(Joshua, Joseph, & Mary Movie Making Committee)
Company typeCommittee
FoundedRichland Hills, Texas, USA (2004), Shut down in January 2008
HeadquartersRichland Hills, Texas, USA
Key people
Joseph G, CEO,President, & Cameraman
Joshua H, premiere actor
Mary H, premiere actress
ProductsMovies & Music Videos
RevenueSteady$0 USD (2006)
Number of employees
5 members,
1 guest-star employee (As of 2006)

The JJMMMC is a movie committee that I formed with my friends, Joshua & Mary, in Fall 2004, and shut down in January 2008. This committee is a proud sponsor of JEG Sports.



On October 11, 2004, my friends Joshua & Mary came over for a visit. We own a Canon PowerShot S410, which has video capabilities. So, with my keen interest in technology of this nature, I filmed a 2-part short film entitled Joshua & Mary's 1st Movie! Then, later, I thought, why not make a movie committee with them?, so I settled on the committee name of the "Joshua, Joseph, & Mary Movie Making Committee", or the JJMMMC. I also figured no one was going to sign up voluntarily for a movie committee, so I got members by recruiting them, & not let them go unless they performed a severe violation (with the exception of Joshua & Mary, who can only get put on probation, length depending on the severity of violation). In September 2005, I recruited my friend Christian. He was the less dedicated employee, who always tried to avoid meetings. On August 22, 2006, I receieved a Canon ZR200, which is is what we now use for filming. Christian has been re-hired, but will only be used as a guest-star when needed.

Official shutdown


Due to the fact that no-one in the committee was really committed and eventually even I lost faith in the group since it had never really done much movie-wise, I offically shut down the "committee" in early January of 2008. It may eventually be ressurected as a movie company in the future, but for now it is a lost cause.



Christian (GS)



California Joe & Ranger Robert


The show's title was based off of Indiana Jones. I played California Joe. I picked the name because my family had traveled to Nevada for vacation the year before, but Nevada Joe didn't sound very good, so I picked California, the neighboring state. My friend Christan played Ranger Robert. This name came from his middle name, Robert. Originally, it was going to be Ranger Stephen, after his family name, but he perferred Robert. Unfortunately, this series was short-lived, for after 2 episodes, The Backyard Adventure, & The Heinz Harassment (in which Joshua guest-starred, but Christian wasn't in the movie), Christian finally convinced me to let him off so that he could pursue his life-long dream of opening a restaraunt. Several future episodes of the series were canceled, & this led to a spin-off series, called New York Josh & Ruth The Vet. The synopsises of these episodes are below.

The Backyard Adventure


California & Robert Joe have been notified that there is a treasure in their backyard, so they set off to find it. But it won't be easy. They have no clues as to where the treasure is, & a metal fence is the only thing standing between them & 2 viscious dogs! Will our heroes ever find this unknown treasure?

The Heinz Harassment


It's the JJMMMC's 1st Anniversary, & Joshua has been locked in California & Robert's shed! To make matters worse, Robert is sick, leaving California to tackle this crime alone! And just how will California free Joshua when the shed keys end up on top of the shed?

New York Josh & Ruth The Vet


After the committee's shut-down, all plans for future shows (which didn't have much planning in them anyway) were abandoned. This is the would-be synopsis for the show:
After Christian was let off, CJ & RR was no more. But just when it seems that things are looking down for California, his cousins, New York (played by Joshua) & Ruth Josh (played by Mary) move to town, & he joins forces with them.

Joshua & Mary


Aside from New York Josh & Ruth The Vet (which never aired), Joshua & Mary star as themselves in many shows, such as the Fiend Wars series. The synopsises are below.

Fiend Wars Episode I: A New Menace


There are rumors floating around that treasure remains in California Joe's shed. So he & news reporter Mary H. investigate the shed. During the investigation, however, a mysterious fiend locks them inside! Now they must somehow escape & capture him!

Episode notes

Fiend Wars Episode I: A New Menace was originally called The Mysterious Shed Lock-In, but after Return of the Fiend (later renamed The Fiend Strikes Back) sparked an inspiration for a Star Wars theme, the title was changed and a new Star Wars-style opening crawl was added to make everything match up.

Fiend Wars Episode II: The Fiend Strikes Back


Due to the committee's shut-down, this is a would-be synopsis, since it was never released.
This picks up immediately after Episode I ends. The fiend has broken out of captivity & manages to recapture Mary in the shed, while California manages to escape! The fiend pretends he doesn't care, but, he is actually trying to attack & recapture California. Will California escape the fiend, save Mary, & lock up the fiend for good? Or will he & Mary be doomed to be locked in the shed forever? (Note: This was originally planned to be a CJ & RR episode, but after Christian's lay-off, this was changed.)

Episode notes

This was originally called Return of the Fiend, until I decided to base the series' titles off the Star Wars Trilogy more accurately.