The Wikipedia blackout is over — and you have spoken.

More than 162 million people saw our message asking if you could imagine a world without free knowledge. You said no. You shut down Congress’s switchboards. You melted their servers. From all around the world your messages dominated social media and the news. Millions of people have spoken in defense of a free and open Internet.

For us, this is not about money. It’s about knowledge. As a community of authors, editors, photographers, and programmers, we invite everyone to share and build upon our work.

Our mission is to empower and engage people to document the sum of all human knowledge, and to make it available to all humanity, in perpetuity. We care passionately about the rights of authors, because we are authors.

SOPA and PIPA are not dead: they are waiting in the shadows. What’s happened in the last 24 hours, though, is extraordinary. The internet has enabled creativity, knowledge, and innovation to shine, and as Wikipedia went dark, you've directed your energy to protecting it.

We’re turning the lights back on. Help us keep them shining brightly. Address : <>


Good morning!

Have a god time editing your world's beauties!


The packice zone fluctuating throughout the year.
Wikipedia itself often showcases pages like Islam and terrorism as examples of high quality articles, and in truth they are. But those pages have acquired the greatest scrutiny because there are opposing stakeholders ...
The NeutralPointOfView desperately hinges on the very point that no one disagrees with the text, and thus if that bar for disagreement is very low (as in no one cares) then the page will remain low quality.
Meatball Wiki, November 17, 2004


To all who expressed support for my ArbCom candidacy or opposed, stating, or not, reasons. I'll edit mercilessly and contribute thinking of you.

Holi of the days - - I'm on vacation soon. please post only if you'll wait 1 month, thanks (4th of July - > beginnin' August). I'm +/- on vacation. Now I'm back (to RDs).

Best man of the day : Bob Ney's wig maker. (as of 25 May).

Fact of the day - User contributions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia sez that : "23:17, 18 May 2006 (hist) (diff) Wikipedia:Reference desk/Mathematics (→Theorem Problem - ianage)" is my thousandth contrib. Champagne! And also, I am not a geometry expert.

Subject of the last month - I launched a "WP million survey" with great success - see subpage.

Subject of the laaast month - I wrote to a dozen people about it ... "Are you aware of this Wikipedia talk:Censorship ?"

Hübnerite is a mineral consisting of manganese tungsten oxide, with a chemical formula MnWO4. It typically occurs in association with high-temperature hydrothermal vein deposits and altered granites and in alluvial deposits. Hübnerite is the manganese endmember of the wolframite solid solution series, with ferberite (FeWO4) the opposite iron endmember. Color differences between members of the wolframite family are clear and marked, with the color of hübnerite varying from yellowish brown to reddish brown. It was first described in 1865 for an occurrence in the US state of Nevada and was named after the German mining engineer and metallurgist Adolf Hübner. This stacked image, composed of 38 individual photographs, shows red hübnerite crystals with quartz extracted from the Pasto Bueno mine in Pallasca Province, Peru.Photograph credit: Ivar Leidus

Ha ! Harvestman here helps hosting hundreds o’highly, horrific, hastily hewn histories. And aims at an awkward appreciated approach at avery awful affair, acknowledging an absurd ardor (ask : Ada_or_Ardor).

Last news (SW ents Al) : A daffodil slid off Ada.

I’m french with interests in computer science, language, beauty and – coherence.

Wish us all success in designing a knowledge world that the world deserves.




WP million survey

My subpage

My boxes

How is made a wiki ?

what I discovered with WP


"The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in the pronunciation of the English language, generally accomplished in the 15th century, although evidence suggests it began as early as the 14th century." And : Grimm's law. Too much!

"Great Awakenings are commonly said to be periods of religious revival in Anglo-American religious history. They have also been described as periodic revolutions in American religious thought. The Great Awakenings appear to form a cycle, with a period of roughly 80 years."

  • List of Great articles ...

Great Britain * Great Lakes * Great Depression * Great Bittern * Great Bowerbird * Great Cormorant * Great Dane * Great Egret * Great Shearwater * Great Snipe * Great Tit bird * The Great Escape * The Great Gatsby * The Great One * Great Purge * Great circle * Great Migration * Old Great Bulgaria

"Klüver noticed that mescaline produced recurring geometric patterns in different users. He called these patterns 'form constants' and categorized four types: lattices (including honeycombs, checkerboards, and triangles), cobwebs, tunnels, and spirals."

"In cosmology, dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy which permeates all of space and has strong negative pressure. According to the theory of relativity, the effect of such a negative pressure is qualitatively similar to a force acting in opposition to gravity at large scales."

Families of flowering plants

The most diverse families of flowering plants, in order of number of species, are:

  1. Asteraceae or Compositae (Daisy family): 26,000 species
  2. Orchidaceae (Orchid family): 20,000 (possibly 30,000)
  3. Fabaceae or Leguminosae (Pea family): 17,000
  4. Poaceae or Gramineae (Grass family): 9,000
  5. Rubiaceae (Madder family): 7,000
  6. Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family): 5,000
  7. Malvaceae (Mallow family): 4,300
  8. Cyperaceae (Sedge family): 4,000

In the list above (showing only the 8 largest families), the Orchidaceae, Poaceae, and Cyperaceae are monocot families; the others are dicot families. The total number of families in the flowering plants is over 460. There are around 95,000 species also.

Did not discover but checked with pleasure

Da Vinci's painting
Cavanna [1]
Oh ... what about unbulleted lists ?

Help:List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
; Term 1 : Definition 1

^ Cavanna was my first (stub) creation.

(Note to Firefox users: There is a useful toolbar just for editing wiki pages.)


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