Title is the debut major-label studio album by American singer-songwriter Meghan Trainor. Released on January 9, 2015, it replaced her 2014 extended play with the same name on the iTunes Store. Four successful singles were released from the album; "All About That Bass", "Lips Are Movin", "Dear Future Husband" and "Like I'm Gonna Lose You". Trainor embarked on That Bass Tour and the MTrain Tour in support of the album.

Contributor(s): MaranoFan, Markhoris

I present to you the comprehensive set of all articles pertaining to Meghan Trainor's Title era, all of which have attained GA status. I believe it meets the criteria set out at WP:FT? to be promoted to good topic status. Thanks in advance to everyone commenting here.—NØ 21:53, 22 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]