Favorite Quotes


“We are not what other people say we are. We are who we know ourselves to be, and we are what we love. That's OK”—Laverne Cox

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”—Desmond Tutu

“Well behaved women seldom make history.”—Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

“Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.”—Marie Shear

“My pronouns aren't preferred, they're required.”—J Mase III

“Thinking sets the agenda for action, and thinking of humans as less than human paves the way for atrocity.”—David Livingstone Smith

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”—Harlan Ellison

Favorite Poems


First they came ..., by Martin Niemöller

The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

Harlem, by Langston Hughes




 This user is of multiple ancestries.
 This user is of
English ancestry.
 This user is of Hungarian ancestry.
 The Cherokee blood
flows through this user's veins.
  This user is of Irish ancestry.
 This user is of German ancestry.
 This user is a Genealogist.


 This user is a Terran.
 This user is a native of North America.
 This user is a citizen of the United States of America.
 This user is proud to be a
Californian !
 This user lives in, or hails from, Los Angeles.
en-us-caDude, this person is totally a California English speaker.
 This user is a Valley girl from the U.S. State of California.
 This user lives in the U.S. State of Missouri.
 This user has lived in the U.S. State of Oklahoma.
 This user has lived in the U.S. State of Texas.
 This user has lived in the U.S. State of Kansas.

Travel: Interplanetary

 This user has left the planet Earth 0 times.
 This user would like to vacation on Mars (one day).
 This user loves the Moon.
 This user would like to
ski Enceladus.

Travel: Countries

 This user has never left the Western Hemisphere.
 This user has visited South America.
 This user has visited 4 countries of the world.4
 This user has visited Canada.
 This user has visited the Canadian province of British Columbia.
 This user has visited the Canadian province of Ontario.
 This user has visited México.
 This user has visited the Mexican state of Baja California.
 This user has visited Colombia.

Travel: US States

 This user has visited 25 of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.25
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Alaska.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Arizona.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Arkansas.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of California.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Colorado.
 This user has visited the United States District of Columbia.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Florida.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Georgia.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Illinois.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Indiana.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Kansas.
 This user has visited the U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Maryland.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Michigan.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Missouri.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Nevada.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of New Mexico.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Ohio.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Oklahoma.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Oregon.
 This user has visited the U.S. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Tennessee.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Texas.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Utah.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Washington.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of West Virginia.
 This user has visited the U.S. State of Wyoming.

Travel: National Parks

 This user has visited 20 of the 63 National Parks in the United States.20
 This user has visited Black Canyon of the Gunnison Nat'l Park in Colorado, USA 
 This user has visited
Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park
in Utah, USA
 This user has visited
Carlsbad Caverns Nat'l Park in New Mexico, USA
 This user has visited
Everglades Nat'l Park
in Florida, USA
 This user has visited
Glacier Bay Nat'l Park & Preserve in Alaska, USA
 This user has visited
Grand Canyon Nat'l Park
in Arizona, USA
 This user has visited
Grand Teton Nat'l Park
in Wyoming, USA
 This user has visited
Great Basin Nat'l Park
in Nevada, USA
 This user has visited
Hot Springs Nat'l Park in Arkansas, USA
 This user has visited
Joshua Tree Nat'l Park in California, USA
 This user has visited
Kenai Fjords Nat'l Park
in Alaska, USA
 This user has visited
Kings Canyon Nat'l Park in California, USA
 This user has visited
Redwood National Park
in California, USA
 This user has visited
Mesa Verde Nat'l Park
in Colorado, USA
 This user has visited
Saguaro National Park
in Arizona, USA
 This user has visited
Sequoia National Park
in California, USA
 This user has visited
Yellowstone Nat'l Park
in Wyoming, MT, ID, USA
 This user has visited
Yosemite National Park
in California, USA
 This user has visited
Zion National Park
in Utah, USA
 In 1988, this user hiked
Sunset Crater Nat'l Mon
in Arizona, USA

Travel: Activities

 This user is a bicyclist.
 This user is a swimmer.
 This user enjoys backpacking.
 This user enjoys hiking.
 This user enjoys camping.
 This user has cycled in the U.S. State of California.
 This user has cycled in the U.S. State of Oklahoma.
 This user has cycled in the U.S. State of Texas.
 This user has cycled in the U.S. State of Kansas.
 This user has cycled in the U.S. State of Missouri.
 This user hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in the U.S. State of California.
 This user hiked the Ouachita National Recreation Trail in the U.S. State of Oklahoma.
 This user hiked the Ouachita National Recreation Trail in the U.S. State of Arkansas.
 This user hiked in Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. State of Wyoming.
 This user has sailed on Sea Princess.

Gender and Sexuality

 This user is female.
 This user is a trans woman.
HRTThis user is undertaking hormone replacement therapy as part of their gender transition.
 This user is a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) community.
 This user identifies as a femme.
 This user identifies as pansexual. 
 This user identifies as polyamorous.
 This user is in a same-sex marriage, domestic partnership or civil union.
 This user is a feminist.
 This user is a transfeminist.
♂♀This user supports gender equality.
 This user is interested in women's and gender history. 
 This user supports a mother's right to breastfeed in public.


DS This user is a democratic socialist.
This user ardently opposes the rise of neo-fascism.
This user knows that
Black Lives Matter.
 This user promotes efforts to counter
climate change
 This user recognizes that the War on Drugs is racially motivated.
 This user supports medical cannabis 
  This user believes that the Hawaiian Kingdom was illegally overthrown. Long live Queen Liliʻuokalani!
 This user knows the Black Hills were illegally stolen from the Sioux and believes they are not for sale.

This user believes, based on experience, that society favors the "straight christian white male".

 This user supports public transit.
  This user is interested in environmentalism.

Religion and Philosophy

  This user is interested in philosophy.
 This user is interested in religion.
  This user is a High Church adherent of Anglican Christianity.
 This user is interested in Eastern Christianity.
 This user knows that
Mary is the Theotokos

Professional Skills

 This user is a software engineer.
Andoid-NThis user is a native Android SDK programmer.
Java-3This user is an advanced Java programmer.
py-2This user is an intermediate Python programmer.
bash-3This user is an advanced Bash programmer.
This user is an intermediate LaTeX user.
js-3This user is an advanced JavaScript programmer.
PHP-3This user is an advanced PHP programmer.
pas-3This user is an advanced Pascal programmer.
XML-3This user is an advanced XML coder.
SQL-2This user is an intermediate SQL programmer.
MySQLThis user is an intermediate MySQL programmer.
This user can write in Markdown.
This user is an expert at writing in plain text (like all other computer users).
progThis user has been programming for 70.4% of their life.70%
 This user likes Java.
wirelessThis user has worked within the wireless telecommunications industry

Software and Hardware

 This user supports free software.
 This user contributes using Notepad++.
Portable Apps This user uses portable applications to run software off a portable device.
 This user uses LaTeX and admires its power.
 This user uses Inkscape extensively.
 This user uses GIMP.
 This user contributes with XFCE.
 This user uses the Raspberry Pi
 This user owns an Android phone.
 This user owns an Android tablet PC.
 This user owns a Nexus 10 tablet.
UnixThis user prefers Unix operating systems for the server purpose.

 This user contributes using Linux.
 This user contributes using Windows 7.

Science and Mathematics

 This user is interested in
 The favorite number of this user is Pi
 This user is fascinated by number theory.
 This user thinks polar coordinates are pretty.
10This user realizes that there are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who do not.
 This user enjoys studying fractals.
  This user is fascinated by chaos theory.
τThis user believes tau should replace pi as a mathematical constant.
 This user is a cryptologist and actually understands how SHA works.
 This user knows how to travel 1 mile due south, due east, then due north and end up where they started.
evolThis user considers evolution an amazing biological fact.
This user is interested in
 This user is interested in
Molecular Biology.
  This user is interested in Fossils.
 This user is interested in Chemistry.
DHMOThis user drinks plenty of dihydrogen monoxide.
  This user has a keen interest in Quantum Physics.
 This user is interested in astronomy.
 This user would like to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to investigate it personally.

Grammar Preferences

This user supports the use of the
Oxford comma.
;This user knows how to use a semicolon correctly.
’sThis user realises that plural nouns should not have an apostrophe while possessive words should!
“…”This user favors curly quotation marks over straight style.
"…"?This user thinks "British punctuation is best for quotation marks". Do you?
-This user is a hyphenation expert.
theyThis user considers singular they standard English usage.
theyThis user frequently uses singular they as it is a handy gender-neutral pronoun.
Regarding gender, neutrality is vernacular. Patriarchy is archaic.
byThe passive voice may be used by this user.
to¦goThis user chooses to sometimes use split infinitives.
…in.Ending a sentence with a preposition is something that this user is okay with.
This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
if & whetherThis user knows how to use "if" and "whether" correctly.
This user understands the difference between using "than" and "then."
This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling!
This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you're in need of help.
itsThis user understands the difference between its (of it) and it's (it is or it has).
which & thatThis user knows how to use which and that correctly.
less & fewerThis user understands the difference between less & fewer.
much & manyThis user understands the difference between much & many.
This user refuses to use the verb "decimate" as a synonym for "obliterate"!
. TheThis user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
;This user's favorite punctuation is semicolons; they like using them a lot.
S sThis user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is S.
Þ þThis user's favorite letter in the English* alphabet is Þ.
&This user's favorite character* in the English alphabet is &.
Ψ ψThis user's favorite letter in the Greek alphabet is Ψι.
Φ φThis user's favorite letter in the Greek alphabet is Φι.
אThis user's favorite letter in the Hebrew alphabet is אָלֶף
based Based on experience, this user knows that based off is nearly always incorrect.
since This user dislikes the use of since to mean because.
 This user employs a more formal style of writing in articles than in talk pages.


 This user enjoys playing Sudoku.
 This user is a backgammon player.
 This user is a Board Game Geek.
 This user settled Catan.
 This user enjoys playing Abalone.
CardsThis user enjoys playing card games.
  This user can solve the Pyraminx without cheating.
  This user can solve a Pocket Cube without cheating.
 This user has a Rubik's Cube,
and it looks very similar to
←— that one (unsolved)!


  This user likes most types of music.
 This user enjoys classical music.
 This user enjoys ambient music.
 This user enjoys electronic music.
 This user is interested in
all kinds of rock'n'roll
 This user enjoys pop music.
 This user enjoys ska.
80sThis user rocks out to totally rad 80s new wave music.
 This user enjoys jazz music.


 This user is interested in Native American history and culture.
 This user is interested in the Spanish missions in California.
 This user is interested in the history of the Kingdom of Hungary
 This user is interested in the Byzantine Empire.


 This user enjoys cooking.
MEADThis user makes their own mead (and might even share some with you).
 This user can write in calligraphy.
 This user is a bibliophile.
 This user has read 9 of William Shakespeare's plays.
 This user knows Who's on First.
 This user is a hoopy frood who really knows where their towel is.
Dark violetThis user's favourite colour is dark violet.
 This user would like to wish you a safe and prepared Velociraptor Awareness Day.