The name of a category in english


Hello, I came here to check the newly updated information about the Finland-swedish descent of the actor Richard Dean Anderson that had been in news in Finland lately and saw that you had already added it. Then I happened to notice the category name Category:American_people_of_Swedo-Finnish_descent. Because my english is not at any professional level I became think if the name of that category is linguistically correct in english or not. At least "swedo-finnish" sounds unfamiliar, but I do not know if the expression is only rarely used or so. --Urjanhai (talk) 06:18, 24 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

In the article Swedish-speaking population of Finland there seems to be a refeference, so it may be correct anyway. If it is the most widely used term or not is beyond my linguistic capasity.--Urjanhai (talk) 06:28, 24 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thank you @Urjanhai: that was a very good observation, it does indeed sound strange. We will look into that! Lina Fredrika (talk) 06:56, 24 February 2020 (UTC)Reply
We are discussing with language experts on what the correct terminology should be, as there are lots of inconsistencies in both Wikipedia and Wikidata, particularly in English! Lina Fredrika (talk) 10:33, 24 February 2020 (UTC)Reply