Hi there! I'm just trying to update the page, there are plenty of solo cosplayer photos and many photos from 2014, but none from 2015.
While there isn't anything particularly wrong with your photo, I just figured an update and a variety (male cosplay, couple cosplay, as opposed to just female solo cosplayers...) would be nice.
Sorry if you feel like this is something to do with you, it has nothing to do with that, just want to make the cosplay page the best it can be! :)
Hope you are not too upset, maybe you will be at Otakuthon again this year? I will snap your photo for sure if so, and maybe we can replace this one with yours :D
Lemme know what Cosplay you'll be going as and I'll keep an eye out for ya :) Cosployaya (talk) 21:34, 3 June 2015 (UTC)