Missing articles about media and journalism
Thanks to User:14 novembre, User:Canley & User:DrowssapSMM
Media-related terminology
edit- Above-the-line publications Above-the-line publication - ()
- Acceleration factor - ()
- Accessed voices accessed voice - ()
- Actual effect - ()
- Aesthetic Code Aesthetic Code - ()
- Aesthetics of banality - ()
- Allness attitude - ()
- announcement effect - ()
- Apache silence - ()
- Artillery of the press - ()
- Aspirer - ()
- Audience differentiation - ()
- Audience needs - ()
- Audience worldview - ()
- Balanced programming - ()
- Baton signals Baton signal - ()
- Below-the-line publications Below-the-line publication- ()
- Bifurcation of belief - ()
- Black documentary - ()
- black station - ()
- Blockbuster bingo - ()
- Boomerang response - ()
- Brakelight function - ()
- breaking issue - ()
- Button apathy - ()
- Catalyst effect - ()
- Celebratory seeing - ()
- Change-over cue - ()
- Climax order - ()
- CNN Syndrome, CCN-syndrome - ()
- Co-orientation approach - ()
- Code of enigma - ()
- Cold media - ()
- Commercial confidentiality - ()
- Commonality (media) - ()
- Communicate negligence - ()
- Communication capability - ()
- Communication function - ()
- Communication integration - ()
- Communication postulates Communication postulate - ()
- Communications conglomerate - ()
- Communications gap - ()
- Completion point - ()
- Con-pro - ()
- Conative function of communication - ()
- Confrontation dressing - ()
- Consensual validation - ()
- Consumption behavior - ()
- Conversational style - ()
- Cospoliteness - ()
- Crab and track - ()
- Crime of self-publicity - ()
- Cultivation differential - ()
- Cultural apparatus - ()
- Design features - ()
- Developmental news - ()
- Diary story - ()
- Discursive communication - ()
- Discursive gap - ()
- Displacement effect - ()
- Dynamic mediation - ()
- Electronic man - ()
- Elite cohesion - ()
- Ellipsis jump-cut - ()
- Emotional dynamization - ()
- Encript - ()
- Enterprise fiction - ()
- Excessive generality - ()
- Excessive particularity - ()
- Family viewing policy - ()
- Floor appointment - ()
- Formula broadcasting - ()
- Formula-written - ()
- Gendelect - ()
- General Magazine - ()
- Gutterspace - ()
- Hidden needs - ()
- Hyperlocalism - ()
- Hyphenized abridgement - ()
- Idiot salutation - ()
- Index as a sign - ()
- Inferential structure - ()
- Information aggression - ()
- Inheritance factor - ()
- Inoculation effect - ()
- Inter-mediating - ()
- Interights - ()
- Intimacy at a distance - ()
- Juxtaposition jump-cut - ()
- Key-word outline - ()
- Label libel - ()
- Labeling process - ()
- Lapdog journalism - ()
- Light viewer - ()
- Local channel of communication - ()
- Localite channel - ()
- Looking behaviour - ()
- Macrostory - ()
- Mainstreamer - ()
- McLuhanism - ()
- Meaning systems - ()
- Media colonization - ()
- Media communication - ()
- Media for language - ()
- Media high - ()
- Media image - ()
- Media organization - ()
- Media packaging - ()
- Media polarity - ()
- Medium viewer - ()
- Micro-myth - ()
- Monofunctional - ()
- Multi-actuality - ()
- Multiple effect - ()
- Multiple image - ()
- Negative news - ()
- Negotiated code - ()
- News consensus - ()
- News framework - ()
- News-literacy, news literacy - ()
- Newspaper control - ()
- Non-aligned News Pool - ()
- Objectics - ()
- Oligopolization - ()
- on-camera personality - ()
- Operational code - ()
- Opinion maker - ()
- Oppositional code - ()
- Out of bad - ()
- Outtake show - ()
- Overkill signal - ()
- Para-proxemics - ()
- Pauper press - ()
- Pentagonspeak - ()
- Personalizing transformation - ()
- pirate media - ()
- Pool system - ()
- Postural echo - ()
- Power culture - ()
- Power value - ()
- Preferred reading - ()
- Press room - ()
- Preview release - ()
- Primary definer - ()
- Primary media - ()
- Privacy transformation - ()
- Private cue - ()
- Programme flow - ()
- Pseudo-context - ()
- Public communication values - ()
- Public communication - ()
- Public cue - ()
- Public data access - ()
- Publication components - ()
- Publication standard - ()
- Quadruplex technique - ()
- Radical press - ()
- Real-time Communications Nadir - ()
- Reception study - ()
- Regulatory favor - ()
- Rhythm of reception - ()
- Roll broadcasting - ()
- Roxscene - ()
- Running story - ()
- Salutation display - ()
- Satisprop - ()
- Secondary definer - ()
- Secondary media - ()
- Secondary viewing - ()
- Serial processing - ()
- Shock issue - ()
- Shortfall signal - ()
- Shotgun approach - ()
- Significant symbolizer - ()
- Signification spiral - ()
- Sincerity test - ()
- Single media - ()
- Situation propriety - ()
- Sleep effect - ()
- Slow-drip - ()
- Snob hit - ()
- Social lubricator - ()
- social media noise - ()
- Sound-bit - ()
- Source domination - ()
- Spatial zone - ()
- Special issues special issue - ()
- Stopwatch culture - ()
- Story appeal - ()
- Strategic bargaining - ()
- Succeeder - ()
- Summitese - ()
- Surface celebrity faux-lebrity - ()
- Symptomatic technology - ()
- Ten minute smile - ()
- Thesis journalism - ()
- Time-shift viewing - ()
- Total situation - ()
- Transformability of cues - ()
- Trick culture - ()
- Typage - ()
- Typewriter culture - ()
- Typographic culture - ()
- Typographic man, Gutenberg man - ()
- Westminster view - ()
- Wired world - ()
- Worldwide release - ()
- Zoopraxography – ()
Types and methods
edit- Aboriginal media - ()
- Above-the-line publications Above-the-line publication - ()
- Arab nationalist radio - ()
- Below-the-line publications Below-the-line publication- ()
- Catalan television - ()
- Celebrity interview - ()
- Civil war journalism - ()
- Conservative journalism - ()
- Convergence journalism - ()
- Crackbook journalism - ()
- Crime reporting – ()
- Education media - ()
- Fitness magazine - ()
- Frondeur Journalism - ()
- Horserace journalism - ()
- Jenkins journalism - ()
- journalistic literature - ()
- parliamentary reporting - ()
- personal democracy media - ()
Forms of media
edit- Electronic reporting - ()
- Telecommunications media - ()
- Television media - ()
edit- Carlow Kildare Radio - ()
- Radio Kilkenny - ()
editMedia studies
edit- ABX model of communication, Newcomb's ABX model - ()
- Active-audience thesis - ()
- Andersch, Staats and Bostrom model of communication - ()
- Attention model of mass communication - ()
- Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur's dependency model of mass communication - ()
- Barlund's transactional model of communication - ()
- Bass' double action model of internal mews flow - ()
- Berlo's SMCR model of communication - ()
- Broadcasting research - ()
- broadcasting theories - ()
- Cambridge International Flows Project - ()
- Catharsis hypothesis - ()
- Characteristics of mass communication - ()
- Commercial laissez-faire model of media communication - ()
- Congruence theory - ()
- Critical news analysis - ()
- Cultural indicators research project - ()
- Culturalist studies of media - ()
- Dance helical model of communication - ()
- Donohew and Tipton's Information Seeking Model - ()
- Ethnographic approach to audience measurement - ()
- Four theories of press Four Theories of the Press- () / ()
- Frankfurt school of theorists - ()
- Functionalist mode of media analysis - ()
- Functions of communication - ()
- Functions of mass media - ()
- Galtung and Ruge's Model of Selective Gatekeeping - ()
- Hypothesis of consonance - ()
- Interactive media studies - ()
- International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems, 1980 - ()
- Jakobson's model of communication - ()
- Janis' law - ()
- Katz and Lazarsfeld's two-step flow model - ()
- Law of minimal effects - ()
- Law of the total situation Law of the Total Situation - ()
- Maletzke's model of the mass communication process, 1963 - ()
- Marxist mode of media analysis - ()
- Mass manipulative model of media communication - ()
- McCombs and Shaw agenda-setting model of media effects, 1976 - ()
- McNelly's model of news flow - ()
- media effect theory - ()
- media ethics theories - ()
- Modes of media analysis - ()
- Multi-step flow model of communication - ()
- National Television Violence Study - ()
- Network Television Violence Study – ()
- new media theory - ()
- Newcomb's ABX model of communication - ()
- News as reassurance - ()
- news production theories - ()
- Noelle-Neumann's spiral of silence model of public opinion - ()
- Normative theories of mass media - ()
- One-step flow model of communication - ()
- Play theory of mass communication - ()
- Polymorphic opinion leadership - ()
- Postulate of communication - ()
- Reflective-projective theory of broadcasting and mass communication - ()
- Riley and Riley model of mass communication - ()
- S-IV-R model of communication - ()
- Seven characteristics of mass communication - ()
- social action media studies - ()
- Social action mode of media analysis - ()
- Social influence theory - ()
- Sociometrics and media analysis - ()
- Spiral model of communication - ()
- Theories and concept of communication - ()
- Transmission model of mass communication - ()
- violence and nonviolence in media study - ()
- Wesley and MacLean's model of communication - ()
- White's gatekeeper model – ()
Media issues
edit- Age of show business - ()
- Alcohol in the media - ()
- Amplification effect of the media - ()
- Antisocial effects of television - ()
- Attachment to media characters - ()
- Bad-news dominance - ()
- Broadcasting ban - ()
- CNN syndrome - ()
- Commoditization of information - ()
- Crisis of eloquence - ()
- Culture of deference - ()
- Cumulative media effects - ()
- Democracy and the media - ()
- Dependence on media - ()
- Disenfranchisement of readership - ()
- Editorial feud - ()
- editorial policy - ()
- Election campaigns and media - ()
- Emancipatory use of the media - ()
- Families and television - ()
- Fear and the media - ()
- Freedom of the press and national security - ()
- Gangs and the Media - ()
- Gays and lesbians in the media - ()
- Globalization of culture through media - ()
- Globalization of media industry - ()
- Government regulation of broadcasting - ()
- Hot News Doctrine - ()
- Ideology of silence - ()
- Imperialism in information systems - ()
- Informization of society - ()
- Inter-cultural invasion and the mass media - ()
- Journalists as spies - ()
- Machinery of representation Machines of representation - () / ()
- Macro-myth - ()
- Media effect on body image - ()
- Media failure - ()
- Media impersonalism - ()
- Media influence on children - ()
- media portrayal of minorities - ()
- Media sovereignty - ()
- Minorities and the media - ()
- Naturalistic illusion of television - ()
- News coverage of religion – ()
- News effects - ()
- News function - ()
- Nutrition and media effect - ()
- Of mass communication and personal influence - ()
- Parental mediation of media effects - ()
- Press coverage of racial violence - ()
- Press instigations of racial violence - ()
- press investigation of racial violence - ()
- Prosocial effects of television - ()
- Religion and the media - ()
- Repressive use of the media - ()
- Self-censorship by journalists - ()
- Self-regulation of broadcasting - ()
- Sex and the media - ()
- simulation and media - ()
- Sin of commission - ()
- Social changes and the media - ()
- Social control in the newsroom - ()
- society and the media - ()
- Symbolic annihilation of women - ()
- Terrorism as communication - ()
- Totalitarian propaganda - ()
History of media
editMedia politics
edit- Advertising boycott - ()
- BBC radio panic - ()
- Beveridge Committee Report of Broadcasting - ()
- Calcutt Committee Reports on Privacy and Related Matters - ()
- Declaration of the Mass Media, 1978 - ()
- Five Myths of Deregulation - ()
- Four scandals of monopoly - ()
- Green Paper on Future - ()
- Hankey Committee Report on Television, 1943 - ()
- Hunt Committee Report of Cable Expansion and Broadcasting Policy, 1982 - ()
- Independent Television Concession - ()
- Lindup Committee Report of Data Protection, 1978 - ()
- Lloyd Committee Report, 1967 - ()
- Longform Committee Report on Pornography, 1972 - ()
- McGregor Commission Report on the Press, 1977 - ()
- Minneapolis City Council enquiry into pornography - ()
- Minority report of Mr Selwyn Lloyd - ()
- Monomorphic opinion leadership - ()
- Peacock Report, 1985 - ()
- Radcliffe Committee Report - ()
- Rampton Report - ()
- Selsdon Committee Report on Television, 1935 - ()
- Shawcross Commission Report on the Press - ()
- Sykes committee Report on Broadcasting, 1923 - ()
- Ullswater Committee Report on Broadcasting, 1936 - ()
- William Committee Report on Obscenity and Film Censorship, 1979 - ()
- Windesham Report - ()
Censorship and propaganda
edit- Civil censorship - ()
- Field press censorship - ()
- National censorship - ()
- Primary censorship - ()
- Secondary censorship - ()
Media-related laws
edit- AA-certificate - ()
- British Code of Advertising Practice - ()
- Broadcast code - ()
- Cable and Broadcasting Act - ()
- Cable Communication Policy Act, 1984 - ()
- Cable Television Act, 1984 - ()
- Child Pornography Act, 1996 - ()
- Code of Advertising Standards and Practice - ()
- Code of Programme Sponsorship - ()
- Communication Policy Act, 1984 - ()
- Communication Satellite Act, 1962 - ()
- Communications and Multimedia Act - ()
- European Television Directive - ()
- Fourteen-Day Rule - ()
- Freedom and Responsibility of the Press Bill - ()
- Indian Broadcasting Act, 1990 - ()
- Interceptor of Communications Act, 1985 - ()
- ITC code of Programme Sponsorship - ()
- ITV code - ()
- Media legislation - ()
- Narrowcast code - ()
- Programme code - ()
- Radio Authority Programme Code 1 - ()
- Radio Authority Programme Code 2 - ()
- Sound Broadcasting Act, 1972 - ()
- Telecommunications privacy laws - ()
- U-certificate - ()
National media
edit- Persian media - ()
Media occupations
edit- Active editor - ()
- Cub reporter - ()
- general assignment reporter - ()
- Media librarian - ()
- News media representative - ()
- Switch censor – ()
editMedia organizations
edit- Accredited War Journalists Accredited war journalist - ()
- Allied Communication Publication - ()
- Animation group - ()
- Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index - ()
- Association of Capital Reporters and Editors - ()
- Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication - ()
- Bethlehem Media Center - ()
- Black Liberation Radio - ()
- Broadcasting Standards Council - ()
- Center for Innovative Media - ()
- Center for Media Education - ()
- Center for Research on the Influence of Television on Children (CRITE) - ()
- Centers for research intro the media research center - ()
- Clandestine Reporters Working Group - ()
- Clean Up Television Campaign - ()
- Clean up TV movement - ()
- Cleveland Free-Net - ()
- Conseil de Presse du Québec - ()
- Daici Television - ()
- Dow Jones Newspaper Fund – ()
- Dutch Broadcasting Foundation - ()
- Exogenous Voice of Free Africa - ()
- Foreign Press Association - ()
- Hartford Gunn Institute (HGI) - ()
- Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library - ()
- Hutching Commission of Freedom of the Press - ()
- Independent Press Regulation Trust - ()
- Information Technology Advisory Panel (ITAP) - ()
- International Advisory Panel of the Multimedia Super Corridor - ()
- International Broadcast Trust - ()
- International Federation of the Socialist and Democratic Press - ()
- Islamic States Broadcasting Organization - ()
- Joint Industry Committee for Radio Audience Research - ()
- Missouri Press Alliance - ()
- National Cable Television Cooperative - ()
- National Council of Communication - ()
- National Education Television Association (NETA) - ()
- National Educational Television Association - ()
- National Forum for Public Television Executives - ()
- National Society of Newspaper Columnists - ()
- National Summer Conference on Communication Ethics - ()
- Nepal Journalist Association - ()
- Network Press Club - ()
- Palestinian Broadcasting Service - ()
- Pirate Radio Central - ()
- Press Security Board - ()
- Progressive Papers Limited - ()
- Public Electronic Network - ()
- Public Russian Television - ()
- Public Telecommunications Facilities Program (PTFP) - ()
- Radio For Peace International - ()
- Rating Implementing Group - ()
- Rationalist Press - ()
- Research Institute of Telecommunications and Economics (RITE) - ()
- Royal Commissions on the Media - ()
- Russian Union of Journalists - ()
- Soldier's Radio Calen - ()
- Station Research Group - ()
- Swiss Socialist Press Service - ()
- Telecommunication Opportunities Program - ()
- Television Ratings Commission - ()
- Television Without Frontiers - ()
- Tokyo Foreign Press Club – ()
- Union of Journalists of Kyrgyzstan - ()
- Union of National Radio and Television Organizations of Africa (ARTNA) – ()
- United Dutch Publishing Companies - ()
- Washington Press Corps - ()
- Eiho Club - ()
- Hirakawa Club - ()
- Imperial Household Agency Kisha Club - ()
- Kabuto Club - ()
- Kasumi Club - ()
- Keidanren Kikai Club - ()
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Kisha Club - ()
- Minpō Club - ()
- Seitō Club - ()
- Tokiwa Club - ()
Organization types
edit- Media committee - ()
- Press bureau - ()
- Press commission - ()
- Print union - ()
Media companies
edit- Aerobureau - ()
- Agena Togolaise der Presse - ()
- AlfaTV, Finland - ()
- American Catholic Press - ()
- Artsakh Press - ()
- Asahi National Broadcasting - ()
- Asahi Papers - ()
- Asian News Exchange - ()
- Audiocall, BBC subsidiary- ()
- Austrian Broadcasting System - ()
- Bethel Cablevision - ()
- Beyond Borders Press - ()
- Catholic Radio Corporation - ()
- Central African Broadcasting Service - ()
- China Television Service - ()
- Cloud Tiger Media - ()
- Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System - ()
- Croatian News and Press Agency - ()
- Croatian Radio and Television - ()
- Czechoslovak News Agency - ()
- Domei News Service - ()
- Dutch Christian Radio Society - ()
- Ergany Press - ()
- Evangelical Broadcasting Corporation - ()
- Evening Press Corporation (UK) Evening Press Corporation - ()
- Farnsworth Television and Radio - ()
- Fatale Media - ()
- Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina News Agency - ()
- Finnish Broadcasting Radio - ()
- Flame Tree Network - ()
- Flemish Radio and Television - ()
- Florida News Network - ()
- Free China Fortnightly - ()
- Free Radio Gainesville - ()
- Freethinking Protestant Radio Corporation - ()
- General Society Radio Broadcasting Corporation - ()
- Global Television News - ()
- Independent Radio Network (IRN), Sierra Leone - ()
- Industrial Press Service - ()
- Inspirational Network - ()
- International Community Radio Taiwan - ()
- International Digital Communications - ()
- Irish News Agency - ()
- Islamic World News - ()
- Jacor Communication - ()
- Jordanian Press Agency - ()
- Kansas City Film Ad Company - ()
- Kiernan News Agency - ()
- Kyodo Tsushinsha News Agency - ()
- Lebanon News Agency - ()
- Limited News Corporation - ()
- Midwest Video Corporation - ()
- National Broadcasting and Television of Burundi - ()
- National Television of Panama - ()
- New Zealand National Radio - ()
- News Distribution Service - ()
- NewsBream - ()
- NewsEdge - ()
- Nigerian Broadcasting Company - ()
- Pacific Mountain Network - ()
- Pacific Telestations - ()
- Panther Valley Television - ()
- PrairieNet - ()
- Public Broadcast System - ()
- Public Relations News - ()
- Radio Afrique 1 - ()
- Radio Bavaria - ()
- Radio Caiman - ()
- Radio Caritas - ()
- Radio Clandestine - ()
- Radio Maryjz, Poland - ()
- Radio Nanduti - ()
- Radio Phnom Penh - ()
- Radio So’o - ()
- Radio Tanzania - ()
- Radio Telefin Einstann - ()
- Radio Television Libre Mille-Collins - ()
- Radio Trotteoir - ()
- Readers and Writers Economy Company (RWEC) - ()
- Rominterpress - ()
- Romnews - ()
- ROS-TV - ()
- Russian Telegraphic Agency - ()
- Serb Radio-Television - ()
- Serb Republic News Agency - ()
- SerbNet - ()
- Shanghai Oriental Television - ()
- Sierra Leone Weekly News - ()
- Somali National News Agency - ()
- State Broadcasting Service - ()
- Swiss Broadcast and Television Company - ()
- Taiwan Television Corporation - ()
- Television and Radio Broadcasting Foundation - ()
- Television Marti - ()
- Turkish Radio and Television Agency - ()
- Veronica Broadcasting Organization - ()
- Voice of Cameroon - ()
- Western Woody Media Company - ()
- World Television News (WTN) - ()
- Yugoslav Television – ()
- Zambia Information Service - ()
edit- Afghan Media Project - ()
- Broadcasting for Remote Aboriginal Communities Scheme - ()
- Hutching Commission - ()
See also red links in News_agency#Major_news_agencies
edit- digital media systems - ()
- Saucepan Special of radios in Zambia - ()
Newspapers and periodicals
edit- A-matter - ()
- Africa’s Luminary - ()
- Agnostic Journal - ()
- Al-Abhath – ()
- Al-Gunjuriyya, Egyptian state newspaper - ()
- Al-Myayyad, Arabic journal - ()
- Albany Evening Journal - ()
- Alexander Weekly Messenger - ()
- Alliance Vindicator - ()
- American Nonconformist - ()
- Asahi Journal - ()
- Bentol Times - ()
- Berkshire Courier - ()
- Boston Newsletter - ()
- Cameroon Actualities - ()
- Cameroon Outlook - ()
- Cameroon Times - ()
- Central Mindanao Inquirer - ()
- China Weekly Review - ()
- Clinton County News - ()
- Commonwealth Sentinel - ()
- Courier-Gazette - ()
- Cumberland County News - ()
- Daily Listener - ()
- Dallas Mercury - ()
- Darkest England Gazette - ()
- Denver Tribune - ()
- Die Botschaft, Amish weekly newspaper - ()
- Direct Matin - ()
- Enbata, Basque newspaper – ()
- Exchange Herald - ()
- Freiheit (newspaper), German revolutionary newspaper - ()
- Gadget magazine - ()
- Getreider Zeitung, German newspaper - ()
- Grant County News - ()
- Hellenic Sun - ()
- Helsingfors Gazette - ()
- Herzegovina’s Weekly - ()
- Imho Zabantsundu - ()
- In Fact Newsletter - ()
- Journal das Scavars - ()
- Lansbury's Labour Weekly - ()
- Le Mensuel - ()
- Liberian Official Gazette - ()
- Liberian Recorder - ()
- Liberian Sentinel - ()
- Literary and Scientific Herald - ()
- London and Cambridge Economic Bulletin - ()
- Macnil-Lehrer Report - ()
- Manchester Chronicle - ()
- Manchester Herald - ()
- Miesbacher Anzeiger, German right-wing newspaper - ()
- Moskovski Bolshevik - ()
- National Alliance (newspaper) - ()
- New Liberian - ()
- New York Family Story Paper - ()
- Nihon Herald - ()
- Passaic Herald - ()
- Pesti Hirlap, newspaper of Lajos Kossuth - ()
- Public Relations Quarterly - ()
- Radio Regulations Board - ()
- Reshid Daily – ()
- Reuse Bürcher Zeitung, German newspaper - ()
- Rumba Magazine - ()
- Saniel Pedwar Cymru (s4c) - ()
- Shanghai News - ()
- Sherwin's Political Register, pro-emancipation journal - ()
- Somaliland Times - ()
- StayFree! Magazine - ()
- Sunday Courier - ()
- The Republican (British newspaper) - ()
- Tobago Gazette - ()
- Trinidad and Tobago News - ()
- Trinidad Courant - ()
- Trinidad Royal Gazette - ()
- Trinidad Weekly Courant - ()
- Tripura District Gazetteer - ()
- Underground Media Revolution (e-zine) - ()
- United States Magazine - ()
- Universal News - ()
- Usambara Post - ()
- Vechernyana Moskva - ()
- Voice of UNIP - ()
- Washington Times (historical) - ()
- Wednesday Magazine - ()
- Western Rural and Family Farm Paper - ()
- Withycombe Raleigh, paper – ()
- Womannews, US periodical - ()
- Workers Independent News – ()
- Workers Insurrection Journal - ()
- Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun - ()
edit- Children's page - ()
- Editorial department - ()
- Newspaper morgue newspaper archive - ()
See also:
Media awards
edit- Charles Kusz, US vitriolic newspaper publisher – ()
- Nikos Momferratos (d 1985) Greek newspaper publisher – ()
edit- Aarno Laitinen, Finnish journalist - ()
- Akira Uozumi, Japanese journalist - ()
- Antero Kekkonen, Finnish TV journalist and politician - ()
- Aune Ala-Tuuhonen, Finnish journalist - ()
- Cerrie Burrell, UK TV show host - ()
- Charles Howard Montague, US journalist - ()
- Christopher Newton (journalist), US fraudulent reporter - ()
- Dirk Starvkx, Belgian journalist - ()
- Dmitry Travin, Russian journalist - ()
- Edward Spiro, Austrian journalist - ()
- Erkki Vala (1902-1991) Finnish journalist ()
- Franklin Tembo, Zambian journalist - ()
- Fritz Solmitz (1893-1933) German socialist journalist and Nazi victim ()
- Hannu Taanila, Finnish radio journalist - ()
- Harold S. Hoff (1906- ) US journalist and actor, fought in the Spanish Civil War and WW2 ()
- Harry Perry Robinson, British journalist - ()
- Hassanein Haykal, Egyptian journalist - ()
- Heikki Kahila, Finnish newscaster - ()
- Helena Petäistö, Finnish journalist in France - ()
- Henry Baty Dudley (1745-1824) rector and newspaper editor - ()
- Jeff Last (1898-1972) Dutch journalist ()
- John Gaudenz, German journalist and member of German Resistance - ()
- Kanhaiya Bhelari, Indian journalist - ()
- Leo Rosenthal, French freelance journalist ()
- Leopold Frank Moore, British newspaper proprietor - ()
- Lionel Fielden, British broadcaster in India - ()
- Lopes Gama, Brazilian priest and journalist - ()
- Ludovichi Domenicho, Italian editor - ()
- Mattiesko Hytönen, Finnish journalist - ()
- Mehmed Sakir Kuntchehgic, journalist - ()
- Mirja Pyykkö, Finnish TV journalist - ()
- Nguyen Viet Chien, Vietnamese journalist - ()
- Otto Glagau (1834-1891) German anti-Semitic journalist ()
- Paul von Stemann, Danish journalist in Berlin during the Soviet takeover ()
- Pierre Brachet, Belgian journalist ()
- Pierre Maillaud, French journalist - ()
- Raija Pelli, Finnish TV journalist - ()
- Reuven Pedatzur, Israeli journalist- ()
- Robert King Beach, US journalist and war correspondent - ()
- Roman Karman (1906-1987) Soviet journalist ()
- Ruben Stiller, Finnish media personality - ()
- Sahar el Khalib, Lebanese TV journalist - ()
- Sen Odagiri, Japanese newscaster - ()
- Suresh Dowlat Jayaram Vaidya, Indian journalist and political activist in Britain - ()
- Tim Pat Cooper, Irish journalist - ()
- Timo T. A. Mikkonen, Finnish media personality - ()
- Uri Cohen-Aharonov, Israeli TV commentator – ()
- Victor Giraud, French journalist - ()
- William Carney (journalist), US journalist ()
- Yū Terasawa, Japanese journalist - ()
Documentary makers
editMedia personalities
edit- Ilkka Kylävaara, Finnish media celebrity - ()
- Joonas Hytönen, Finnish media celebrity - ()
- Sirkka Sumari, Finnish media personality – ()
edit- Addiction to alienation - ()
- Advance online publication - ()
- Affiliate agent - ()
- agate line - ()
- American Muckrakers - ()
- Animated anchor - ()
- Arab nationalist radio – ()
- Audio database - ()
- Broadcast ban - ()
- Canarian press - ()
- Canons of Journalism - ()
- catharsis theory of media effects - ()
- clandestine broadcasting - ()
- content community - ()
- Cosmopolite channel - ()
- Data Protection Principles - ()
- Digital media systems - ()
- Foreign adaptation – ()
- framing the news - ()
- gutenberg (unit), unit of distance used in typography - ()
- Hyde Park of the Air - ()
- Hypothetical Liberal Media Paradigm Matrix (HLMP) - ()
- Ideology of detachment - ()
- Imperial Censorship - ()
- Japanese Muckrakers - ()
- Just add water celebrity - ()
- Kite co-orientation approach - ()
- Libellistes - ()
- Life Skills Program - ()
- Listener sponsorship - ()
- Little masterpieces lasting one minute - ()
- Local Space and Communications - ()
- magazine industry - ()
- Main Office for the Control of the Press, Publications, and Entertainments - ()
- May Fourth Journals - ()
- Media access method - ()
- Media and learning - ()
- media diplomacy - ()
- Media rating - ()
- Media traffic - ()
- Media uniqueness - ()
- Mid-Atlantic solution - ()
- milline - ()
- Miracle of Fleet Street - ()
- mobilizing information - ()
- Moment with Television - ()
- Multimedia exposure - ()
- multimedia production - ()
- National News Agency Institute, Indonesia - ()
- national newsletter - ()
- National TV Turnoff Week - ()
- News Aid - ()
- Northcliffe revolution - ()
- Obscene publication - ()
- off-network syndication - ()
- plotter unit, unit of distance used in typography - ()
- printer's ream - ()
- Pro-con - ()
- Program grants Program grant - ()
- Project work - ()
- Psychology of radio - ()
- Public Telecommunication Facilities Program (PTFP) - ()
- Radio Broadcasting by the U.S. Government - ()
- Radio spectrum allocations - ()
- Remote television crew - ()
- Reporter Whistleblower Alley - ()
- Rich Media Ad - ()
- Rotary-digital-audiotype (R-DAT) - ()
- Social action broadcasting - ()
- Social broadcasting - ()
- Strain towards symmetry - ()
- Substriction reading room - ()
- Television and ritual – ()
- Television film scanner - ()
- Thought-new project - ()
- Timese - ()
- Tortuous newsgathering – ()
- Victim fund – ()
- Wide area transmission service - ()
Sources include
- James Watson & Anne Hill - A Dictionary of Communication and Media Studies (3rd edition)