Majority Usage = Correct Grammar | This user recognizes that if most people make the same grammatical "mistake", it ceases to be a mistake and becomes proper grammar, for grammar has no immutable or moral "right" or "wrong" and "correct grammar" is determined by majority usage. |
snk | This user feels uncomfortable with both sneaked and snuck. |
BS-2 | This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of Bullshit. |
webd-0 | This user does not understand Webdings(or understands it with considerable difficulty) |
dlph-0 | This user cannot speak, has considerable difficulty speaking, or does not wish to speak dolphin. |
sar-N | This user is a native speaker of sarcasm. Isn't that just great? |
1337-1 | Th1s us3r is 4bl3 2 c0ntr1but3 w1th 4 b451( l3v3l 0f 1337. |
pig-2 | Isthay userway ancay ontributecay ithway anway intermediateway evellay ofway Igpay Atinlay. |
IntS-2 | This uxor's Internet slang is k, but TBH, they're still mostly a lurker. |
nws-0 | This user oldspeaks, or newspeaks doubleplusungoodwise. |
a lot alot | This user recognizes that linguistic change is a natural and desirable aspect of human language. |
Ð ð | This user's favorite letter in the English*† alphabet is Ð. |
Δ δ | This user's favorite letter in the Greek alphabet is Δέλτα. |
{{t|1}} | This user knows roughly how a template works. |