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- Microbrachycephaly ptosis cleft lip
- Microcephaly hypergonadotropic hypogonadism short stature
- Microcephaly mental retardation retinopathy
- Microcephaly mental retardation spasticity epilepsy
- Microcephaly microcornea syndrome Seemanova type
- Microcephaly micropenis convulsions
- Microcephaly seizures mental retardation heart disorders
- Microcephaly, holoprosencephaly, and intrauterine growth retardation
- Microcornea corectopia macular hypoplasia
- Microdontia hypodontia short stature
- Microgastria limb reduction defect
- Microgastria short stature diabetes
- Micromelic dysplasia dislocation of radius
- Microsomia hemifacial radial defects
- Midline defects autosomal type
- Midline defects recessive type
- Midline developmental field defects
- Midline field defects
- Mievis Verellen Dumoulin syndrome
- Milner Khallouf Gibson syndrome
- Minoxidil antenatal infection
- Mirror hands feet nasal defects
- Mitochondrial PEPCK deficiency
- Miura syndrome
- Mixed sclerosing bone dystrophy
- Moebius axonal neuropathy hypogonadism
- Moisture-associated skin damage (MASD). "The four specific types of moisture-associated skin damage that will be discussed here are periwound moisture-associated dermatitis, peristomal moisture-associated dermatitis, incontinence-associated dermatitis, and intertriginous dermatitis."
- Mollica Pavone Antener syndrome
- Monodactyly tetramelic
- Mononen Karnes Senac syndrome
- Monosomy 8q12 21
- Monosomy 8q21 q22
- Montefiore syndrome
- Moore Smith Weaver syndrome
- Morgani Turner Albright syndrome
- Morillo Cucci Passarge syndrome
- Morrison Young syndrome
- Motor neuro-ophthalmic disorders
- Motor neuropathy peripheral dysautonomia
- MSBD syndrome
- Muller Barth Menger syndrome
- Mullerian derivatives lymphangiectasia polydactyly
- Mulliez Roux Loterman syndrome
- Multifocal heterotopia
- Multinodular goiter cystic kidney polydactyly
- Multiple congenital anomalies mental retardation, growth failure and cleft lip palate
- Multiple joint dislocations metaphyseal dysplasia
- Multiple pterygium syndrome lethal type
- Multiple synostoses syndrome 1
- Multiple vertebral anomalies unusual facies
- Muscular fibrosis multifocal obstructed vessels
- Myelofibrosis-osteosclerosis
- Myeloid splenomegaly
- Myhre Ruvalcaba Kelley syndrome
- Myhre School syndrome
- Myoclonus ataxia
- Myoclonus cerebellar ataxia deafness
- Myofibrillar lysis
- Myopathy cataract hypogonadism
- Myopathy growth and mental retardation hypospadias
- Myopathy ophthalmoplegia hypoacousia areflexia
- Myopathy with lysis of myofibrils
- Myotonia mental retardation skeletal anomalies
- N syndrome
- N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosaminidase
- NADH CoQ reductase, deficiency of
- NADH cytochrome B5 reductase deficiency
- Narrow oral fissure short stature cone shaped epiphyses
- Nasopalpebral lipoma coloboma syndrome
- Nasopharyngeal teratoma Dandy Walker diaphragmatic hernia
- Natal teeth intestinal pseudoobstruction patent ductus
- Nephronophthisis familial adult spastic quadriparesis
- Nephropathy deafness hyperparathyroidism
- Nephropathy familial with hyperuricemia
- Nephropathy, familial with gout
- Nephrosis deafness urinary tract digital malformation
- Nephrotic syndrome ocular anomalies
- Neuhauser Daly Magnelli syndrome
- Neuhauser Eichner Opitz syndrome
- Neural crest tumor
- Neurofaciodigitorenal syndrome
- Neuronal intranuclear hyaline inclusion disease
- Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease
- Neutropenia monocytopenia deafness
- Nevus of ota retinitis pigmentosa
- Night blindness skeletal anomalies unusual facies
- Nivelon Nivelon Mabille syndrome
- Noble Bass Sherman syndrome
- Nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma, with cell oxyphilia
- Noonan like syndrome
- Nova syndrome
- Novak syndrome
- O Doherty syndrome
- Ocular convergence spasm
- Oculo cerebro acral syndrome
- Oculo cerebro osseous syndrome
- Oculo digital syndrome
- Oculo skeletal renal syndrome
- Oculo tricho anal syndrome
- Oculo tricho dysplasia
- Oculocerebral hypopigmentation syndrome type Preus
- Oculodental syndrome Rutherfurd syndrome
- Oculo-gastrointestinal muscular dystrophy
- Oculomaxillofacial dysostosis
- Oculomaxillofacial dysplasia with oblique facial clefts
- Oculorenocerebellar syndrome
- Odonto onycho dysplasia with alopecia
- Odontomicronychial dysplasia
- Odontotrichomelic hypohidrotic dysplasia
- OFD syndrome type 8
- OFD syndrome type Figuera
- Oligodactyly tetramelic postaxial
- Omodysplasia type 1
- Omphalocele cleft palate syndrome lethal
- Omphalomesenteric cyst
- Onat syndrome
- Ophthalmomandibulomelic dysplasia
- Ophthalmoplegia mental retardation lingua scrotalis
- Opitz Mollica Sorge syndrome
- Opitz Reynolds Fitzgerald syndrome
- Oral facial digital syndrome type 4
- Oral-facial-digital syndrome, type IV
- Oro acral syndrome
- Orofaciodigital syndrome Gabrielli type
- Orofaciodigital syndrome Shashi type
- Orofaciodigital syndrome Thurston type
- Orofaciodigital syndrome type 2
- Ossicular Malformations, familial
- Osteoarthropathy of fingers familial
- Osteochondrodysplasia thrombocytopenia hydrocephalus
- Osteocraniostenosis
- Osteodysplastic dwarfism Corsello type
- Osteolysis syndrome recessive
- Osteopathia striata pigmentary dermopathy white forelock
- Osteoporosis macrocephaly mental retardation blindness
- Osteoporosis oculocutaneous hypopigmentation syndrome
- Osteosarcopenia (combined bone & muscle decline in aged)
- Otoonychoperoneal syndrome
- Ouvrier Billson syndrome
- Ovarian dwarfism
- Overfolded helix
- Overgrowth radial ray defect arthrogryposis