About me


Proud Texan. Member of Free Republic and Conservative Underground. Political nut. What else do you need to know that's not covered in the user boxes?

10 Greatest presidents


Hey, as a political nut, I get to rank my choices for greatest US presidents, right?==

1. George Washington 2. Abraham Lincoln 3. Ronald Reagan 4. Thomas Jefferson 5. George W. Bush 6. John Kennedy 7. Franklin Roosevelt For War War II 8. Theodore Roosevelt 9. Calvin Coolidge 10.Harry Truman For bombing Japan and ending WWII.

10 Worst Presidents


42 (Tie). Bill Clinton gets first mention since he had more time to screw up. 42 (Tie). Jimmy Carter 40. Andrew Johnson 39. Warren Harding 38. John Tyler 37. Lyndon Johnson Any candidate who runs a commercial like the "Daisy" one ought to be run out of town. 36. Jefferson Davis Let's make this a little off the wall, shall we? 35. Herbert Hoover 34. Richard Nixon Without Watergate and the EPA, he might be on the other list. 33. James Buchanan

{{user NRA}}

  This user rejects all forms of Marxist thinking
PL This user is pro-life.
GOP This user supports the U.S. Republican Party.
  This user is a Lutheran.
  This user believes in intelligent design or creationism.

  This user supports President George W. Bush.
  This user supports the troops.
vrwc This user is a member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.  
 In Memoriam: 9/11
Lest we forget…
DALThis user is a fan of the
Dallas Cowboys.
This user passed GO!
(…so where is my $200?)