Wikipedia:Top 25 Report/March 1 to 7, 2020


Prepared with commentary by Igordebraga

Last week's report | Next week's report

The official data is still down, so through other tools we compiled a list with people worried either about COVID-19 or the upcoming election.

Rank Article Class Views Image About
1 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak   3.465.955
The article is now 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, showing how widespread the disease has gotten since it originated in China.
2 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries   2.331.572
The Republicans just went for a possible Trump re-election, so the Democrats instead are having a tight race, that after Super Tuesday (#4), has only three candidates left: #5, #7, and #23.
3 Coronavirus   2.106.989
The specific strain of this type of virus currently causing panic worldwide (#1) was known as 2019-nCoV and is now Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
4 Super Tuesday   1.356.307
11 states held their primaries (#2) on March 3, most of whom were won by Joe Biden, Barack Obama's vice president who previously served as Senator for Delaware.
5 Joe Biden   1.086.375
6 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak by country and territory   1.071.108
#1 started in China, and has gone onto over 100 countries (including the Vatican - see #10 as for why). The list also includes a cruise ship, the Diamond Princess, which had 696 cases (7 of them fatal) and is currently quarantined following an evacuation in the coast of Japan.
7 Bernie Sanders   985.977
After losing the Democratic presidential spot to Hillary Clinton in 2016, the Vermont Senator is currently trying again against #5.
8 The Invisible Man (2020 film)   964.377
Without the classic look seen to the left (that certainly would help avoid getting infected in times of our #1!) or previously attached star Johnny Depp, The Invisible Man was brought back in a cheaply made and highly effective thriller that got glowing reviews and already made over $100 million worldwide.
9 Spanish flu   773.875
Over a hundred years ago, another virus (the H1N1, which struck again in 2009) wiped out huge portions of the world population, and reportedly started in Europe - though not in Spain, that got the name because unlike other countries they didn't care if reporting on the deaths would be bad for morale. The current pandemic (#1) had its first major outbreak out of Asia in Italy, which is currently only behind disease source China.
10 2020 coronavirus outbreak in Italy   754.327
11 Deaths in 2020   739.351
Close the doors, put out the light
You know they won't be home tonight...
12 Coronavirus disease 2019   716.921
Turning Wikipedia into WebMD, readers also went to see what exactly COVID-19 (#1 et al.) causes - it's a cold that can evolve into pneumonia or worse.
13 Michael Bloomberg   704.072
The billionaire ex-mayor of New York spent a record $500 million to become the presidential candidate (#2), only to withdraw following the Super Tuesday (#4). The only place where he won was American Samoa!
14 The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez   654.820 If diseases and politics aren't horrific enough for you, there's always this Netflix documentary series about an eight year old who was abused and murdered.
15 Elizabeth Warren   593.590
One day after our #13 quit the Democratic race (#2), this senator from Massachusetts also left.
16 Katy Perry   556.782   And for happier news, a couple with peaks in different decades (Perry's music in the 2010s, Bloom's movies in the 2000s) confirmed to be expecting a baby together.
17 Orlando Bloom   512.332
18 2020 coronavirus outbreak in the United States   493.734
Over a thousand cases, 41 of them fatal, of #1 have reached the USA. People rush to gather resources in fear of a quarantine, and many events ended up cancelled.
19 2020 United States presidential election   483,947
#2 is to choose whoever in November will follow Hillary Clinton in going up against #21.
20 Zhong Nanshan   435.195
If the virus responsible for #1 is officially SARS 2, who better to become the leading advisor in managing the crisis than the Chinese epidemiologist and pulmonologist who dealt with the first SARS back in 2002-04?
21 Donald Trump   432.341
Already guaranteed to run for re-election in November, the Tweeter-In-Chief probably owes his views to how he's handling #18, with demeaning and neglectful quotes all around.
22 Parasite (2019 film)   431.405
Before South Korea became the fourth most affected country in our #1, they had a moment of happiness and pride with this movie becoming the first production not in English to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.
23 Tulsi Gabbard   431,057
The Hawaiian representative has no chance on the race at #2, but she says she will remain for "an opportunity to speak to Americans every single day about the sea change we need in our foreign policy."
24 2020 coronavirus outbreak in Germany   415,163
Germany so far has weathered this virus like a champ, with just 52 deaths out of 18,000 cases. But, given Germany's linchpin position in the global economy, all anyone seems to want to talk about are the financial implications.
25 David Byrne   414.427
"Psycho Killer", Qu'est-ce que c'est ?... The former leader of Talking Heads appeared as the musical guest on Saturday Night Live, accompanied by the Broadway cast of his musical American Utopia.
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