Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Montclair State University/Humanities 2 1400-present (Spring 2024)

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Course name
Humanities 2 1400-present
Montclair State University
Jerise Fogel
Wikipedia Expert
Brianda (Wiki Ed)
Art History
Course dates
2024-01-16 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-05-10 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This asynchronous online course covers literature, the arts, and humanities from 1400 CE to the present; the main emphasis is on the Renaissance and Enlightenment period. This will be a required assignment, and students who complete it successfully will receive a grade (equivalent to 15% of their course grade). Students will each adopt one under-annotated person, concept, place, or thing related to our coursework for the semester, which covers the approximate period 1400-1940 CE, and work on improving their article. Students will work individually. In the process, students will learn the basics of editing and contributing to Wikipedia, learn more about the nature of sources and historical information, and hone their reasoning and editing skills.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Delasir5 Haitian Cuban
Alexisheery Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
Nicolemi10 Women in the Haitian Revolution
Sotoa26 Music of Haiti
Summerstorm10 Anne Bonny
LaNyah W City of Music (UNESCO)
Loujienkh Abu Bakr al-Razi
Krisso12 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Nazi concentration camps, City of Music (UNESCO)
Lamannas1 Persecution of Jews and Muslims by Manuel I of Portugal
Annaoroujev 1791 slave rebellion
Waltsakz1 It Can't Happen Here
Devynw English Female Artists
ATraylorHolmes Elisabetta Sirani City of Music (UNESCO)
Qaddoumio1 Alexandria
BriRosario Angels in art
Staazz United States and the Haitian Revolution
Keatingc2 Pirate utopia
SPerag Dutch and Flemish Renaissance painting
Graceagbessi French colonial empire
Kberberian Ávila
ZoreyM Pirate Jenny
Issai920 Culture of the Ottoman Empire
Carlosjimenez3 Cantares Mexicanos
Redz,svg Judith Leyster
Cèilidhdancer24 Pirate code
Peroitsempress Utopian and dystopian fiction
KingKeezer Atlantic Revolutions
Cjanet72 Haitian Revolution
Berraaozz Ottoman miniature
Kianaferreira14 Dominican Republic–Haiti border
Eroc68 Music of Andalusia
LeiyanaH Dominican Republic–Haiti relations