak of maturity and cultural plenitude.[1] Examples of this are the works of Majorcan polymath Ramon Llull (1232-1315), the Four Great Chronicles (13th-14th centuries), and the Valencian school of poetry culminating in Ausiàs March (1397-1459).[1]

The outstanding[1] novel of chivarly Tirant lo Blanc (1490), by Joanot Martorell shows a transition from medieval to Renaissance values, something than can also be seen in the works of Bernat Metge and Andreu Febrer.[1] During this period, Catalan was what Costa Carreras terms "one of the 'great languages' of medieval Europe".[1] The flowering of the Renaissance was closely associated with the advent of the printing press, and singnificantly, the first book produced with movable type in the Iberian Peninsula was printed in Valencia in 1474: Trobes en llaors de la Verge maria ("Poems of praise of the Virgin Mary").[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Costa Carreras, Joan; Yates, Alan (2009). The Architect of Modern Catalan: selected writings/Pompeu Fabra (1868-1948). Instutut d'Estudis Catalans & Universitat Pompeu Fabra & Jonh Benjamins B.V. pp. 6–7. ISBN 978 90 272 3264 9.
  2. ^ Veny, Joan (1997). "greuges de Guitard isarn, Senyor de Caboet (1080-1095)". Homenatge a Arthur Terry. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. pp. 9–18. ISBN 84-7826-894-4.
  3. ^ The source book has reconstructed elided fragments and written out abbreviations in full, like et. Capitalization, the use of u-v, i-j, and c-ç have all been regularized. Accents apostrophes and diaeresis have been added according to the modern ortography. Used punctuation according to modern usage.
  4. ^ Moran, Josep (1994). Treballs de lingüística històrica catalana (in Catalan). Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Monsterrat. pp. 55–93. ISBN 84-7826-568-6.
  5. ^ a b c Moran, Josep (2004). Estudis d'història de la llengua catalana (in Catalan). Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. pp. 37–38. ISBN 84-8415-672-9.
  6. ^ Memorial de greuges de PonçI, comte d'Empúries, contra Jofre, Compte de Roselló
  7. ^ Riquer, Martí de, Història de la Literatura Catalana, vol. 1. Barcelona: Edicions Ariel, 1964