Glaisher–Kinkelin constant

In mathematics, the Glaisher–Kinkelin constant or Glaisher's constant, typically denoted A, is a mathematical constant, related to special functions like the K-function and the Barnes G-function. The constant also appears in a number of sums and integrals, especially those involving the gamma function and the Riemann zeta function. It is named after mathematicians James Whitbread Lee Glaisher and Hermann Kinkelin.

Its approximate value is:

A = 1.28242712910062263687...   (sequence A074962 in the OEIS).

Glaisher's constant plays a role both in mathematics and in physics. It appears when giving a closed form expression for Porter's constant, when estimating the efficiency of the Euclidean algorithm. It also is connected to solutions of Painlevé differential equations and the Gaudin model.[1]



The Glaisher–Kinkelin constant A can be defined via the following limit:[2]


where   is the hyperfactorial: An analogous limit, presenting a similarity between   and  , is given by Stirling's formula as:


with which shows that just as π is obtained from approximation of the factorials, A is obtained from the approximation of the hyperfactorials.

Relation to special functions


Just as the factorials can be extended to the complex numbers by the gamma function such that   for positive integers n, the hyperfactorials can be extended by the K-function[3] with   also for positive integers n, where:


This gives:[1]


A related function is the Barnes G-function which is given by


and for which a similar limit exists:[2]


The Glaisher-Kinkelin constant also appears in the evaluation of the K-function and Barnes-G function at half and quarter integer values such as:[1][4]


with   being Catalan's constant and   being the lemniscate constant.

The logarithm of G(z + 1) has the following asymptotic expansion, as established by Barnes:[5]


The constant   also may be used to give some values of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function as closed form expressions, such as:[2][6]


where γ is the Euler–Mascheroni constant.

Series expressions


The above formula for   gives the following series:[2]


which directly leads to the following product found by Glaisher:


Similarly it is


which gives:


An alternative product formula, defined over the prime numbers, reads:[7]


where pk denotes the kth prime number.

A series representation for this constant follows from a series for the Riemann zeta function given by Helmut Hasse:[8]




The following are some definite integrals involving Glaisher's constant:[1]


the latter being a special case of:[9]


We further have:[10] and 



The Glaisher-Kinkelin constant can be viewed as the first constant in a sequence of infinitely many so-called generalized Glaisher constants or Bendersky constants.[1] They emerge from studying the following product: Setting   gives the factorial  , while choosing   gives the hyperfactorial  .

Defining the following function with the Bernoulli numbers   (and using  ), one may approximate the above products asymptotically via  .

For   we get Stirling's approximation without the factor   as  .

For   we obtain  , similar as in the limit definition of  .

This leads to the following definition of the generalized Glaisher constants:


which may also be written as:


This gives   and   and in general:[1][11][12]


with the harmonic numbers   and  .

Because of the formula


for  , there exist closed form expressions for   with even   in terms of the values of the Riemann zeta function such as:[1]



For odd   one can express the constants   in terms of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function such as:



The numerical values of the first few generalized Glaisher constants are given below:

k Value of Ak to 50 decimal digits OEIS
0 2.50662827463100050241576528481104525300698674060993... A019727
1 1.28242712910062263687534256886979172776768892732500... A074962
2 1.03091675219739211419331309646694229063319430640348... A243262
3 0.97955552694284460582421883726349182644553675249552... A243263
4 0.99204797452504026001343697762544335673690485127618... A243264
5 1.00968038728586616112008919046263069260327634721152... A243265
6 1.00591719699867346844401398355425565639061565500693... A266553
7 0.98997565333341709417539648305886920020824715143074... A266554
8 0.99171832163282219699954748276579333986785976057305... A266555
9 1.01846992992099291217065904937667217230861019056407... A266556
10 1.01911023332938385372216470498629751351348137284099... A266557

See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f g Finch, Steven R. (2003-08-18). Mathematical Constants. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-81805-6.
  2. ^ a b c d Weisstein, Eric W. "Glaisher-Kinkelin Constant". Retrieved 2024-10-05.
  3. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "K-Function". Retrieved 2024-10-05.
  4. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Barnes G-Function". Retrieved 2024-10-05.
  5. ^ E. T. Whittaker and G. N. Watson, "A Course of Modern Analysis", CUP.
  6. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Riemann Zeta Function". Retrieved 2024-10-05.
  7. ^ Van Gorder, Robert A. (2012). "Glaisher-Type Products over the Primes". International Journal of Number Theory. 08 (2): 543–550. doi:10.1142/S1793042112500297.
  8. ^ Guillera, Jesus; Sondow, Jonathan (2005-06-16). "Double integrals and infinite products for some classical constants via analytic continuations of Lerch's transcendent". Retrieved 2024-10-05.
  9. ^ Adamchik, V. S. (2003-08-08), Contributions to the Theory of the Barnes Function, doi:10.48550/arXiv.math/0308086, retrieved 2024-10-06
  10. ^ Pain, Jean-Christophe (2024-04-22), Two integral representations for the logarithm of the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.05264, retrieved 2024-10-06
  11. ^ Choudhury, Bejoy K. (1995). "The Riemann Zeta-Function and Its Derivatives". Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 450 (1940): 477–499. ISSN 0962-8444.
  12. ^ Adamchik, Victor S. (1998-12-21). "Polygamma functions of negative order". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 100 (2): 191–199. doi:10.1016/S0377-0427(98)00192-7. ISSN 0377-0427.