Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wikipedia Day 2025

Happy birthday Wikipedia images
Happy Birthday Wikipedia
Seattle articles by quality statistics
  • Agenda: the main focus will be to improve the Seattle article.
    • The content assessment for this page is that it is of top importance to WikiProject Seattle yet it only has been rated as a Class C. (See Seattle articles by quality statistics above or right.)
    • The Seattle article is semi-protected, which means that you need to autoconfirmed to edit it. You are not logged in, so we cannot confirm if you have an account or are are autoconfirmedYour account is autoconfirmedis not autoconfirmed. Your account must be at least 4 days old and have made at least 10 edits to be considered autoconfirmed.
    • Please ensure that in you have enabled Add an [edit] link for the lead section of a page (at Appearance) in your gadget preferences so that each of us can edit that independent of the other sections.
    • In progress – task list on the talk page.

To sign up for this event: Log in or create an account.


Maybe attending

Probably attending