This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!
Article | description | Country | Start date | End date | Image |
Hass Murad Pasha | Ottoman politician | Byzantine Empire Ottoman Empire |
Mihaloğlu Mehmed Bey | member of the Mihaloğulları family | Ottoman Empire | |||
Yeğen Osman Pasha | Ottoman military officer | Ottoman Empire | 1687-01-01 | 1687-01-01 | |
Kasim Pasha | Ottoman military commander | Ottoman Empire | 1442-01-01 | 1442-01-01 | |
Hadim Suleiman Pasha | Ottoman governor | Ottoman Empire | 1474-01-01 | ||
Hadım Şehabeddin | Ottoman vizier | Ottoman Empire | 1439-01-01 | 1442-01-01 | |
Turahan Bey | Ottoman military commander and governor | Ottoman Empire | |||
Topal Osman Pasha | Ottoman general (1663-1733) | Ottoman Empire | |||
Lala Şahin Pasha | Ottoman governor | Ottoman Empire | |||
Süleyman Çelebi | Ottoman prince | Ottoman Empire | |||
Mahmud Pasha | Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire (1456–1466, 1472–1474) | Ottoman Empire | |||
Sokollu Mehmed Pasha | Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire (1505–1579) | Ottoman Empire | |||
Hurshid Pasha | Ottomon governor | Ottoman Empire |
End of auto-generated list.