Shower science: scientific research or empirical study to discover laws governing the operation and practical use of any showering system being domestic, commercial, military, aerospace, hybrid or other.
The advent of "hybrid showering systems" is rather new. Powerful consumption made possible by a highly automated destruction of vast quantities of hydrocarbons from the Earth, have in a sense over a short time developed a "blind spot" that camouflages the heinous waste of thermal energy, water, and consumables like soap that the contemporary but still extremely primitive bathroom shower system requires to operate.
It was found that only one energy saving hybrid showering system could save energy than a small town where all the lights were on only.
The practical laws that govern "extreme waste" in contemporary showers was first discovered by Michael Vittorio Collalto who in the period during 1986 and particularly from 1994 onwards set about materializing what has become this worlds first "hybrid showering system".
It gradually incorporated a research facility, used to test the hypothesis amongst others that the shower seemed to be no better than an efficient "cooling tower", amazingly adverse to the aim of providing a warm or hot environment.
It mimics the operation of a cooling tower in almost every respect.
The similarities are staggering.
(used to cool water in order to improve the efficiency of the refrigeration cycle in larger applications. e.g. commercial buildings.)
A technology specifically to remove thermal potential from water efficiently.
A further observation has persisted, that according to this discovery, although it might seem desirable to recover heat at the drain from the showering process and others like in the kitchen sink, most of the thermal potential in typical primitive showering systems is removed well before the water reaches the drain where any substantially meaningful recovery can occur.