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About Me


Hello Wikipedians!

My Name Is Rachel. I hail from good ol' Lancaster, Lancashire UK. I'm not very exciting person and therefore don't have much to say here. I do like trying a lot of things but usually don't see them finished because I lose interest.



I attended Central Lancaster High School, Lancaster and I have completed 2 national diplomas at Lancaster and Morecambe College aswell as a Scottish Certificate at Moray College in Elgin, Scotland.

I am currently studying Design for Digital media at The University of Hull, Scarborough Campus.

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As a part of I am currently Working on a group project for uni with Dan.J.Weston, Leanne Morgan,Mattehhh and Daniel.Frozenwind. For the module Education Program:University of Hull/Psychology of Internet Behaviour (Spring 2013) we have to create a wiki page on Raymond J. Noonan.