The following is a list of all the locations on Wikipedia that should have pointers (links) leading to the major philosophy resource pages:

The Philosophy Category should be included in:


The Philosophy Lists should be included in:


The Philosophy main article should be included in:


The Philosophy Portal should be included in:

  • Portal:Browse (but it's combined with religion, and doesn't yet have its own section)
  • Wikipedia:Portal (where the official administrative list of all portals, their creators, and maintainers is kept.
  • Template:browsebar (which is in turn displayed at the top of Portals and Categories)
  • Template:Portals (which is in turn displayed at the bottom of portals)

The Philosophy Project should be included in:


The Philosophy Quick Topic Guide (Template:Philosophy topics) should be included in:


At a minimum, it should be included in all the upper-hierarchy articles of philosophy:


Every philosophy article. Location of placement within an article depends upon the editor's judgement as to whatever looks best. On long articles, it works well at the top, or next to the TOC. On short articles, it works better at the bottom. Socrates' image tends to clash with other philosophers' portraits, so in articles with portraits, the template is best placed at the bottom of the page.