Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Mongolian

The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Mongolian
# Articles in Mongolian instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Япон country, island country, sovereign state Japan   409
2 Орос country, federation, secular state Russia 409
3 Энэтхэг country, republic, federal republic India   388
4 Хятад dictatorship of the proletariat, people's republic, socialist state China 386
5 Канад country, sovereign state Canada   383
6 Австрали country, federation, sovereign state Australia   382
7 Дэлхий terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth   360
8 Нэгдсэн Үндэстний Байгууллага intergovernmental organization, international organization United Nations 349
9 Сар regular moon, planetary-mass moon, planetary moon Moon   341
10 Өмнөд Солонгос country, constitutional republic, sovereign state South Korea 341
11 Казахстан country, landlocked country, unitary state Kazakhstan 340
12 Москва megacity, federal city of Russia, big city Moscow 332
13 Шинэ Зеланд country, island country, Commonwealth realm New Zealand   332
14 Математик academic major, academic discipline, mathematical term Mathematics 327
15 Монгол country, landlocked country, sovereign state Mongolia 312
16 Физик exact science, branch of science, academic discipline Physics 302
17 Компьютер invention Computer 285
18 Дэлхийн хоёрдугаар дайн world war, historical period World War II   282
19 Буддын шашин religion, lifestyle, world view Buddhism 272
20 Од astronomical object type Star   269
21 Хүн organisms known by a particular common name Human   264
22 Санкт-Петербург federal subject of Russia, federal city of Russia, big city Saint Petersburg 262
23 Зөвлөлт Холбоот Улс historical country Soviet Union 260
24 Чарльз Спенсер Чаплин human Charlie Chaplin   248
25 Хөдөө аж ахуй field of work, economic sector Agriculture   233
26 Сент-Китс ба Невис country, state, island country Saint Kitts and Nevis 232
27 Экологи academic discipline, branch of geography, branch of biology Ecology   222
28 Баавгай taxon Bear   219
29 Шавж taxon Insect   212
30 Лионель Месси human Lionel Messi   205
31 Хөнгөн цагаан chemical element, metal, lithophile Aluminium   201
32 Чингис хаан human Genghis Khan   200
33 Улаанбаатар city, big city, first-level administrative division Ulaanbaatar 184
34 Дезоксирибонуклейн хүчил structural class of chemical entities DNA   179
35 Гурвалжин geometric shape Triangle 174
36 Ядуурал status Poverty 173
37 Газрын тос mixture, commodity, product Petroleum 171
38 Газар зүйн солбицлын систем Geographic coordinate system 170
39 Михаэль Шумахер human Michael Schumacher   170
40 Аргон chemical element, gas, atmophile element Argon 167
41 Стивен Спилберг human Steven Spielberg 167
42 Генетик science, academic discipline, branch of biology Genetics   157
43 Саладин human Saladin 149
44 Нүүрс Coal 145
45 Жүдо type of sport Judo 141
46 Зинедин Зидан human Zinedine Zidane 139
47 Жакомо Пуччини human Giacomo Puccini 138
48 Солонгосын дайн war Korean War 135
49 Их Монгол Улс historical country Mongol Empire 131
50 Инерт хий group, main group Noble gas   128
51 Биотехнологи applied science, industry, interdisciplinary science Biotechnology 127
52 Өвөр Монгол autonomous region Inner Mongolia 127
53 Ленинград муж oblast of Russia Leningrad Oblast 122
54 Харьцангуйн тусгай онол physical law, scientific theory Special relativity 120
55 Сэргээгдэх эрчим хүч Renewable energy 119
56 Тектоник хавтан theory Plate tectonics 116
57 Монголчууд ethnic group Mongols 114
58 Чичен Ица tourist attraction, archaeological site, ancient city Chichen Itza 107
59 Их Хорь intergovernmental organization, international organization, geopolitical group G20 107
60 Йелловстоун үндэсний цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэн national park, biosphere reserve, tourist attraction Yellowstone National Park 106
61 Юань Улс conquest dynasty, historical period, historical Chinese state Yuan dynasty 97
62 2000 оны Зуны Олимп Summer Olympic Games 2000 Summer Olympics 92
63 Ниссан brand, automobile manufacturer, public company Nissan 89
64 Порше automobile manufacturer, public company, racecar constructor Porsche 89
65 Опел subsidiary, automobile manufacturer, car brand Opel 87
66 АНУ-ын Зэвсэгт Хүчин military United States Armed Forces 80
67 Хүлэгү human Hulegu Khan 77
68 Мэдрэгч physical technological component, field of study, field of study Sensor 77
69 Зээрд шонхор taxon Lesser kestrel 73
70 Уилт Чемберлэн human Wilt Chamberlain   68
71 Цагаадайн Улс khanate, horde, historical country Chagatai Khanate 64
72 Тэнгэр шүтлэг religion Tengrism 61
73 Зөвлөлтийн 1991 оны төрийн эргэлт хийх оролдлого military coup, attempted coup d'état 1991 Soviet coup attempt 60
74 Франц Фердинанд musical group Franz Ferdinand (band) 60
75 CAD field of study Computer-aided design 59
76 Хөвсгөл нуур rift lake Lake Khövsgöl 59
77 Архангай аймаг province of Mongolia Arkhangai Province 58
78 Дорнод аймаг province of Mongolia Dornod Province 54
79 Чацаргана taxon Hippophae 54
80 1997 оны Азийн санхүүгийн хямрал financial crisis 1997 Asian financial crisis 53
81 Нимгэн төмөр building material, material Sheet metal 53
82 Дорноговь аймаг province of Mongolia Dornogovi Province 52
83 Куликовын тулалдаан battle Battle of Kulikovo 51
84 Азотын фиксаци biological process Nitrogen fixation 50
85 Зүүнгарын Хаант Улс historical country Dzungar Khanate 46
86 Монголын түүх history of a country or state History of Mongolia 45
87 Бэрх human Berke 44
88 Тогоонтөмөр хаан human Toghon Temür 44
89 Хорлоогийн Чойбалсан human Khorloogiin Choibalsan 40
90 Абаха human Abaqa Khan 38
91 Олимпын хоккейн тэмцээн recurring sporting event Ice hockey at the Olympic Games   38
92 Усны инженерчлэл field of study, economic sector, academic discipline Hydraulic engineering 37
93 Аргун human Arghun 35
94 Тооцон бодох шингэний динамик field of study Computational fluid dynamics 34
95 Дамдины Сүхбаатар human Damdin Sükhbaatar 34
96 Жүдогийн дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн recurring tournament World Judo Championships 31
97 Соёмбо тэмдэг symbol Soyombo symbol 29
98 2004 оны АНУ-ын гран-при United States Grand Prix 2004 United States Grand Prix 27
99 Монголын Хөлбөмбөгийн Холбоо association football federation Mongolian Football Federation 27
100 Тооцон бодох шинжлэх ухаан Computational science 26
101 Боксын дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн world championship, sports competition IBA World Boxing Championships 25
102 Стивен Брэдбури human Steven Bradbury 24
103 Долгорсүрэнгийн Дагвадорж human Asashōryū Akinori   23
104 Монгол Улсын Зэвсэгт Хүчин armed forces Mongolian Armed Forces 23
105 Урианхай ethnic group Uriankhai 23
106 Ардын хувьсгал revolution Mongolian Revolution of 1921 20
107 Цэндийн Дамдинсүрэн human Tsendiin Damdinsüren 18
108 Лигдэн хаан human Ligdan Khan 16
109 Монгол түүхэн бичиг үсгүүд Mongolian writing systems 15
110 Монголын үндэсний түүхийн музей national museum National Museum of Mongolia 15
111 Догсомын Бодоо human Dogsomyn Bodoo 12
112 Богд хааны ордон музей fixed construction Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan 12
113 Автомашины дугуй Car tire 11
114 Санжаасүрэнгийн Зориг human Sanjaasürengiin Zorig 11
115 Бэгзийн Явуухулан human Begziin Yavuukhulan 10
116 Их Монгол улсын их хааны тамга national seal Imperial Seal of the Mongols 10
117 Монгол дахь Их Хэлмэгдүүлэлт Stalinist repressions in Mongolia 9
118 Баяраагийн Наранбаатар human Bayaraagiin Naranbaatar 8
119 Юань улсын төрлийн вангуудын жагсаалт Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q10889735) 2
Average With English: en/mn (Mongolian) = 118/119 (99.2%) 134.6
Sum No article or article with the same title: 0
No label: 1

See also
