Wikipedia:WikiProject Offline Wikipedia for Indian Schools/Offline Full/Biology

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  • Articles sought to be deleted to be moved to a list below titled "Articles to be deleted". Preferably strike out the article in the original list also.
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AshLin (talk) 20:33, 10 December 2011 (UTC)

Instructions for Team BIOLOGY

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take the existing set of 772 topics and convert into a balanced set of links on Biology which will give adequate and balanced exposure to all aspects of biology, both Indian and international, for Indian School students. You are required to delete links considered irrelevant to Indian context, and add relevant links. Your upper limit of articles is 1000. After this mission is over and the compilation is made, this page will self-destruct and a new mission will be offered to develop the set of selected links further.

Biology (772)


General articles (52)


Alternation of generations - Anatomy - Animal - Aquarium - Arthropod - Biodiversity - Bioinformatics - Biological classification - Biology - Biotechnology - Brain - Carnivore - Cell (biology) - - Chemical synapse - Chromatophore - Creationism - - DNA - DNA repair - Ecology - Essential oil - Evolutionary biology - Extinction - - Genetic code - Genetics - Herbivory - Life - Mitochondrion - Multiple sequence alignment - Myco-heterotrophy - Nature - Nitrogen cycle - Nitrogen fixation - Organism - Photosynthesis - Photosynthetic reaction centre - Plant - Plant cell - Polymerase chain reaction - - Protein - Seed - Sequence alignment - - - Thorax - Vertebrate - Vestigiality -

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Birds (151)


Albatross - Amazon parrot - Anatidae - - Arctic Tern - Bald Eagle - Barn Owl - Bird - Bird migration - Bird of prey - - Black Robin - - Blackcap - Blue Jay - Blue Tit - Booby - - Cassowary - Chaffinch - Coal Tit - Cockatiel - Columbidae - Common Cuckoo - Common Eider - Common Kingfisher - Common Pheasant - Common Pochard - Common Tern - Coot - Cormorant - Crimson-collared Tanager - Crossbill - Crow - Dodo - Domestic turkey - Dunnock - Eagle - Elephant Bird - Elfin-woods Warbler - Emperor Penguin - Emu - Eurasian Bullfinch - Eurasian Collared Dove - Eurasian Eagle-owl - Eurasian Jay - Eurasian Oystercatcher - Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Eurasian Wigeon - European Goldfinch - European Greenfinch - Falcon - Feather - Fieldfare - Firecrest - Flamingo - Galah - - Goldcrest - Golden Eagle - Goose - Great Auk - Great Black-backed Gull - Great Bustard - Great Cormorant - Great Spotted Woodpecker - Great Tit - Green Woodpecker - Gull - Harrier - Hawk - Hawaiian Goose - Hawfinch - Hawk - Helmeted Guineafowl - Heron - Herring Gull - House Martin - House Sparrow - Indian Peafowl - Indian Vulture - Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Jackdaw - Kakapo - Kestrel - Kite (bird) - Kookaburra - Kakariki - List of extinct birds - Long-tailed Tit - Magellanic Penguin - Magpie - Mallard - Mistle Thrush - Moorhen - Nightingale - Nuthatch - Osprey - Ostrich - Owl - Parrot - Passenger Pigeon - Peafowl - Penguin - Peregrine Falcon - - Pink Pigeon - Plover - Poultry - Puffin - Raven - Red Kite - Redwing - Reed Bunting - Ringed Plover - Rock Bunting - Rock Pigeon - Rook (bird) - Rose-ringed Parakeet - Saxicola - Shelduck - Skylark - Snow Goose - Snowy Owl - Song Thrush - Southern Rockhopper Penguin - Sparrow - Spotted Flycatcher - Starling - Swallow - Swan - Swift - Tawny Owl - Tern - Thrush (bird) - Treecreeper - Tufted Duck - Turkey (bird) - Umbrella Cockatoo - Vulture - Wader - White Wagtail - Whitethroat - Whooping Crane - Wood Pigeon - Woodpecker - Wren -

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Dinosaurs (58)


Allosaurus - Ankylosaurus - Brachiosaurus - Ceratopsidae - Deinonychus - Dilophosaurus - Dimetrodon - Dinosaur - Diplodocus - Gallimimus - Giganotosaurus - Microraptor - Minmi (dinosaur) - Monoclonius - Ornithischia - Oviraptor - Pachycephalosaurus - Protoceratops - Psittacosaurus - Pterosaur - Saurischia - Sauropodomorpha - Spinosaurus - Stegosaurus - Theropoda - Titanosaur - Triceratops - Tyrannosaurus - Velociraptor

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Evolution and reproduction (12)


Biological classification - Evolution - Introduction to evolution - Introduction to genetics - Menstrual cycle - Mitochondrial Eve - Natural selection - On the Origin of Species - Pollinator - Punctuated equilibrium - Stephen Jay Gould - The Mismeasure of Man

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Health and medicine (152)


ABO blood group system - AIDS - Achilles tendon - Acne vulgaris - Albinism - Allergy - Alzheimer's disease - Analgesic - Anemia - Antibody - Antibacterial - Antioxidant - Appendicitis - Ascariasis - Asperger syndrome - Aspirin - Asthma - Atherosclerosis - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - Autism - - B vitamins - Beriberi - Birth control - Bleeding - Blindness - Blood - Blood pressure - Blood type - Body mass index - Cancer - Cataract - - Chickenpox - Child - Cholera - Color blindness - Common cold - - Crohn's disease - Cystic fibrosis - Death - Diabetes mellitus - Diarrhea - Disease - Down syndrome - Duchenne muscular dystrophy - Earwax - Eczema - Edema - Emotion - - Epilepsy - Eye - Eyelid - Fatty acid - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder - Fever - Folic acid - Gastroenteritis - HIV - Haemophilia - Headache - Health - Hearing impairment - Heart - Helicobacter pylori - - Hepatocellular carcinoma - Hepatorenal syndrome - Hormone - Abdomen - Human anatomy - Humour - Hunger - Huntington's disease - Hypertension - Immune system - Infection - Infectious disease - Influenza - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 - Insulin - Intelligence - Introduction to virus - Kidney - Kuru (disease) - Lens (anatomy) - Leprosy - Lipid - Lung cancer - - MMR vaccine - Malaria - Malnutrition - Measles - Medicine - Meningitis - Menstrual cycle - Morphine - Multiple sclerosis - Mumps - - Myocardial infarction - Nanomedicine - Nephron - Nutrient - Nutrition - Omega-3 fatty acid - Orbit (anatomy) - Osteomalacia - - Paracetamol - Pathology - Pellagra - Pernicious anemia - Pharmacology - Pharyngitis - - Pinworm - Pneumonia - Poliomyelitis - - Pregnancy - Prion - Psychology - Pupil - Rabies - Retina - Retinol - Rubella - Schizophrenia - Scurvy - Sickle-cell disease - Smallpox - Stem cell - Stroke - Suicide - Surgery - Tetanus - Tobacco smoking - Tooth development - - - Trichinosis - Tuberculosis - Typhoid fever - Vaccination - Vacutainer - - Whipworm - Yellow fever

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Insects, Reptiles and Fish (84)


Alligator - Anaconda - Angel sharks - Anguis fragilis - Ant - Antarctic krill - Antlion - Aphid - - Atlantic salmon - Australian Green Tree Frog - Barracuda - Basking shark - Bass (fish) - Bedbug - Bee - Beetle - Black widow spider - Blacktip reef shark - Blue shark - Brown trout - Bull shark - Bumblebee - Cane Toad - Carp - Chordate - Cobra - Coccinellidae - Cochineal - Coconut crab - Cod - Cookie-cutter shark - Crayfish - Crocodile - Desert locust - Dragonfly - Drosophila melanogaster - Esox - European hornet - Fish - Frog - Fugu - Ganges shark - Goldfish - Gray reef shark - Great hammerhead - Great white shark - Haddock - Halfbeak - Honey bee - Hylidae - Hymenoptera - Insect - Krill - Lizard - Lobster - Marginated Tortoise - Myxobolus cerebralis - Nurse sharks - Prawn - Reptile - - Sardine - Shark - Shrimp - Spider - Stag beetle - Stickleback - Stingray - Termite - Tiger shark - Tiktaalik - Toad - Tortoise - Trapdoor spider - Trout - Tsetse fly - Tuna - Turtle - Wasp - Whale shark - Woodlouse - Zebra shark

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Mammals (126)


African Buffalo - African Wild Dog - - Anteater - Antelope - Ape - Armadillo - - Baboon - Barbary Lion - Barbary Macaque - Bat - Bat-eared Fox - Bear - Beaver - Bison - Black-backed Jackal - Black-footed Cat - Black Rhinoceros - Black Wildebeest - Black panther - Blue Whale - Blue Wildebeest - Bobcat - Bongo (antelope) - - Boston terrier - Bottlenose Dolphin - Bushbuck - Bushpig - Camel - Cape Lion - Cape Porcupine - Cat - Cattle - Cheetah - Chimpanzee - Common agouti - Dik-dik - Dingo - Dog - Dolphin - Domestic buffalo - Domestic sheep - Dormouse - Earless seal - Eastern Gray Squirrel - Elephant - Elephant shrew - Ethiopian Wolf - - - Fox - Gaur - Gazelle - - Giant Panda - Giraffe - Goat - Gorilla - Gray Wolf - Greater Cane Rat - Grevy's Zebra - Grey Seal - Hamster - Hedgehog - Hippopotamus - Homo erectus - Homo floresiensis - Horse - Human - Humpback Whale - Hyena - Jackal - Kangaroo - Lion - Mammal - Mixed-breed dog - Mole (animal) - Mongoose - Monkey - Mouse - Naked mole rat - Nicobar Long-tailed Macaque - Okapi - Orca - Otter - Pig - -- Platypus - Polar bear - Pony - Porpoise - - Pygmy Hippopotamus - Rabbit - Rat - Red Deer - Red Panda - Red Squirrel - Right whale - Roe Deer - Short-beaked Echidna - Shrew - Sperm Whale - - Tasmanian Devil - Tiger - Vampire bat - Vole - - Walrus - Weasel - Whale -- White Rhinoceros - Wildcat - - Wombat - Yak - Zebra

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Organisms (23)


- Bacteria - Barnacle - - Carcinus maenas - Crustacean - Eukaryote - Fungus - Helicobacter pylori - Henipavirus - Invertebrate - Lichen - Mold - Mushroom - Nematode - Organism - Pinworm - Staphylococcus aureus - Virus - Whipworm - Wood - Worm - Yeast

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Plants (114)


Abacá - Almond - - Apple - Arecaceae -- - Banana - Barley - Basil - Bean - - Beet - Black pepper - - Botany - Cabbage - Cactus - Carrot - - Cereal - - Citrus - Coconut - - Coriander - Corylus avellana - Cotton - - Dandelion - - Drosera anglica - - Fennel - Fern - Flower - Forest - Garlic - Giant Hogweed - History of saffron - Holly - Horseradish - Ivy - - Lavender - Lemon - - Lettuce - - Maize - Mango - Mentha - Mistletoe - Moringa oleifera - Moss - Mustard plant - Narcissus (genus) - Nepenthes rajah - - Oak - Oat - Oenothera - - Pandanus - Parsley - Parsnip - Pea - Peanut - Pear - Pine - Pitcher plant - Plum - Potato - Radish - Rhubarb - - Saffron - Seed - Sequoia - Sesame - Sorghum - - Stylidium - Sugar beet - Sugarcane - Sundew - Sunflower - Tamarind - - Tobacco - - Tree - Turmeric - Vanilla - Vegetable - Vegetation - Vicia faba - - Weed - Willow -

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Details of syllabus for Class IX for Biology areas follows:[1]

Unit : Food

  • Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management;
  • Use of fertilizers, manures;
  • Protection from pests and diseases;
  • Organic farming.

Unit: Cell - Basic Unit of life

  • Cell as a basic unit of life;
  • Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,
  • Multicellular organisms;
  • Cell membrane and cell wall, cell organelles;
  • Chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus;
  • Nucleus, chromosomes - basic structure, number.
  • Tissues,
  • Organs,
  • Organ System,
  • Organism,
  • Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues
  • Four types in animals;
  • Meristematic and permanent tissues in plants.

Unit: Biological Diversity

  • Diversity of plants and animals
  • Basic issues in scientific naming,
  • Basis of classification.
  • Hierarchy of categories / groups,
  • Major groups of plants (salient features) (Bacteria, Thalophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, gymnosperms and Angiosperms).
  • Major groups of animals (salient features) (Non-chordates upto phyla and chordates upto classes).

Unit : Health and diseases

  • Health and its failure.
  • Infectious and Non-infectious diseases, their causes and manifestation.
  • Diseases caused by microbes (Virus, Bacteria and protozoans) and their prevention,
  • Principles of treatment and prevention.
  • Pulse polio programmes.



Unit : World of Living

  • Life Processes : "living being".
  • Basic concept of nutrition, respiration, transport and excretion in plants and animals.
  • Control and Co-ordination in Animals and Plants :
  • Tropic movements in plants;
  • Introduction to plant hormones;
  • Control and co-ordination in animals :
  • Nervous system;
  • Voluntary, involuntary and reflex action,
  • Chemical co-ordination:
  • Animal hormones.

Unit : Reproduction

  • Reproduction in animal and plants (asexual and sexual)
  • Reproductive health-need for and methods of
  • Family planning.
  • Safe sex vs HIV/AIDS.
  • Child bearing and women's health.

Unit : Heredity and evolution

  • Heredity;
  • Mendel's contribution
  • Laws for inheritance of traits
  • Sex determination:
  • Brief introduction;
  • Basic concepts of evolution.

Unit : Conservation of natural resources

  • Management of natural resources.
  • Conservation and judicious use of natural resources.
  • Forest and wild life,
  • Coal and petroleum conservation.
  • Examples of People's participation for conservation of natural resources.

Unit : The Regional environment

  • Big dams : advantages and limitations;
  • alternatives if any.
  • Water harvesting.
  • Sustainability of natural resources.

Unit : Our environment

  • Eco-system,
  • Environmental problems,
  • Ozone depletion,
  • Waste production and their solutions.
  • Biodegradable and non-biodegradable, substances.



Diversity in Living World

  • Diversity of living organisms
  • Classification of the living organisms
  • Five kingdom classification,
  • Major groups
  • Principles of classification within each kingdom.
  • Systematics
  • Binomial System of nomenclature
  • Salient features of animals (non-chordates up to phylum level and chordates up to class level) and
  • Salient features of plants (major groups; Angiosperms up to class)
  • classification of plants
  • Classification of animals
  • Viruses, viroids,
  • Lichens
  • Botanical gardens, herbaria, zoological parks and museums.

Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants

  • Tissues in animals and plants.
  • Morphology, anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants:
    • Root,
    • stem,
    • leaf,
    • inflorescence,
    • flower,
    • fruit
    • seed.
  • Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems of
    • Earthworm
    • Cockroach
    • Frog.


  • Cell:
  • Cell theory;
  • Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell,
  • Cell wall, cell membrane and
  • Cell organelles’
    • plastids,
    • mitochondria,
    • endoplasmic reticulum,
    • Golgi bodies/dictyosomes,
    • ribosomes,
    • lysosomes,
    • vacuoles,
    • centrioles
  • Nuclear organization.
  • Mitosis,
  • Meiosis,
  • Cell cycle.
  • Basic chemical constituents of living bodies.
  • Structure and functions of
    • carbohydrates,
    • proteins,
    • lipids
    • nucleic acids.
  • Enzymes: types, properties and function.

Plant Physiology

  • Movement of water, food, nutrients and gases,
  • Water relations,
  • Mineral nutrition,
  • Respiration,
  • Photosynthesis,
  • Plant growth and development.

Human Physiology

  • Digestion and absorption.
  • Breathing and respiration.
  • Body fluids and circulation.
  • Excretory products and elimination.
  • Locomotion and movement.
  • Neural control and coordination,
  • chemical coordination and regulation.




Reproduction in organisms
  • Asexual and sexual reproduction.
  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants :
  • structure of flower,
  • pollination,
  • fertilization,
  • development of seeds and fruits,
  • apomixis and polyembryony.
Human reproduction

Reproductive system in male and female,

  • menstrual cycle,
  • production of gametes,
  • fertilization,
  • implantation,
  • embryo development,
  • pregnancy,
  • parturition
  • lactation.
Reproductive Health
  • Problems and strategies,
  • Population and birth control,
  • Contraception and MTP;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases,
  • Infertility.

Genetics And Evolution

  • Mendelian inheritance.
  • Chromosome theory of inheritance,
  • Deviations from Mendelian ratio (gene interaction- incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple alleles).
  • Sex determination in human beings:
  • XX, XY.
  • Linkage and crossing over.
  • Inheritance pattern :
  • Mendelian disorders and chromosomal disorders in humans.
  • DNA and RNA,
  • Search for genetic material, replication, transcription, genetic code, translation.
  • Gene expression and regulation.
  • Genome and Human Genome Project.
  • DNA fingerprinting.
  • Evolution:
  • Origin of life, theories and evidences, adaptive radiation, mechanism of evolution,
  • Origin and evolution of man.

Biology And Human Welfare

  • Basic concepts of immunology,
  • Vaccines.
  • Pathogens, Parasites
  • Cancer and AIDS
  • Adolescence and drug / alcohol abuse.
  • Plant breeding,
  • Tissue culture,
  • Single cell protein,
  • Food production,
  • Animal husbandry.
  • Microbes in :
    • household food processing,
    • industrial production,
    • sewage treatment,
    • energy generation,
    • biocontrol agents and biofertilizers.

Biotechnology And Its Application

  • Principles and Processes;
  • Recombinant DNA technology;
  • Applications in Health and Agriculture;
  • Genetically modified (GM) organisms;
  • Biosafety issues.

Ecology & Environment

  • Organism and Population :
  • Organism and its environment, populations and ecological adaptations.
  • Biodiversity, its importance and conservation,
  • Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and wild life sancturies.
  • Ecosystems : components, types, energy flow, nutrient cycling and ecosystem services.
  • Environmental issues.
  1. ^ "Secondary School Curriculum 2012, Vol 1 - Main Subjects" (PDF). CBSE. Retrieved 18 December 2011.