Extension to Kummer's test



  • an > 0 for all n
  • Dn > 0 for all n

Kummer's test defines:


and states that:

  • If there exists a c such that   for all n, then   converges
  • If   for all n, and   diverges, then   diverges.

The proposed extension is written:


where εn is a sequence of real numbers such that  .

I think it can be shown that:

  • If there exists a c such that   for all n, then there exists a c such that   for all n and so   converges.
  • If   for all n, and   diverges, then   for all n and so   diverges.

The problem remains to either show that when   and   diverges,   diverges, or to find further restrictions on εn such that it does diverge, so that the convergence properties specified by   are the same as specified by  .

The above equation for   can be solved for an:


where Qn is the product:


and Q1=1. We may take an and Dn to be unity, without loss of generality. So now we wish to find when


diverges. (Note that when εn = 0, the product Qn = 1, and we recover the simple Kummer's test, and so   diverges since   diverges).

Abel's test applied to the above sequences states that if:

  •   converges
  •   is monotone and bounded



coverges. In the present case,   is NOT bounded since εnDn -> 0, but I think Abel's theorem can be modified to prove that if

  •   converges
  •   is unbounded




So now we just need to deal with the first assumption (  converges). It can be easily seen that


so we want to look at the convergence of   which equals Q-1 where Q is defined as:


SO THE CONDITION THAT Q EXISTS is the restriction the εn must obey in order that   diverge for the case when  .

According to Knopp[1] (page 224, Theorem 9), if   converges, Qn will converge to Q. Also according to Knopp (page 225 supplementary theorem), if   converges, Qn will converge to Q.

So these are two restrictions on εn that will assure divergence of  : εnDn must converge to zero, and one or both of the above two conditions on εn apply. (Note these two conditions are sufficient, but not necessary: if they don't apply, that doesn't mean Q does not exist)

Using the extensions to prove extensions to Raabe's and Bertrand's tests and Gauss's test

  • For Raabe's test, use Dn = n and   where Bn is a bounded sequence. All of the above requirement on εn are met.
  • For Gauss's test, use Dn = n and   where Bn is a bounded sequence and r > 1. All of the above requirement on εn are met.
  • For Bertrand's test, use Dn = n ln(n) and   where Bn is a bounded sequence. All of the above requirement on εn are met.

Since the ratio test is Kummer's test for Dn = 1, similar extensions could be made to the ratio test.

  1. ^ Knopp, Konrad (1954). Theory and Application of Infinite Series. London: Blackie & Son Ltd.