Sailship models I have photographed and detoured
Louis Quinze (fictitious)
Mars (fictitious)
Marie Rose
Shadow (1870)
New York 30' type racing cruiser (Alera class)
George W Humphreys, a 1891 trawler from Boston
French 32-gun frigate
Earl Howe
Roi de Rome (fictitious 80-gun)
17th century frigate under construction
Scale model of a 16th century ship
Royal Louis (1758)
Océan-class ship of the line
Foudroyante (fictitious)
74-gun said to belong to the Kingdom of Sardinia
16-carronade Restoration-era brig
HMY William & Mary (probable)
16-gun schooner
8-carronade schooner
Squared-rigged xebec
Corse (ex-Napoléon)
The Diane
The Endymion (?)
The Railleuse
The Prince Jérôme
The Suffren
14-caronade cutter
The Cygne
16-gun cutter of the Trianon model collection
Espérance (fictitious), Trianon model collection
The Belle Poule
The Rivoli
The Sphinx
The Phoenix (fictitious)
The Flore
The Protecteur
The Achille
The Bretagne
The Tage