The description below is written for those interested, I'm by no means a professional encyclopedia editor, and neither are most of us. We are human beings at the end of the day, we all come from different beliefs and perspectives; yet we try our best to improve this source of free information.


Hello fellow Wikipedian who clicked on my page. My name is SkoraPobeda. If you wonder what it means, it's Russian for "soon there will be victory." Sounds too warlike doesn't it? I was 16 at the time I created this account, 11 years have passed since then, and I now have very different viewpoints on war and life in general. Wikipedia is about spreading free knowledge, so I try to do that especially in the conflicts that deeply interest me; the Syrian civil war articles, and the War in Ukraine ones. I revert vandalism and try to add information that is often new, ignored, or missed in an article. So if you find my editing style different from yours and want to dispute what I add, please feel free to discuss it in a civilized manner through the article's talk page - or on mine. I'm not here cause disputes, but rather to add free information so that the rest of the world can see it (at least on the English Wikipedia.)