This page and the following ones are attached to my user page to display the botanical and horticultural photographs that I have uploaded on Commons.
The large majority of the about 5,000 pictures are of my own or, for the pictures taken in Thailand, from a common phototheke I share with my friend Ivo Pauwels.
Some pictures, particularly of the genera Cyclamen, Erythronium and Trillium, have been kindly provided by plant freaks Mark Griffiths and Francine Riez.
Katia Diadema of the Université Paul Cézanne, France provided me with pictures of the scarse, endemic Acis fabrei and Steve Covey with pictures of Acis ionica.
This is not an article page for additional material or editing.
- Abelmoschus to Acis
- Aconitum to Amsonia
- Anacamptis to Argyreia
- Arisaema to Azorella
- Balanophora to Butomus
- Caesalpinia to Celtis
- Cenolophium to Clitoria
- Coccinia to Colchicum hungaricum
- Colchicum lusitanum to Crithmum
- Crocosmia to Crocus longiflorus
- Crocus mathewii to Cuscuta
- Cycas to Cyclamen graecum
- Cyclamen hederifolium to Cytisus
- Dactylorhiza to Duranta
- Echinops to Euryops
- Festuca to Gazania
- Genista to Glechoma
- Globularia to Hypericum
- Iberis to Leopoldia
- Lepidium to Lythrum
- Magnolia to Myrrhis
- Nandina to Oxytropis
- Pachypleurum to Pinus
- Piper to Pyrola
- Quercus to Ruta
- Salicornia to Scilla
- Scrophularia to Syzygium
- Tabebuia to Tussilago
- Ulex to Zingiber
- Orchid cultivars