I am currently working on a rudimentary "JETTER" Page. The purpose of this page is to be a repository of design considerations with special consideration for the use of jetters for root removal. (root removal seems to be the most difficult job to which jetters are commonly put to and requires a minimum impulse to shred root material but i have not found this datum anywhere. There is great design and engineering info about which nozzle sizes and hose sizes will deliver usable power to which pump and how much horsepower. will be used in this. There is a chewing index which is nothing more than the product of the rated pressure and the gpm (gallons per minute) however this may be nothing more than a marketing tool.
It seems that people who are serious about removing roots are using around the 3000-5000psi range.
I just happened to come by two years later today and wanted to see if anyone was watching it.Glennndavis (talk) 17:02, 29 October 2012 (UTC)