Many pictures of arthropods have been selected as picture of the day, since the introduction of POTD in March 2005.

Leafhopper 11/08/2007

Cleridae 14/08/2007

Praying mantis 18/08/2007

German wasp 22/08/2007

Western honey bee 07/06/2007

Mole cricket 13/06/2007

Hypolimnas bolina 21/06/2007

Arachnid 16/07/2007

Cyrtophora 18/05/2007

Grasshopper 21/05/2007

Papilio ulysses 30/05/2007

Cairns Birdwing 03/06/2007

Calliphora augur 12/04/2007

Metallic Ringtail 04/05/2007

Meat ant 07/05/2007

Simosyrphus grandicornis 15/05/2007

Dragonfly 11/02/2007

Diaprepes abbreviatus 13/02/2007, 16/05/2005

Peacock mite 16/02/2007

Simosyrphus grandicornis 03/24/2007

Honey bee 01/01/2007

Dragonfly diagram 11/01/2007

Huntsman spider 19/01/2007, 26/04/2005

Mexican redknee tarantula 30/01/2007, 02/05/2005

Macroglossum stellatarum 27/09/2006

Empididae 01/10/2006

Wasp 13/11/2006

Orthetrum caledonicum 22/12/2006, 08/04/2005

Anthomyiidae 25/06/2006

Ozyptila praticola 18/08/2006

Ant diagram 17/09/2006

Mite (Lorryia formosa) 20/09/2006, 18/05/2005

Opodiphthera eucalypti 14/04/2006, 29/01/2005

Monarch butterfly 15/04/2006

Orb-weaver spider 18/06/2006

Mictyris 22/06/2006

Wolf spider 01/03/2006, 10/12/2004

Araneus marmoreus 09/03/2006

Common Blue 14/03/2006

Australian garden orb weaver spider 27/03/2006, 12/01/2005

Cockroach 27/01/2006, 15/03/2005, 24/11/2004

Hoverfly 02/02/2006

Odontotaenius disjunctus 11/02/2006

Blue Ringtail 15/02/2006, 03/12/2004

Hornet 22/12/2005

Yellow-winged Darter 02/01/2006

Meadow Argus 23/01/2006, 12/03/2005, 21/11/2004

Flea 25/02/2006, 14/03/2005, 23/11/2004

Redback spider 14/11/2005, 03/02/2005

Praying mantis 13/12/2005

Pollination (Melissodedes) 11/12/2005

Nicrophorus americanus 15/12/2005

Red imported fire ant 28/10/2005, 25/01/2005

Western honey bee 30/10/2005

Large White 31/10/2005, 27/01/2005

Coccinellidae 07/11/2005, 30/01/2005

Stinger 09/07/2005

Insect anatomy 06/08/2005

Praying mantis 11/09/2005

Opodiphthera eucalypti 19/09/2005

Morpho menelaus 03/04/2005

Bumblebee 11/04/2005

Compound eye 04/06/2005

Australian garden orb weaver spider 17/06/2005, 05/05/2005