- Non-active link
In Wikipedia you can click through to any page any time. For this tutorial we've made it a bit simpler. Graduate and you'll have free reign of the place!
- Wrong message
The most important thing is to be respectful. Then to be useful. Try another choice.
- Wrong edit
You're so close! Try again, giving the directions one more read through. If you are stuck, check the cheatsheet.
- Badwords username
That's probably not the best choice. Try and pick something which is suitable for the entire community. There are grandmothers here!
- Badwords edit
You seem to be adding text which is not encyclopedic. Please try again.
- Interface choice
That was a good try! Look one more time and give it another shot!
- Reference location
So close! Try and put the reference after the sentence which it supports. You can do it.