Opening page, started 26 Apr 09.

Started with:

This user is a Major in the
United States Air Force.
This user is proud to be an
EOD Specialist.
This user has flown in simulated combat.
This user loves to go camping.
This user loves the Great Outdoors.
This user wishes to fly and hopes to become an aircraft pilot.
This user enjoys electronics or is an electronics hobbyist.
This user loves calculators.
This user is interested in amateur radio.
This user is an advanced mathematician.
SI*This user is competent in metric units but prefers not to use them.
This user knows how to
Find X.
This user enjoys woodworking.
This user loves
Warbirds from the
Gulf War
This user really likes old computers.
This user has the knack.
This user is interested in counter-terrorism.
This user enjoys geocaching.
This user is a geocacher.
This user is interested in the history of the United States.
This user is opposed to communism in both theory and practice.
This user believes in the separation of religion and state.*
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.
This user votes via Absentee ballot.
This user believes that movie stars and celebrities should stick to what they're good at, not become politicians.
DemsThis user knows both major US parties have been hijacked by special interests, can no longer identify with either one, and has no hope that the situation will ever improve.Reps
This user is against
strict gun control.
$ ¥
€ £
This user believes that the profit motive makes network news reporting inaccurate and biased.
This user opposes removing guns from the civilian populace.
This user believes in certain conspiracy theories.

This user greatly admires
and respects
Thomas Jefferson
for inspiring revolutions
around the world.

This user thinks Ronald Reagan was an excellent president.
PC This user believes political correctness was created in good intentions, but is often overused, misused, or taken way out of context.
This user grew up in the state of New Jersey, but cannot afford the taxes to go back.
NJDThis user is a fan of the
New Jersey Devils
SCThis user is a fan of the
South Carolina Stingrays

Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze star
Bronze star
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster