This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference.
This user has been on Wikipedia for 18 years, 3 months and 1 day .
Content contributed by this user is released into the public domain .
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know .
37 This user is 37 years old.
This user has a little sister
This user does not
smoke .
This user just LOVES to cycle !
This user enjoys reading anything .
This user is a cat lover.
This user's favourite colour is blue .
This user does not like socklessness.
This user reserves the right to completely screw up his or her edits.
{\displaystyle \sum }
This user is greater than the sum of their userboxes.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful.
Hi! I am a userbox with a POV . I won't hurt you, I promise! Pretty please don't delete me .
Image: Yoda.jpg '''This user is a master of [[userbox design]]. ''' [[Category:Userbox kingz]] <!-- I am teh rule! --> †
I think I have just made a personal userbox . id2
Mix This user has been influenced by too many dialects of English to use one orthography, vocabulary and grammar consistently.
their there they're This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling!
its & it's This user understands the difference between its and it's . So should you.
Thi’s user know’s that not every word that end’s with s need’s an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe’s from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
{{Wiki}} This user can write in the MediaWiki language.
1337 -1Th1s us3r is 4bl3 2 c0ntr1but3 w1th 4 b451( l3v3l 0f 1337 .
Rot13 -2Guvf hfre vf noyr gb pbagevohgr jvgu na vagrezrqvngr yriry bs Ebg13 .
Lipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
ubx -5This user uses entirely too many userboxes .
sar -1This user does not wish to speak or hear sarcasm, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration.
AIM -0This user does not understand or have any interest in AOLer .
Pi ≈ 3.1415926535897932384626
This user has visited Italy .
no ads This user is against commercials in Wikipedia.
This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions to Wikipedia .
This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues.
This user believes in logic .
This user supports immigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.
This user supports a European security organisation out of NATO .
This user doesn't like Nazis .
This user contributes using a PC .
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
BB This user contributes using a broadband connection.
cvg -2
This user is an intermediate gamer .
PAL This user's television receives PAL /PAL-variant transmissions, or lives in a region where they are broadcast.
PH-2 This user is able to take good-quality photographs.
This user can solve, on average, 42% of a crossword.
This user passed
GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
This user has a Rubik's Cube, and it looks very similar to←— that one (unsolved)!
This user plays the Doom series .
MMO RPG This user believes MMORPGs are a waste of time and/or money.
This user prefers to play games on a PC .
This user feels the synthetic pulse of Kraftwerk .
This user is a fan of Genesis in all of its forms. Supper's Ready!
CP This user enjoys listening to music by Coldplay .