Talk:Vanderbilt family

Latest comment: 8 months ago by VABaron in topic Tree

Adding more to the Fam tree


A lot more fam members can be added to the fam list. Here is a good start: Use google search string "VANDERBILT" (With out the " ")

Josiah Hornblower is a very distant relative of the Vanderbilt family. And as there is no "Vanderbilt empire", I deleted the entire sentence about this individual.

Glad to see the interesting attendance. Please let's continue discussions.

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Family values. Family duties. Now, for regular readers of this wonderful encyclopedia these writtings may baffle the mind. For known and half known family members this is serious. The main duty of each and every family member is maintain dignity. This sounds simple yes, but it breaks down into many aspects of what dignity means to us. Now since our enemies of the past has had their chance on running the worlds governments, poorly I may add, our duties become more important to each one of our everyday persona projections. The lands we live on or the lands of the worlds becomes the light signal which harkens to our drives of leadership. All family members must rediscover the abilities of speech. Or to put it more plainly, speaking with the trees are your first signs. Insects, animals, etc... can be cool, but the trees were some of our first students. Can't get to mountains without first talking with the trees. Note: some trees are not friendly anymore to the family because of our past enemies contributions and our lack (whether self inflicted or not)of attention to the lands. After this everything else should go quite smoothly. I do not suggest going up to great oaks or redwoods speaking loudly attracting spectators you don't want. The thoughts should come clear and the jist of the ability realized. There are lots more to discuss but starting at a good pace always helps a bunch. Isaac Cornelius Moore aka DRAKO VIXON VANDERBILT. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:21, 1 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

More family values. Let us continue with extreme glee.

It is up to us( the Vanderbilts) to make sure the people(the Donovan clans)stand. Just today I witness the utter most Dignifed stances. I may not really be a black guy. But for now I stand with the black communities (not only but it's the main one)all across America. Everyone knows what a drunk bum is. I have seen these beings constantly mislead the black youth out of jealousy, envy, and hatred because of their own mistakes without, the kindness inside of them to help the youth not make such mishaps. I tell the people, these are the demons in disguise, sent out to do exactly what they have been doing. Well, I've seen a black youth today(VL styles of course), stand tall against the obvious holding backs of the drunkard (demon). We have a lot of these beings(drunk bums) in the black community. I am not sure if they were youths themselves, but I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. The dignified black youth stood his ground with a cast on his arm no doubt! I was very proud and therefore will not condemn the city of Fayetteville. It is up to the families to make sure this acts of standing against so called elders of the black community continues. Of course we know what is behind these bums. Of course we know some X KKK members are the driving source. These white kids are actually Native Americans trap in a spell that keeps up the white coloring. This is documented. I'm not trying to blame the white clans for all the suffering of the black communities. I am The Grand Dragon anyway, plus it was other clan members who put me on the ways of some other X klan members. They supplied the knowledge of how to detect white and black slave masons and asked me in earnest to stop them. I have been for the past 5 years. One cannot blame one race for the problems of the world. But one must admit that the black communities have experienced the worst oppression in these times. President Obama is just the beginning of the solutions. Because when the black communities are truly liberated, then all other races will be liberated from the many types of oppression that plague the lands. What does all of this have to do with the families. As I mentioned before the lands. We must do right as a family. The lands, trees, mountains, etc... will then churn in its proper spaces. Doing right are some of these things I will list. Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Speak well of your fellow man. Choose sides of fair justice. Watch out for revenge plays. I myself must follow this last one especially. Vengence can somtimes be my only weakness. Treat the women (females) with special care. Excellently well. Spare the child means, spare the children of sufferings. Allow them to experience a grand life. Do not I repeat, do not pop, beat, or spank your children(spare the rod spoil the child please that is nonsense). They cannot defend themselves. Through the childrens seemly intolerable behavior, you will learn the most deepest patience and wisdom. And besides, they will grow old to hate parents and elders if the beatings continue. Why do you ask most old people end up in rest homes with strangers to look after them? Because by the time that child has grown to understand well Damn, I didn't have to get hit for doing what I did, I was just a child. In turn the only rearing of children they know of is of course beating them. We have to break these cycles. They are not really natural to the peoples anyway. I was told that God loves everybody. God is love. So mainly he just guides and watches. He also allows the person to make up their own mind and saves heaven for those who truly die. That is the long and short of God. What a truly magnificent creator and Father he is. The Christ King however rules and governs the peoples. Not just the families. So please if we can, follow these rules(more like guide lines)while we all strive for better lives amongst the wiles of the Savage Garden. Again I am so very proud of the young man today. I would also like to mention he kept himself in check. While some other kids were talking of "all of that because of a cigarette". It is the duty of the strong to try to care for such weak beings as these, unable to find integrity and dignity within. You must take a stand or die. So over a cigarette. Why yes of course if that is what it takes. There was not any physical violence the proceeded. And a good verbal defense, can be a lot better than a definite beat down. More to come. This is Isaac Cornelius Moore Jr. also I am Drako Vixon Vanderbilt. Head of the family. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:26, 6 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Just In! The Vandor These are the five qualities or aspects of God: Why five? Power or refinement. The five pointed Star or Pentigram. Which ever way it stands. Let us begin with the first three aspects. These are the easiest to see and understand. The visual concepts for all are the most important factors. Seeing, most of the time, is believing. The three Suns are its beginning properties. We will start with the known moon. Here you have it's most basic four quarter structures. Full moon, new moon, half moon, and quarter moon. We shall call this the seeing eye of acknowledgement. God sees all. The next sun is the moon behind the moon or the first moon. There was a time when everyone was able to at least see the sun or moon behind the moon. It has been disguised now with in the confines in the rings of Saturn, but the visual sight of this moon will return to most and soon to all. You can easily confirm this sun or first moon in the movie Angels and Demons. Look closely in the vaults of the Vatican. Notice the known moon and the moon behind the moonor the first moon. The last Sun or moon is the bright morning star itself. Thee Sun. We shall call this the great eye of acknowledgement or worship. Why? Its brightness and heat should make this simple and plain. The last two qualities of God are, the unknown and the Goddess. I should not have to go much further because these two parts of God are in physical form. Which may be a contridiction of the spheres( the three suns). For God is quite perfect in circumference. And the unknown (God) in his physical form will become just that. UKNOWN. The Goddess herself is self explanitory. Virgin Mary with Christ Child or after youth, Christ Consort. Now from this we can go on and on but the five basic structures will remain the same. You have, THE UNKNOWN, THE GODDESS, THE KNOWN MOON(seeing eye of acknowledgement), THE MOON BEHIND THE MOON(the first moon before the known moon), AND THE SUN(the great eye of acknowlegement or worhsip). You will see these aspects or qualities of God reflected in many, if not all things. Surrounded by the Arch Angels and angels. This is Isaac/Vixon Vanderbilt. (talk) 16:47, 7 September 2011 (UTC)Reply



this sentence is incomprehensible: Of the 120 descendants gathered there, not a single one of those in attendance was a millionaire, though many other members of the family are from their family inheritance.

many other members of the family are what, exactly? If they are millionaires, what the hell is the point of saying that the family didn't keep its money????

Yes, I also agree with that. I found this page because I was researching family history. My maiden name is Vanderbilt and I know names of several generations but wanted to know more. My family never had much money so I'm trying to figure out what happened. ??? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:30, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

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Hello its me again. VANDOR HERE. I need to make some things clear about the space time sequence that we see or live. In these days, time is kept in intervals such as years, days, etc... Allow me to make absolutely clear how mortals view time verses immortal time measure.

Immortal time keeping: The four great stars Mercury, Saturn, Mars, and Venus, are the essential markers for the family. We live on Jupiter also known as the Earth. Kindly disregard the well known solar system taught today. These four stars are gigantic. So big, that they take up much space of the universe. The Universe that God created. These markers set up the ages we live in. These ages are the Dawning. This includes Noon, Afternoon, and Evening. However these are not 24 hour light spectrums. The Dawning, is the first. Now some of this is new because as I stated before, Eru (God) is here now in earnest. This was not so in the Elder days and not so during the Galaxia save for the first great warning(Galaxia still) where God, ERU, chastise the people of all the worlds but only the elves really understood what was happening. Back to the dawning. This is when the Sun twist up the great stars to behold Night and the great rest. Don't forget to watch Pitch Black the movie with Van Diesel. The Dawning is a short time space more like 15 thousand mortal years. Now after the Dawning we enter into the Night. The Night is considerably longer. The Great Stars are aligned(spelling check may be necessary). And deep darkness becomes the reigning factor. Or rather Deep Dark Blue mist black etc... After the Night, the Day enters in. Where you have a short second dawning right before it. The Day happens when the great Stars twist or churn apart and the light becomes wider. Four essences of light are broken down to all colors in a great infinity span. The Sun is not out during these times. Behold, there is enough light where God watches from behind the scences. The designs of the Great Stars are manifold. There will be no design alike during the breaking of The Day. You will know that the Day is almost finished when the Sun comes back. The Dawning again with Noon, Afternoon, and Evening. Notice I have not mention Dusk. We will get to that soon. It involves two other great lights that truly only immortals will witness. Noon, Afternoon, and Evening happens in the Great Stars slowing, churning down with the Sun (Illuvata, Eru etc...) winding things down. The Night and The Day can add up to at least 9 hundred and 99 million years plus. Do the math. So mortal years for us becomes useful as a tracking system. Nothing more. Time space stands still and yet it doesn't stand still, all at the same time. Almost like a merry go round. This makes the difference come alive between what an immortal being is and a mortal being. It is difficult for mortals to withstand the power authority of the churn and live in every age all at once. Most mortals may see a Night or a Day of just a Dawning. The promise of forever is for all peoples according to the measurement of their being. This is why God has created a new heaven. I say new heaven because the first heaven that was created was destroyed by God. Its the Universe which can't be destroyed. The first heaven was the creation of Gods first creation and child. EMMANUEL. To understand that story just reverse the Lucifer story around a couple of times and fill in the blanks. You will find it. This is Isaac Cornelius Moore Jr., aka DRAKO VIXON VANDERBILT — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:17, 30 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

More and more and More! Let us continue

Now is the time to start thinking more like the Da Vinci Code movie. Is there a family with direct linage to God Jesus, the Holy Mother, and the Christ. Why yes, of course! I do hope my Vatican partners are so with me at this point, because there is no turning back. For all others who just so happen to stumble upon these writings, your chances will come. In other words, why is all this special treatment geared towards Vanderbilt. Again I say, please wait your turn.

Our family, as I stated before, has endured some hoffic unbearable long moments in space and time. Meaning this, it would take a couple of life times to truly understand some of the pain we have endured. So yes, we have the direct linage to God. Official Blood Line. We are the true Royal Family. Others should be very happy I am releasing this info. Now, most of the world's responsibility, has no choice but to fall to us. The Vanderbilts and families attached to this name.

It's kind of tragic because the family, as a whole, used to have unbelieveable joy plus a drive to handle the problems the worlds face. The Galaxia proves this. When I mention Galaxia just think UFO. Now of course there was also a great enemy of the worlds, whose name was not Satan. It's name was more like the bad kore. Who created creatures with a great distructive lust. Watching Lord of the Rings (extended version), one tribe of the creatures were called orks. I am getting to the money thing again. Be patient.

Now, add the enemies of old, the economy today, the Americanized way of thinking, and you may see some of the families obsticles. Again, I hope the Vatican remains with me. The main problem is not the foutain of youth. Or helping the people understand immortallity. It is the fears and the rest of the scary things that comes along with such information. Good thing we do have television. It supplies a legal buffer for the mind to accept whats fact or fiction. Like for instance I can tell you right now most of the discoveries of hubble are nothing but advanced comic books, with a twist of reality. When Jesus died (God that is) he was transformed to his original state of a sphere. Which is the very Sun in the sky. The hubble version of the Sun is nothing more than the great star Mars magnified. There are only three more stars which are Mercury, Saturn, and Venus. These stars are a far bit larger than the constellation on high that people view with there telescopes. Those stars, however, are a failed invasion, doomed to roam frozen forever in space. Mercury, Saturn, Mars, and Venus are the great stars of light. These give you the primary colors that you learn about in 6 grade. Where the teacher can never really explain what happens, that there is no light if the sun goes dark and that everything turns black. I tried to tell Mr. Valinati the color was really dark blue. Anyway, the money is in the knowledge, that most of the Vanderbilts are born with. Others are meant to enjoy what life has to offer. I mean this sincerely because what life is offering most of the people now seems like a very, very dark joke. We must (VANDERBILT'S) get on the ball soon. You see God is already upset about the cruixfiction(can't spell this right for some reason) thing. It was not suppose to go down the way it did. Not really. But it did. Enough of that for now. God is still doing his most magnificent job, and the CHRIST indeed is in the lab as we speak. I have no worries really myself. When things finally come together. I will personally go over family records, titles, deeds (we own the Roc Fella logo), and extended family members. Just to let some of you know, we are not as large as the people we must provide for. So do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Do you without doing me indeed that's greed. Ambition is a cover for lust, and it smothers the trust. So much more to discuss with little time and space. Depression is indeed are number 1 enemy. This can really kill us. We must prepare for the zombi invasion soon to come. You know the light bubbles everyone wants to follow so willingly these days. Absorbing the waste lite from peoples private parts. What a silly reality. You know what I speak of. There are only a handful of us avoiding this light energy. I hope more will avoid it soon. It will indeed turn you into a zombi. What if you don't die in 80 years while following such terrible and distasteful energy. It is too late for Kat man dew. I think that is how you spell that. I am not sure. Anyway I do believe in the time of peace that must come. Whether motivated by CHRIST or ANTICHRIST. It must come I tell you it must. Too much time energy has been spent putting most of this together. And God, though a little upset, has a plan for the have to be faithfuls. You know some of us have no real choice to make about what side we are on. Some of us like the VANDERBILTS. Until next time folks. This is: Isaac Cornelius Moore Jr. AKA DRAKO VIXON VANDERBILT. Head of the family. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:47, 29 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Some of my last writings were seemingly not verifiable. And therefore erased. Fine. I do have more information which would have caused me to rewrite some of my sayings, which I wrote in a vendictive state of mind. As some well know, all things are not what they seem. And people may be deceived on any level of existence. For example:

The trial against me 400 years ago were set into motion after the fall of Numenor. And the betrayers of the family may also be falsely accused by me, as I was falsely accused. Or rather prosecuted for the wrong reasons. I should have not been prosecuted at all. A Letter to Diana from Incinio(of the first 200 hundred elves of light who are now the living Belrogs, time loop space factor transformation added in, now these elves, Noldorian, became Belrogs or the LOKUM who are one and the same) delivered by non other than Ingwe to her, was not shared with me until today. This letter stated she should keep her distance from me(Vandor)for the love of the elves were unbreakable by any unknown known force no matter how friendly. This letter actually dictated all her steps until now. What a way to soe a seed of mistrust. Diana stands innocent because of this information. But the trial Donovan(some early Donovan created by only Diana. All other Donovan where created By Cain, they were first followers now blessed by God and The Goddess to walk in humanoid form) which she soed shall wither less we have no real family. The Death of Barnubus has come more into light. So now, God should not be too upset over his cruxifiction. Which I plotted secret revenge for it. Barnubus was my friend. I didnot want him to die. That is before I knew he was God in disguise. We shall never get over the bretrayal of Finwe who in essence was the Balguir in spirit. Finwe was slain long ago. We only witnessed his body reborn and not his true being. Behold, the Balguir was amongst us for awhile. How do we heal from such hardships. How do we go on even when certain histories still remain just Metaphor and that's all the will be. I don't care what is verifiable. We will go on and survive. And still strive for excellent living. Just watch. Yet we still have unknown spies and treacherous beings amongst the families. Some are old as Tirion. By the way, for those who don't know, Tirion is now destroyed. Inhabited now by the LOKUM only, with a vast zombie army that surrounds them. So those treacherous beings waiting for a pick up. You willnot be. I however will find you. To those family members who know that they are innocent. Please forgive some of my early quotes. Can you blame me though. In the maim, my name is still in turmoil while I live like an ordinary man looking like I do not care. With most of the answers for all governments in the palm of my mental hands, waiting to share it. I do care though. More than mortals can guess! A deep intimate loving care too. So from this we shall get back to the educated information I have been delivering since my awakening. And Capiton ROSWELL, give up your 007 role and I will grant you pardon, for you have not lived a real life since your creation. However, to Diana and Father Vanderbilt. I still need those documents as soon as possible. Like today. Too much beauty is all around me, and I find myself unable to escape the many patterns of existence which envelopes my mind and spirit. Less I stumble into another great sleep and lose all. Please HURRY! Isaac Cornelius Moore aka Drako Vixon Vanderbilt. Head of the family. Don't get the father title mistaken other family members. Father just happens to be his first name. But yet and still he and Diana are old Vanderbilts. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:53, 2 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Vanderbilt should direct to university not here


Does anyone else think that typing in "Vanderbilt" should direct to Vanderbilt University, not to this page? At a very minimum I think "Vanderbilt" should point to the disambiguation page before leading here.

It depends. Do you think the university is more famous, or the family? Probably the family, I think.bob bobato (talk) 19:27, 21 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
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I think that the university is more like a mask of many sorts. I also would like to discuss the Vanderbilt money subject.

Now these are some of my first, new writings so please bare with me. I have been in a walking sleep for many years and I just recently awoke. What is money. Who made it. Who discovered the need. These are the more important subjects that the family itself must contend with. For knowledge sake:

Before money, seals were used for grants of land etc... It was Barnabus who came up with the money scheme of this day in age. Very similar to the currency of the Galaxcia, where seals were also used. Now I speak of at least 10,000 years before the slaying of Jesus, not the Christ, but Jesus. Who also happened to be Barnabus. What is the use of money? Well its now used only for a control nonexistence substance of a false reality. If the Noldor were great builders as the Van, then why couldn't they come up with designs that would last for centuries, and then the concept of rent becomes obsolete. Maintenance would become the chief source in value of the structure at hand. Keep your house clean and it will last. Please allow me not to forget that most mortals today view life only in an 80 year time span. And Barnabus wasn't a hungry greedy creature bent on the sole superiority of man. He just wanted to add to the reality that gave you more drive to live than the reality now. In those times buildings were commissioned, and the families lived in them and the seals were like insurance policies. Remember to keep your house clean and it will last. The ELVEZ may not have been around at the time just to rebuild another structure, when maintenance was required to keep it from falling. The more skilled ELVEZ actually. No question, we kept and gave certain blueprints to these new homeowners to keep up quality assurance. What has happen to these simple guidelines to make life easier. Now people work very hard these days. Only to make sure they can sleep the night, to go back to work the next day ridiculous. I can't wait for the day of retribution.

Other thoughts I ran into. Where is the money. If and I quote "if I am a Vanderbilt, I havn't seen any real millionare money." Well maybe this person has been deceived. Any true Vanderbilt knows that the real money comes from what you see in the lands. As the Kings immediate family. The first Royal Family. This knowledge of the lands is born in your blood. And without the sums of millionare money, you would still live comfortably. A true Vanderbilt, our relationS of distant or close family, would automatically know of the One true King who can talk to any tree. I use King just for today's language. Leader works for me. Besides the corrination happen when Jesus (GOD) came back in the form of the SUN, which everyones sees almost every day. And then GOD(Jesus) annouced his first creation, his first child, his first SON, THE CHRIST, as King of KINGS and Lord Of Lords. A title really he already had. It was just made official in these times. What happened you may ask? Challenges, treachery, etc... But those things will come to a close soon and peace must reign. For all immortals out there, like the movie PITCH BLACK(Riddick), the great stars will come together and ARDA will be in night. Not night as in morning, noon, evening, and then night. But real NIGHTTIME, where you can't count the years until the stars spread apart again. When these things happen, how will currency or money stand against time. So much information, REALLY, it is. I suggest all true family members be ready to take an account of the moneys across the world that VANDERBILT'S are truly responsible for. There will be more conversations to come. from, Isaac Cornelius Moore Jr. aka DRAKO VIXON VANDERBILT.

This just in!!! For now as it goes, Fianwe is the known traitor of the times. What does this mean. Well if he has an army of any, bring them. Let them come. Until I get back to the old country, there is nothing else to discuss. These charges apply now.

I thought he was dead. Should have stayed hidden I tell you what! I saw him last night on the Repulican Debate. Mr. Perry, how are you. Well, this is a no joke thing. Fianwe, for your crimes against the family, I have order Ingwe to lock you up until I get back home. Not just me but the four of us. My wife and 2 kids. All those who work for Fianwe are herby laid off. Don't try to act like you are working for the family please. I cannot abide such behavior. Any aggressive action towards this edict will result in a permanent termination from all family events. Thank you! Vandor. (talk) 14:19, 13 September 2011 (UTC)Reply

There's a Vanderbilt Family in Colombia


Don't erase the text what it talks about colombian's vanderbilt, it's true, so true, they are descendants from Cornelius! --Adidas5 (talk) 04:18, 24 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

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Declaration of movement. The old country awaits us all!

8,000 years before the dead of night is upon us(check other writings about nightfall). The most intimate and immediate family members must return to where it began. This is not only a command. It is an obligation. Stay in the new world after night can only mean your end. Not by hands of the family but by a dreadful awakening of beings only faced during the times of Cain. We must refashion and remodel the worlds that we've help so compromise. I can understand, many are not willing to take this journey back. As Drake the rapper put it. Flying back home for the heritage classic and then something about magic. I no the worries most of you face. What will happen to us. Well, we will finally be a functional family again. Note, there are not any serious judgments that await you. I can tell you, new and permanent ranks of status must be given. Royal court to the fullest. New and improved classifications. Old classifications will be modified. Please have no worries. There is only so much that I can write on computer in America without the wrong suspicions following the entire family. Our most sacred parts of our history can only be shared from the palace. The Dark Mountains. I fear the mortal world may come to a resignation of hatred for us soon. We cannot afford this outcome. Look now on American politics where a canidate can raise 100 million dollars for its campaign, and suffer the abolishment of programs in only 50 states? One can use microsoft office and run a campaign and spend only 10 thousand dollars. This can be seen as crimes committed by the family against the peoples of the worlds if we are not careful. The electorial college may be misinterpreted and exposed falsely. What will come of the entertainment( Hollywood) world and its process of recruiting mortals and immortals alike. Mortals must be allowed to live in a world without the obligations that plague only our Family. Time and space have come upon me. These may be my last writings as Isaac Moore. Not that I am in danger, but its dangerous to waste time and space that we have not. I have spent over 250 years, this time in American, and find it overwhelming. But like the Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz, there is no place like home. I have music to attend to that cannot be recorded from the New world. The Children of God the father(angels, arch angels, etc...) must be accounted. And held liable for the duties that we must perform soon and now. Radio must take its rightful course as the leading factor of communication. Television must take its rightful course as the leading factor in education with a personal note of guidance. We must be able to guide the worlds in the time zones of the Dawning, Day, and Night. Not only in the 24 hour spectrum. 8,000 years may seem long but the space that comes with the time may not expand at this Dawning to fit the criterium. So I say to all family members. Be ready. Have no fear. The ruling factor is always LOVE. DRAKO VIXON VANDERBILT aka Isaac Cornelius Moore Jr. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:32, 18 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Legally Blonde


There is a trivia section on the page that says the Gossip Girl show has a Vanderbilt in it... so, I wanted to mention another fictional Vanderbilt. The movie Legally Blonde has the main character going to the East Coast to win her ex-boyfriend back from a Vivian Kensington, played by Selma Blair, who she ends up being best friends with. At one point the main character is reading a magazine article on the Vanderbilt family. I hadn't realized the importance of the name until I found this page. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:19, 16 September 2011 (UTC)Reply

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Let us not play games! I have spoken before about my family name. Please do not offend the name. Yes, I am in school again for my own reasons. Grantham University. And so far it was going well until one of my grades didn't add up to the incorrect information that I supposedly submitted. My BA150 is going great because I put the time in to get my papers done right. I am also given pointers on how to turn in my work properly. My CS101 is a different story. I am still waiting for my professor to show me exactly what I did not do. For the documents that I submitted, my records show that I followed instructions. I scored a 95% but still, I only scored that with the part of the instructions I supposedly did not follow. This is heart wrenching. I need nothing less than a 3.7 GPA. Here is more news. About the 40 year evalution. Now the Biltmore's understand that this evalution was a set up hoping that I would fail in some part. Well, I did not fail. You hear me. I did not fail. If you all would like to keep what we have, or should I say what I have because I built the foundation with a little help from Santina years ago, do not mess with the grades. No matter where I end up, whether it be Ashville or back to the old country. Do not play games with me. Most of you all know what is at stake. I mean stake literally. This is Drako Vixon Vanderbuilt. You may call me Isaac. (talk) 18:58, 18 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

By the way. Made a grade of A in CS101 and now with a GPA of 4.0, I am very confident things can progess smoothly into establishing myself back at Biltmore and right before night, back to the old country. To all family members, remember to check the times and most importantly, the seasons. Isaac aka Drako Vixon Vanderbilt152.6.250.5 (talk) 17:38, 8 December 2011 (UTC)Reply

More news, this just in. Allow me to skip the formalities, Hello Vandor here, and WE WILL get straight to it. In 958 A.D. the first known outbreak of the black plague was reported. The plague, back then, began with signs of the disease syphilis. Common in these days only because the knowledge of treatment is known. There are drawbacks however. The spiritual side to this is that there are certain entities (DEMONIC) who travel through bodies during the stages of this disease. At the third stage, well then possession has set in. Yes, possession. That person is no longer the person it was. I know this may sound far fetched, however the Vatican has this information although they are quick to not share this for many reasons. Whatever the case may be in these modern times, we need be careful. A great spiritual war has begun and many people are getting treated beyond this disease primary and secondary stages. Why talk about this now? Well, a recent outbreak of syphilis is among us, lo-key of course. Everyone especially homo-sexually men who believe that they are God's gift to women, are engaging in converse about why can THEY not perform THEIR sexually rituals successfully anymore. The time has come. The most important thing to realize about this disease is that when it is in its third stage, the process of turning into a zombiee begins. It may take a few years, however if you live long enough, you shall see. Warriors PREPARE YOURSELVES! VANDOR ALSO KNOWN AS CAIN. (talk) 15:41, 3 April 2012 (UTC)Reply

Does Harry Potter have his Key?!

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Hello Everyone. Drako Vixon Vanderbilt here, just call me Isaac. I found the key to the puzzle. Connect the story of Rothschild to Vanderbilt and vice versa. The Rothschild story is the Vanderbilt story. Okay, with that out of the way. Illumanti and all the worlds governments, I will give you the time to save face, however time is short and I am almost finished healing. And for those who have been witnessing the spaceship destruction action going on above and in between dimensions, save for one ship that my twin sister blew up, I have been blowing up the rest. Thank you D. Vixon Vanderbilt aka Isaac Cornelius Moore. (talk) 14:38, 24 August 2012 (UTC)Reply

Oh by the way, the race of humanoid dragons in associations with the illumaniti (also known as the next race of slaves of melkor and finwe) are now completely destroyed or let us say Annihilated. Some of their followers are asking "No, how could this be!". Well I shall tell you how. To keep the humanoid form enabling them to walk amongst men, Devlin the first humanoid dragon raised by Cain and who also betrayed Cain, lost his human form. How? Well, betraying Cain comes at a price. When Cain acknowledged the fact of this betrayal on August 24, 2012 , all love he once had for Devlin vanished. Thus, Devlin now reverted into his would be original form as Cain found him from the womb of his mother who was a dragon (four legs). Devlin, who was probably tricked by Finwe, for Finwe was with Cain (Vandor) when he found the pup clinging from the womb of his slain mother, note Cain did not kill his Mother, who was attacked by some other creature much larger. Long story short about 80,000 years and not 800,000 years as some from a science lab in upstate New York would have you believe, later with a race of human dragons in between these years who were all fathered by Devlin or decendants of his blood line, can now die or return back to the lands between Tirion and what we call Earth, however not in humanoid form. I guess the illumaniti was not as strong as it thought. Well then, governments I implore you, only little time is left. Do not make the same mistakes as Devlin. Wise as dragons are they could have never traveled pass the fourth dimension being only two dimensional thinkers from the start. They had help from an outlaw band from Tirion who gave them specific technology in which they could not create on their own if God gave them the blueprint. As for now, I am healing and counting the centuries. Isaac. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:56, 24 August 2012 (UTC)Reply

More news just in! Good job Eswana on your victory against the bizarre twin. His destruction will hale our existence in the world of the four ages. We are three again now. Wonderful, wonderful beautiful warrior you are, sister. Isaac. (talk) 19:19, 31 August 2012 (UTC)Reply

Ancestor vs descendant


I'm pretty sure 20th century actor Humphry Bogart didn't live in New Amsterdam in the 1700s. Mixing ancestors and descendants in the same sentence is confusing and out of chronological sequence. (talk) 09:39, 21 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

Citation Sourcing


Frontline reported on the van Salee connection. Is this wrong? Yadojado (talk) 06:49, 12 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

This makes no sense...


The 'Fall of...' section, first line, "third and end". Eh? Boscaswell talk 16:41, 9 October 2017 (UTC)Reply



While it may be justifiable to show how different notable (as in, they have a Wikipedia page) are related to each other, the tree here has ballooned completely out of proportion to the article. It includes numerous non-notable individuals, living individuals and the vast majority of it is entirely unreferenced. Information on living people that is not referenced gets deleted per WP:BLP. I have moved the tree here to allow it to be pared down and a more limited version restored, but it has to be selective and it has to be referenced. Agricolae (talk) 15:21, 12 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

And it now includes throngs of people whose ancestors were Vanderbilts, like all the Coopers, and Shepherds, and Morisses (oh, my!), but aren't technically Vanderbilts themselves. If the surname on your birth certificate isn't "Vanderbilt", you shouldn't be in the list. VABaron (talk) 19:37, 5 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Being bold, I chose to split the article and start a new article for the Family Tree. It was immediately redirected back to the parent article. Would love ideas on curbing excessive detail. Sergeant Curious (talk) 17:48, 9 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
The most amusing part of this article is it's been on Wikipedia since at least 2008 and is still "start-class." VABaron (talk) 20:36, 9 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Extended content

Family connection (listed by ancestry/generation)

The Vanderbilt Home at 640 Fifth Avenue in New York City, c. 1883
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877), ∞ 1813 : Sophia Johnson (1795–1868) and they had a total of 14 children together; ∞ 1869 : Frank Armstrong Crawford (1839–1885) who survived him in death.
    • Phebe Jane Vanderbilt (1814–1878), ∞ 1841 : James Madison Cross (1809–1889)
      • Cornelius Vanderbilt Cross (1834–1902), ∞ 1868 : Emma Mathilda Elderd (1844–1930)
        • Norman Cross (1862–1907)
      • William Harrison Cross (1836–1843)
      • Edward Babcock Cross (1838–1839)
      • Sophia Vanderbilt Cross (1839–1903), ∞ 1864 : Jerome Bonaparte Morse (1830–1886)
        • Grace Morse (1864–1936)
        • John Howard Morse (b 1868)
        • Ethelinda Morse (1872–1933), ∞ : John Fletcher Schera (b. 1863)
          • Theresa Schera (b. 1901)
      • Norman Franklin Cross (1842–1907)
      • James Madison Cross (1845–1845)
      • Ethelinda Cross (1847–1924), ∞ 1872 : Burton Wilson Horton (1824–1908)
    • Ethelinda Vanderbilt (1817–1889), ∞ 1834 : Daniel Bicknell Allen (1815–1902)
      • William Barton Allen (1835–1910), ∞ 1859 : Mary Sutton ( –1890)
      • Jacob Hand Allen (1836–1838)
      • Franklin Allen (1838–1909)
      • Vanderbilt Allen (1840–1898)
      • Harry Allen (1842–1899), ∞ (div 1894) : Annie O'Dell
      • Ethelinda Allen (b 1848)
      • Daniel Dexter Allen (b 1850)
      • Annie Allen (1853–1890), ∞ 1888 : John Wallace ( –1896)
    • Eliza Vanderbilt (1819–1890), ∞ 1846 : George Archer Osgood (1820–1882). No children born of this marriage.
    • William Henry Vanderbilt (1821–1885), ∞ 1841 : Maria Louisa Kissam (1821–1896)
      • Cornelius Vanderbilt II (1843–1899), ∞ 1867 : Alice Claypoole Gwynne (1845–1934)
        • Alice Gwynne Vanderbilt (1869–1874)
        • William Henry Vanderbilt II (1870–1892)
        • Cornelius Vanderbilt III (1873–1942), ∞ 1896 : Grace Graham Wilson (1870–1953)
          • Cornelius Vanderbilt IV (1898–1974), ∞ 1920 (div 1927) : Rachel Littleton (b 1901); ∞ 1928 (div 1931) : Mary Weir ( –1984); ∞ 1935 (div 1940) : Helen Virginia Varner (1908-1979); ∞ 1946 (div 1948) : Maria Feliza Loraine Pablos (b 1912); ∞ 1948 (div 1953) : Patricia Murphy (b 1920); ∞ 1957 (div 1960) : Ann Bernadette Needham (b 1933); ∞ 1967 : Mary Lou Bristol who survived him.
          • Grace Vanderbilt (1899–1964), ∞ 1927 (div 1936) : Henry Gassaway Davis III (1902–1984); ∞ 1938 : Robert Livingston Stevens (1907–1972)
            • Cornelia Vanderbilt Davis (1929–2003), ∞ 1949 (div 1965) : Charles S. McCain, Jr.; ∞ 1965 (div 1976) : Kimber J. Heddens
            • Mildred Vanderbilt Cowan (1933-2016), ∞ 1952 : John R Cowan (1932-2004)
              • John R Vanderbilt-Cowan II (1950-1995)
              • Charla Ann Vanderbilt-Cowan Henry (b. 1952) ∞ Harvey James Henry (1947-2013)
                • Ann Henry Brotherson (b. 1979) ∞ 2006 : Chris Brotherson
                  • Henry Brotherson
                • Johnna Lea Henry (b. 1980) ∞ 1999 (div 2000) : Charles Richard Garrison
                  • Hunter James Garrison (b. 1999)
            • Grace Bayard Stevens (b 1939), ∞ 1968 : Edmund H. Sutton
        • Gertrude Vanderbilt (1875–1942), ∞ 1896 : Harry Payne Whitney (1872–1930)
          • Flora Payne Whitney (1897–1986), ∞ 1920 (div 1925) : Roderick Tower (1892–1961); ∞ 1927 George Macculloch Miller III
            • Pamela Tower (1921–2013), ∞ 1941 (div 1950) : Jay Ketchum Secor (1912–1960); ∞ : Thomas LeBoutillier (1913–1979)
              • Timothy Jay Secor (b 1942)
              • Mimi Secor (b 1944)
              • Nicholas Tower Secor (b 1948)
              • Susan Secor (b 1950)
              • John LeBoutillier (b 1953)
              • Pamela LeBoutillier (1958–2014), ∞ Richard Miles
            • Whitney Tower (1923–1999), ∞ 1947 (div) : Frances Cheston (b 1927); ∞ 1968 (div) : Joan Baker Spear (1927–2000); ∞ 1981 : Lucy Niblack Lyle
            • Flora Miller (b 1928), ∞ 1947 : Michael Henry Irving (1924–2003); ∞ 1981 : Sydney Francis Biddle (1918–2004)
            • Leverett Saltonstall Miller (b 1931), ∞ 1954 (div) : Ava Norring (b 1929); ∞ 1969 (div 1971) : Virginia Gennett (b 1940); ∞ : Linda Pulitzer Bartlett (b 1950)
          • Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney (1899–1992), ∞ 1923 (div 1929) : Marie Norton (1903–1970); ∞ 1931 (div 1941) : Gladys Crosby "Gee" Hopkins (1905–1997); ∞ 1941 (div 1958) : Eleanor Searle (1908–2002); ∞ 1958 : Marie Louise "Marylou" Schroeder (b 1925) who survived him.
            • Harry Payne Whitney II (1924–1985), ∞ (div 1966) : Alexandra Ewing; ∞ : Andrea R. Whitney
            • Nancy Marie Whitney (1926–2006), ∞ 1949 (div) : Edwin Denison Morgan, Jr (1921–2001); ∞ 1958 (div 1959) : Edward Augustus Hurd, Jr. (1918-2001); ∞ 1959 : Pierre Lutz (1923–1991)
            • Gail Vanderbilt Whitney (1939–1963), ∞ 1958 (div 1959) : Richard Cox Cowell (b 1927); ∞ 1961 : Louis S. Stur (1924–1989) No children born of either marriage.
            • Cornelius Searle Whitney (1944–2015), ∞ (div) : Sarah Cross
            • Cornelia Vanderbilt Whitney (b 1959)
          • Barbara Vanderbilt Whitney (1903–1982), ∞ 1924 (div) : Barklie McKee Henry (1902–1966); ∞ 1947 : Samuel Anderson Peck (1904–1960); ∞ 1960 (div 1982) : George W. Headley (1908–1985)
        • Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt (1877–1915), ∞ 1901 (div 1908) : Ellen French (1879–1948); ∞ 1911 : Margaret Emerson (1884–1960)
          • William Henry Vanderbilt III, 59th Governor of Rhode Island (1901–1981), ∞ 1923 (div 1928) : Emily O'Neill Davies (1903–1935); ∞ 1929 (div 1969) : Anne Gordon Colby (1909–1974); ∞ 1970 : Helen Cummings Cooke (1918–1997)
            • Emily Vanderbilt (b 1925), ∞ 1945, : Jeptha Homer Wade III (1924–2008)
              • William Garretson Wade (b 1952), ∞ 1976 (div) : Alison Mary Blizard
              • Emily Love Wade (b 1954), ∞ 1984 (div) : Harold Milton Hughey
              • Randall Hand Wade (b 1958), ∞ 1985 (div) : Susan Marie Wiedenhoeft
              • Rebecca French Wade (b 1964), ∞ 1990 (div) : Nyr Indictor
            • Anne Colby Vanderbilt (1931–2014), ∞ 1955 : Samuel Adams Hartwell, Jr (b 1930)[1]
              • Ellen French Hartwell (b 1956), ∞ 1983 : William Lee Blais
              • Charlotte Meldrum Hartwell (b 1959), ∞ 1991 : Samuel Jerrold Gesten (b 1962)
              • Anne Colby Hartwell (b 1962), ∞ 1984 : A. Robert Hirschfeld; ∞ : John Alan MacNair
              • Samuel Adams Hartwell III (b 1964)
            • Ellen French Vanderbilt (b 1931), ∞ 1953 : Andre Newburg
              • Michael William Newburg (b 1955)
              • Anne Colby Newburg (b 1957)
              • Daniel French Newburg (b 1959)
              • Thomas Henry Newburg (b 1968)
            • William Henry Vanderbilt IV (b 1945), ∞ 1967 : Ann Elizabeth Swanson
          • Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt II (1912–1999), ∞ 1938 (div 1944) : Manuela Hudson (1920–1978); ∞ 1945 (div 1956) : Jeanne Murray (1919–2013); ∞ 1957 (div 1975) : Jean Harvey (b 1937)
            • Wendy Vanderbilt (b 1944–2016), ∞ 1970 (div 1995) : Orin Lehman (1920–2008)[2]
              • Brooke Lehman (b 1972)
              • Sage Lehman (b 1975), ∞ 2009 : Christopher Jack Ronis (b 1974)[3]
            • Heidi Murray Vanderbilt (b 1948), ∞ 1972 (div) : Jones Harris (b 1929); ∞ : Bernard Fierro (b 1938)
              • Jack Gwynne Emmett Harris (b 1972), ∞ 1999 : Rebekah Hale Sturges (b 1973)
            • Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt III (b 1943), ∞ 1971 : Alison Campbell Platten
              • James Platten Vanderbilt (b 1975), ∞ 2005 : Amber Freeman (b 1978)
              • Travis Murray Vanderbilt (b 1980), ∞ 2014 : Meghan Knutson (b 1984)
            • Nicholas Harvey Vanderbilt (1958–1984)
            • Victoria Emerson Vanderbilt (b 1959), ∞ : James Weiss
              • Caitlin Ginn Weiss (b 1983)
              • Sasha Virginia Weiss (b 1985)
            • Michael Daggett Vanderbilt (b 1967)
          • George Washington Vanderbilt III (1914–1961), ∞ 1935 (div 1950) : Lucille Merriam Parsons (1912–2013); ∞ 1950 (div 1958) : Anita Consuelo Zabala (1904–1973); ∞ 1958 (div 1961) : Joyce Branning (b 1916); ∞ 1961 : Louise Mitchell (1912–1995)
            • Lucille Margaret Vanderbilt (b 1938), ∞ 1958 (div 1962) : Philip Brady, Jr; ∞ 1962 (div) : Robert Mathews Balding; ∞ 1970 : Wallace Fennel Pate (1933-1993)
              • Philip Vanderbilt Brady (b 1958)
              • Kenneth Parsons Brady (1961–1978)
              • Dawn Balcom Balding (b 1964), ∞ 1984 : Wallace Fennel Pate II (b 1956)
              • Robert Mathews Balding, Jr. (b 1968)
        • Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt (1880–1925), ∞ 1903 (div 1920) : Cathleen Gebhard Neilson (1885–1927); ∞ 1923 : Maria Mercedes "Gloria" Morgan (1904–1965)
          • Mary Cathleen Vanderbilt (1904–1944), ∞ 1923 (div 1932) : Henry Cooke Cushing III (1895–1960); ∞ 1932 (div 1932) : Lawrence Wise Lowman (1900–1980); ∞ 1940 : Martin Arostegui
            • Henry Cooke Cushing IV (1923–2000), ∞ 1947 (div 1949) : Georgia Walters "Georgette Windsor" (b 1924); ∞ 1961 (div) : Ruth Swift Dunbar (1932–2010); ∞ 1972 (div 1972) : Rosalba Neri (b 1939); ∞ 1976 (div) : Laura Alvarez
          • Gloria Laura Vanderbilt (b 1924), ∞ 1941 (div 1945) : Pasquale DiCicco (1909–1978) in 1941; ∞ 1945 (div 1955) : Leopold Anthony Stokowski (1882–1977); ∞ 1956 (div 1963) : Sidney Arthur Lumet (1924–2011); ∞ 1963 : Wyatt Emory Cooper (1927–1978)
            • Leopold Stanislaus Stokowski (b 1950), ∞ 1981 (div) : Ivy Strick; ∞ 1996 : Emily Goldstein (b 1964)
              • Aurora Stokowski Mazzei (b 1983), ∞ 2012 : Anthony Mazzei (b 1981)
              • Abra Stokowski (b 1985)
              • Myles Stokowski (b 1998)
            • Christopher Stokowski (b 1952)
            • Carter Vanderbilt Cooper (1965–1988)
            • Anderson Hays Cooper (b 1967)
        • Gladys Moore Vanderbilt (1886–1965), ∞ 1908 : Count László Jenő Mária Henrik Simon Széchenyi (1879–1938)
          • Countess Cornelia Széchényi (1908–1958), ∞ 1933 : Eugene Bowie Roberts (1898–1983)
          • Countess Alice Széchényi (1911–1974), ∞ 1931 : Count Béla Hadik de Futak (1905–1971)
            • Count László Géza Kornel Maria Hadik de Futak (1932–1973), ∞ 1956 : Countess Vita Johanna Friederike Annemarie Irmgard Edith Strachwitz von Gross-Zauche und Camminetz (b 1931)
            • Count János Béla Hadik de Futak (b 1933), ∞ 1962 : Edith Gaillet (b 1938)
          • Countess Gladys Széchényi (1913–1978), ∞ 1935 (div 1946) : Christopher Finch-Hatton, 15th Earl of Winchilsea (1911–1950); ∞ 1954 : Arthur Talbot Peterson (1905–1962)
          • Countess Sylvia Széchényi (1918–1998), ∞ 1949 : Count Antal Szapáry (1905–1972)
            • Count Pál László Szapáry (b 1950)
            • Countess Gladys Vanderbilt Szapáry (b 1952)
          • Ferdinandine Széchényi (b 1923), ∞ 1946 : Count Alexander von und zu Eltz (1911–1977)
      • Margaret Louisa Vanderbilt (1845–1924), ∞ 1868 : Elliott Fitch Shepard (1833–1893)
        • Florence Vanderbilt Shepard (1869–1869)
        • Maria Louisa Shepard (1870–1948), ∞ 1891 : William Jay Schieffelin (1866–1955)
          • William Jay Schieffelin, Jr. (1891–1985), ∞ 1918 : Annette Markoe (1897–1997)
          • Margaret Louisa Schieffelin (1894–1982), ∞ 1914 : Frederick Henry Osborn (1889–1981)
          • Mary Jay Schieffelin (1896–1975), ∞ 1924 : Charles Stelle Brown Jr. (1885–1977)
          • John Jay Schieffelin (1897–1987), ∞ 1923 (div 1930) : Eleanor Curtiss Beggs (b 1899); ∞ 1932 : Lois Smith Lindon (1911–2007)
          • Louise Vanderbilt Schieffelin (1901–1926), ∞ 1924 : Abram Stevens Hewitt (1902–1987)
          • Bayard Schieffelin (1903–1989), ∞ 1934 : Virginia Langdon Loomis (1908–1994)
          • Elliott Fitch Schieffelin (1905–1988), ∞ 1931 (div 1940) : Anne Elizabeth Wellborn (1905–2011); ∞ : Ellen Dorsett (1898–1987)
          • Barbara Schieffelin (1906–1987), ∞ 1931 : Charles Ion Carr Bosanquet (1903–1986)
          • Henry Schieffelin (1909–1984)
        • Edith Shepard (1872–1954), ∞ 1896 (div 1923) : Ernesto Giuseppe Fabbri, Jr. (1874–1943)
          • Teresa Sarah Margaret Fabbri (1897-1974), ∞ James Cameron Clark (1892-1976); ∞ Frank Albert Gesell; ∞ James Lloyd Derby; ∞ George Gibson McMurtry (1876-1958)
          • Ernesto Giuseppe Fabbri (1900-1909)
        • Margaret Shepard (1873–1895)
        • Alice Louise Vanderbilt Shepard (1874–1950), ∞ 1895 : Dave Hennen Morris (1872–1944)
        • Elliott Fitch Shepard, Jr. (1876–1927), ∞ 1897 (div 1905) : Esther Potter; ∞ 1912 : Eleanor Terradell
      • William Kissam Vanderbilt (1849–1920), ∞ 1875 (div 1895) : Alva Erskine Smith (1853–1933); ∞ 1903 : Anne Harriman (1861–1940)
        • Consuelo Vanderbilt (1877–1964), ∞ 1895 (div 1921) : Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of Marlborough (1871–1934); ∞ 1921 : Louis Jacques Balsan (1868–1956)
          • John Spencer-Churchill, 10th Duke of Marlborough (1897–1972), ∞ 1920 : Hon. Alexandra Mary Cadogan (1900–1961); ∞ 1972 : Frances Laura Charteris (1915–1990)
            • Lady Sarah Consuelo Spencer-Churchill (1921–2000), ∞ 1943 (div 1966) : Edwin Fariman Russell (1914–2001); ∞ 1966 (div 1967) : Guy Burgos (b 1938); ∞ 1967 (div 1981) : Theodorous Roubanis (b 1940)
              • Serena Mary Churchill Russell (b 1944), ∞ 1966 (div 1967) : Robert Stephen Salant Jr. (b 1941); ∞ 1968 (div) : Neil Anderson McConnell (1929–1994); ∞ 1978 : Neil Roxburgh Balfour (b 1944)
              • Consuelo Sarah Churchill Vanderbilt Russell (b 1946), ∞ 1968 (div 1969) : James Lee Toback (b 1944); ∞ 1970 (div) : Mark Schulman; ∞ (div) : E. William Judson
              • Alexandra Brenda Russell (b 1949), ∞ 1970 : Timothy Birch
              • Jacqueline Dorothy Russell (b 1958), ∞ 1981 : Eugene Flewellyn Williams III
            • Lady Caroline Spencer-Churchill (1923–1992), ∞ 1946 : Charles Huguenot Waterhouse (1918–2007)
              • Michael Thomas Waterhouse (b 1949), ∞ 1983 : Lucinda Ileene Hastings (b 1955)
              • Elizabeth Ann Waterhouse (b 1951)
              • David Charles Waterhouse (b 1956)
            • John George Vanderbilt Henry Spencer-Churchill, 11th Duke of Marlborough (1926–2014), ∞ 1951 (div 1961) : Susan Mary Hornby (1929–2005); ∞ 1961 (div 1971) : Athina Mary "Tina" Livanos (1929–1974); ∞ 1972 (div 2008) : Countess Dagmar "Rosita" Astrid Libertas Douglas (b 1943); ∞ 2008 : Lily Sahni (b 1957)
            • Lady Rosemary Mildred Spencer-Churchill (b 1929), ∞ 1953 : Charles Robert Muir (1922–1972)
              • Alexander Pepys Muir (b 1954), ∞ 1999 : Ann Griffith
              • Simon Huntly Muir (b 1959), ∞ 1990 : Sarah-Jane Jenkinson
              • Mary Arabella Muir (b 1962), ∞ 1991 : J. Timothy Haynes
            • Lord Charles George William Colin Spencer-Churchill (b 1940), ∞ 1965 (div 1968) : Gillian Spreckles Fuller; ∞ 1970 (div) : Elizabeth Jane Wyndham (b 1948); ∞ 2014 : Sarah Goodbody
              • Rupert John Harold Mark Spencer-Churchill (b 1971)
              • Dominic Albert Charles Spencer-Churchill (b 1979), ∞ 2011 : Claire Gillian Troughton (b 1980)
              • Alexander David Spencer-Churchill (b 1983)
          • Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill (1898–1956), ∞ 1947 : Elizabeth "Betty" Cunningham (1914–2010)
            • Robert William Charles Spencer-Churchill (b 1954), ∞ 1979 : Jeanne Maze
              • John Robert I. Spencer-Churchill (b 1984)
              • Ivor Charles E. Spencer-Churchill (b 1986)
        • William Kissam Vanderbilt II (1878–1944), ∞ 1899 (div 1927) : Virginia Graham Fair (1875–1935); ∞ 1927 : Rosamund Lancaster (1897–1947)
          • Muriel Vanderbilt (1900–1972), ∞ 1925 (div 1929) : Frederic Cameron Church, Jr.; ∞ 1931 (div 1936) : Henry Delafield Phelps (1902–1976); ∞ 1944 (div 1961) : John Payson Adams (1906–1985)
          • Consuelo Vanderbilt (1903–2011), ∞ 1926 (div 1935) : Earl Edward Tailer Smith (1903–1991); ∞ 1936 (div 1940) : Henry Gassaway Davis III (1902–1984); ∞ 1941 (div 1946) : William John Warburton; ∞ 1951 : Noble Clarkson Earl, Jr. (1900–1969)
            • Iris Vanderbilt Smith (1927–2006), ∞ 1949 (div 1964) : Herbert Pratt Van Ingen (1926–1993); ∞ 1954 (div) : Augustus Gibson Paine II (1919–1993); ∞ 1966 (div) : Edwin Fariman Russell (1914–2001); ∞ 1977 : Donald Christ
              • Herbert Pratt Van Ingen Jr. (b 1950), ∞ 1973 (div) : Janet Ainsworth Simmons; ∞ : Julie Gordon
              • Serena Vanderbilt Van Ingen (1952–2008), ∞ 1972 (div) : Brackenridge Costin; ∞ : Richard McCallum
                • Consuelo Gilmore Costin (b 1980), ∞ 2007 : Rafael Feldman (b 1978)
                • Serena Alexandra McCallum (b 1986)
                • Olivia Morgan McCallum (b 1987)
              • Helen Ellis Paine (b 1955), ∞ 1976 (div) : Jonathan Chilton Keith; ∞ : Philip Engelhardt
            • Virginia Consuelo Smith (b 1930), ∞ 1949 (div) : William Langdon Hutton; ∞ : Edwin Marston Burke (1917–2007)
          • William Kissam Vanderbilt III (1907–1933). Unmarried with no children at time of death.
        • Harold Stirling Vanderbilt (1884–1970), ∞ 1933 : Gertrude Lewis Conaway (1901–1978) No children born of this union.
      • Emily Thorn Vanderbilt (1850–1946), ∞ 1872 : William Douglas Sloane (1844–1915); ∞ 1920 : Henry White (1850–1927)
        • Florence Adele Sloane (1873–1960), ∞ 1895 : James Abercrombie Burden, Jr. (1871–1932); ∞ 1936 : Richard Montgomery Tobin
          • James Abercrombie Burden III (1897–1979), ∞ 1951 : Elizabeth Leake Walker (1914–2007)
          • William Douglas Burden (1899–1978), ∞ 1924 (div 1939) : Katharine Curtin White (1903–1976); ∞ 1940 (div 1971) : Elizabeth Chace (b 1911); ∞ 1971 : Jeanne Wright Booth
            • Katharine Sage Burden (b 1927), ∞ 1949 (div 1960) : Walter Denegre Soheir (1924–2008); ∞ 1960 (div) : Edward Paddock Morgan (1910–1993)
            • William Douglas Burden Jr. (1931–2008)
            • Andrew White Burden (b 1935), ∞ : Meta Craig Paumgarten (1940–1972)
            • Christopher Burden (b 1940)
          • Florence Irvin Burden (1902–1990), ∞ : Blake Leigh Lawrence (1898–1986)
            • Adele Burden Lawrence (1931–1991), ∞ 1957 : Louis Stanton Auchincloss (1917–2010)
            • Susan Leay Lawrence (b 1935), ∞ 1959 : John Fisk Winchester
        • Emily Vanderbilt Sloane (1874–1970), ∞ 1899 : John Henry Hammond (1871–1949)
          • Emily Sloane Hammond (1901–1983), ∞ 1922 : John Merryman Franklin (1895–1975)
          • Adele Sloane Hammond (1902–1998), ∞ 1927 : John Kensett Olyphant, Jr. (1895–1973); ∞ 1975 : John Josiah Emery, Jr. (1898-1976)
            • Adele Olyphant (b 1930), ∞ 1950 : Paul Lukens Miller (1919–1997)
            • David Olyphant (b 1938), ∞ 1962 (div) : Pamela Moore (1938–2015)
            • John Vernon Bevan Olyphant (b 1941), ∞ 1964 (div 1983) : Katherine Gideon (b 1940)
          • Alice Frances Hammond (1905–1978), ∞ 1927 (div 1941) : George Arthur Victor Duckworth (1901–1986); ∞ 1941 : Benjamin David Goodman (1909–1986)
            • Peter Duckworth (1928–1931)
            • Gillian Alison Duckworth (b 1929), ∞ 1950 : Duncan George Hunt
            • Shirley Serena Duckworth (b 1933), ∞ 1955 : Jack Norton Deeter
            • Sophia Duckworth (b 1936), ∞ 1967 : Stanley Schachter (1922–1997)
            • Rachel Goodman (b 1943), ∞ 1970 : Robert Weisman; ∞ : Allan Edelson
              • Naomi Edelson (b 1979), ∞ 2009 : CJ Evans
              • Reuben Edelson (b 1983)
            • Benjie Alice Goodman (b 1946)
          • Rachel Hammond (1908–2007), ∞ 1929 (div) : Richard Lee McClenahan (1903–1986); ∞ (div) : John Speiden (1900–1970); ∞ : Manley du Pont Breck (1906–1972)
          • John Henry Hammond Jr. (1910–1987), ∞ 1941 (div 1948) : Jemison McBride; ∞ 1949 : Esme O'Brien (1920–1986)
            • John Paul Hammond (b 1942),[4] ∞ 1967 (div) : Dana McDevitt
            • Douglas Hammond (1944–1944)
            • Jason Hammond (b 1946)
        • Lila Vanderbilt Sloane (1878–1934), ∞ 1902 : William Bradhurst Osgood Field (1870–1949)[5]
          • William Bradhurst Osgood Field Jr. (1904–1994), ∞ 1929 : Alice Withrow (1910–1960); ∞ 1963 : Mary Losey (1911–1995)
          • Frederick Vanderbilt Field (1905–2000), ∞ : Nieves Orozco
          • Marjorie Lila Field (1910–1997), ∞ 1932 : Helm George Wilde (1907–1998)
          • Mary Augusta Field (1911–2000), ∞ 1931 : Henry Bigelow Jackson
        • William Douglas Sloane III (1884–1886)
        • Malcolm Douglas Vanderbilt Sloane (1885–1924), ∞ 1915 : Elinor Lee (1890–1964)
      • Florence Adele Vanderbilt (1854–1952), ∞ 1877 : Hamilton McKown Twombly (1849–1910)
        • Alice Twombly (1879–1896) Died young and unmarried with no children
        • Florence Adele Twombly (1881–1969), ∞ 1904 : William Armistead Moale Burden (1877–1909)
          • William Armistead Moale Burden Jr. (1906–1984), ∞ 1931 : Margaret Livingston Partridge (1909–1996)[6]
            • William Armistead Moale Burden III (1931–1962), ∞ 1951 : Leslie Lepington Hamilton (1932–1998)
              • William Armistead Moale Burden IV (b 1954)
              • Wendy Lee Burden (b 1955),[6] ∞ : William "Tiger" Warren (1951–2012)
              • Edward Pierce Hamilton Burden (b 1962), ∞ 1990 : Norah Penfold Martin
            • Robert Livingston Burden (1934–1974) Unmarried with no children at time of death.
            • Hamilton Twombly Burden (1937-2015) Unmarried with no children.
            • Ordway Partridge Burden (b 1944), ∞ 1991 : Jean Elizabeth Poor
          • Shirley Carter Burden (1908–1989),[7] ∞ 1934 : Flobelle Fairbanks (1908–1969); ∞ 1971 : Julietta ValVerda
            • Margaret Florence Burden (b 1936), ∞ 1955 : Daniel Robbins Childs (1935–2007)
              • Frederick Carter Childs (b 1956), ∞ 1987 : Beatrice Mary Ives
              • Nicholas Fairbanks Childs (b 1957)
              • Florence Twombly Childs (b 1958), ∞ : Donald A. Macdonald
              • Constance Crimmins Childs (b 1959), ∞ 1983 : David Rosengarten (b 1950)
              • Shirley Burden Childs (b 1962), ∞ 1984 : Christopher Joseph Kelly
              • Hilary Thomas Childs (b 1968), ∞ 1993 : Katherine Lesley Jones Beyer
              • Alexandra McKenzie Childs (b 1970), ∞ 2000 : Malachy McKee
            • Shirley Carter Burden Jr. (1941–1996), ∞ 1964 (div 1972) : Amanda Jay Mortimer (b 1944); ∞ 1977 : Susan Lombaer
              • Shirley Carter Burden III (b 1967)
              • Flobelle Fairbanks Burden (b 1969), ∞ 1999 : Henry Patterson Davis
        • Ruth Vanderbilt Twombly (1885–1954) Never married or had children
        • Hamilton McKown Twombly, Jr. (1887–1906) Never married or had children
      • Frederick William Vanderbilt (1856–1938), ∞ 1878 : Louise Holmes Anthony Torrance (1844–1926) No children born of this union
      • Eliza "Lila" Osgood Vanderbilt (1860–1936), ∞ 1883 : William Seward Webb (1851–1926)
        • Frederica Vanderbilt Webb (1882–1949), ∞ 1905 (div 1924) : Ralph Pulitzer (1879–1939); ∞ 1924 : Cyril Hamlen Jones (1893–1972)
        • James Watson Webb II (1884–1960), ∞ 1910 : Electra Havemeyer (1888–1960)[8]
          • Electra Webb (1910–1981), ∞ 1932 : Dunbar Wright Bostwick (1908–2006)[9]
          • Samuel Blatchley Webb (1912–1988), ∞ 1935 (div 1960) : Elizabeth Johnson; ∞ 1961 : Martha Trinkle
          • Lila Vanderbilt Webb (1913–1961), ∞ 1935 : John Currie Wilmerding (1911–1965)[10]
            • John Currie Wilmerding (b 1938)[10]
            • Lila Wilmerding (b 1940), ∞ 1960 : David Stoddard Kirkland (b 1939)
            • James Watson Webb Wilmerding, ∞ 1968 : Marsha Ann Mullikin
          • James Watson Webb III (1916–2000)
          • Harry Havemeyer Webb (1922–1975), ∞ 1947 : Kate deForest Jennings (b 1927)
        • William Seward Webb, Jr. (1887–1956), ∞ 1911 : Gertrude Emily Gaynor (1888–1972)
        • Vanderbilt Webb (1891–1956), ∞ 1912 : Aileen Clinton Hoadley Osborn (1892–1979)
      • George Washington Vanderbilt II (1862–1914), ∞ 1898 : Edith Stuyvesant Dresser (1873–1958)
    • Emily Almira Vanderbilt (1823–1896), ∞ 1839 : William Knapp Thorn (1807–1887)
      • Emma Dorothea Thorn (1845–1887), ∞ : Daniel King (1829–1873); ∞ : James Cresson Parrish (b 1840)
      • William Knapp Thorn (1851–1911)
      • Caroline Roberts Thorn (1858–1949), ∞ 1881 : Gustav Edward Kissel (1854–1911)
        • William Thorn Kissel (1885–1960), ∞ 1915 : Frances Abbey Dallett (1896–1960)
        • Dorothy Kissel (1900–1974), ∞ 1920 (div) : Paul Lawrence Kiernan (1880–1934); ∞ 1924 : Edwin Sherwood Stowell Sunderland (1887–1964)
          • Judith Kissel (1940)
            • Kristen Dewey (1962)
            • Henry Dewey (1964)
            • Lisa Dewey (1960)
          • Gustav Kissel Kiernan (1921–19
          • Edwin Sherwood Stowell Sunderland, Jr. (b 1926), ∞ 1956 : Cynthia Heath (b 1932)
          • Jeanette "Joan" Kissel Sunderland (1927–2012), ∞ 1949 : Charles Scribner IV (1921–1995)
        • Jeannette Thorn Kissel (1889–1957), ∞ 1917 : Sir Richard Arthur Pease, 2nd Baronet Pease of Hammersknott (1890–1969)
          • Arthur Peter Pease (1918–1940)
          • Aline Thorn Pease (b 1919), ∞ 1940 : Patrick Claude Hannay (1913–1940); ∞ 1941 (div 1954) : Kenneth James William Mackay, 3rd Earl of Inchcape (1917–1994); ∞ 1955 (div 1968) : Thomas Chambers Windsor Roe (1917-1988)
            • Kenneth Peter Lyle Mackay, 4th Earl of Inchcape (b 1943), ∞ 1966 : Georgina Nisbet
              • Lady Elspeth Pease Mackay (b 1972), ∞ 2001 : James Peter Hordern (b 1967)
              • Lady Ailsa Fiona Mackay (b 1977), ∞ 2004 : The Hon. Ralph William Robert Thomas Stonor (b 1974)
              • Fergus James Kenneth Mackay, Viscount Glenapp (b 1979), ∞ 2010 : Rebecca Jackson (b 1983)
            • Lord James Jonathan Thorn Mackay (b 1947), ∞ 1970 : Mary Caroline Joyce
            • Oriel Melanie Thorn Roe (b 1956)
            • Patrick Rupert Windsor Roe (b 1960)
          • Richard Thorn Pease, 3rd Baronet Pease of Hammersknott (b 1922), ∞ 1956 : Anne Heyworth
          • Derrick Alix Pease (1927–1998), ∞ 1951 : Rosemary Portman (b 1931)
            • Jonathan Edward Pease (b 1952), ∞ 1979 : Mary Dutton (b 1955)
            • Rosalind Jeannette Pease (b 1954), ∞ 1974 (div) : Evan Robert Hanbury (b 1951); ∞ 1997 : Rodney John Berkeley Portman (b 1947)
            • Christopher Berkeley Pease (b 1958), ∞ 1989 : Mariana Steuart Fothringham (b 1966)
            • Arthur David Pease (b 1961), ∞ 1994 : Lucilla Regis
        • Louise Baring Kissel (1892–1968)
    • Sophia Johnson Vanderbilt (1825–1912), ∞ 1849 : Daniel Torrance (1814–1884)
      • Adelaide Torrance (1846–1932), ∞ : Meredith Howland (1833–1912)
      • Alfred Torrance (1850–1885), ∞ 1872 (div 1877) : Louise Holmes Anthony (1844–1926)
      • Marie Torrance (1852–1923), ∞ 1873 : John Aspinwall Hadden, Jr. (1857-1931)
    • Maria Louisa Vanderbilt (1827–1896), ∞ 1844 (div 1854) : Horace Francis Clark (1815–1873); ∞ 1860 : Robert Johnston Niven (1812–1885)
      • Marie Louise Clark (1853–1895), ∞ 1874 (div) : Clarence Lyman Collins (1848–1922); ∞ : Barry Mitford
      • Charlotte Niven (1861–1929), ∞ 1888 : Marquis Marie Paul Auguste de Sers (1837–1910)
    • Frances Lavinia Vanderbilt (1828–1868). Invalid daughter who never married or had children.
    • Cornelius Jeremiah Vanderbilt (1830–1882), ∞ 1855 : Ellen Williams (1820–1872) No children born of this union.
    • George Washington Vanderbilt (1832–1836)
    • Mary Alicia Vanderbilt (1834–1902), ∞ 1852 : Nicholas Bergasse La Bau (1823–1873); ∞ 1878 : Charles Francois Berger (1826-1908)
      • Edith La Bau (1854–1919), ∞ : Edward Tiffany Dyer (1848–1913)
      • Lillian La Bau (1856–1923), ∞ 1880 : Eugene Schieffelin Blois ( –1893); ∞ 1897 : José Benjamin Augustus Aymar (b 1853)
      • Walter Alan La Bau (1858–1928)
      • Maria La Bau (1860–1860)
      • Cadet La Bau (1867–1867)
      • Bertha Vanderbilt La Bau (1867–1948), ∞ 1893 : George Morgan Browne, Jr. (1866–1926)
        • Marion La Bau Browne (1906–2000), ∞ : Basil Livingston (1902–1977); ∞ : William Carter Dickerman (1907–1990)
    • Catherine Juliette Vanderbilt (1836–1881), ∞ 1850 (div 1861) : Smith Barker, Jr. (1834–1869); ∞ 1861 : Pierre Gustave Lafitte (1839–1925)
      • Virginia Purdy Barker (1852–1919), ∞ : Walter Rathbone Bacon (1845–1917)
      • Oakley Smith Barker (1855–1905), ∞ : Henrietta Emily Mead (1859–1934)
      • Catherine Barker (b 1857)
      • Adele Elmira Barker (1860–1920)
      • Clarence Johnson Barker (1864–1896)
      • Morris Lafitte (b 1869)
    • George Washington Vanderbilt (1839–1864). A West Point graduate and captain in the United States Army. Died of tuberculosis during the Civil War. Unmarried with no children at time of death.


  1. ^ "Anne Hartwell" The New York Times Retrieved 11 Jan 2016.
  2. ^ "Orin Lehman" The New York Times Retrieved 18 Jan 2016.
  3. ^ "Sage Lehman" IMDb Retrieved 18 Jan 2016.
  4. ^ [1] Retrieved 22 Feb 2016.
  5. ^ "Leaders of Society Expected at Lenox; Great Preparations Made for Field-Sloane Wedding – Social Functions of the Week," Special to The New York Times, July 6, 1902, Magazine Section, p. 28
  6. ^ a b "At Home With Wendy Burden: A Vanderbilt Descendant Laughs Off Dysfunction" by Joyce Wadler, The New York Times, March 24, 2010 (March 25, 2010 p. D1, NY ed.). Retrieved 27 Mar 2010.
  7. ^ "Vanderbilt’s In My Life" Blog entry at Vanderbilt Family Genealogy; [2], blogger; August 30, 2008. Retrieved 27 Mar 2010.
  8. ^ "Miss Havemeyer Bride of J.W. Webb" The New York Times, February 9, 1910. Retrieved 28 Mar 2010.
  9. ^ "Dunbar W. Bostwick, Harness Racing Innovator, Dies at 98" by Wolfgang Saxon, The New York Times, January 28, 2006. Retrieved 28 Mar 2010.
  10. ^ a b Wilmerding, John (Currie) Entry, Dictionary of Art Historians. Retrieved 27 Mar 2010.



Can someone say something about the religious affiliation of this family? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Skysong263 (talkcontribs) 03:46, 2 December 2019 (UTC)Reply

List formatting


Bullets on the "See also" section are missing in the article, though not in section preview, so I think some markup somewhere else in the article is broken. -- Beland (talk) 00:56, 31 December 2020 (UTC)Reply

Missing descendants of Cornelius Vanderbilt


Gloria Vanderbilt had two sons born in 1950 and 1952 (elder brothers of Anderson cooper) who aren’t included in the list of descendants (talk) 02:50, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Possible Vandalism


Doesn't this article seem vandalised? AnetteLaComète (talk) 22:51, 14 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

It seems like a great portion of the introduction is missing. AnetteLaComète (talk) 22:52, 14 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Also, "The Vanderbilt family is all DEAD" sentence. What is up with that ??? Furthermore, the article is now so badly organized... AnetteLaComète (talk) 22:59, 14 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Possibly referring to the fact that so many of the people listed on the family tree aren't named "Vanderbilt." The only living member there seems to be James Platten Vanderbilt. All the other Vanderbilts listed are, indeed, dead. VABaron (talk) 19:43, 5 February 2024 (UTC)Reply