MY WIKIPEDIA PROJECTSeditDEV, PUB & ADMIN WikiPortal(s) to provide benefit for, and empowerment of, Wikipedia End-Users - Primary focus is initially intended for Project and Portals relevant and beneficial for Cloud Computing WIKIPROJECT: OPENSTACKedit- EDIT & VALIDATE pre-existing Wikipedia Articles on the OpenStack cloud platform to provide benefit for, and empowerment of, Wikipedia End-Users
WIKIPROJECT: LET THE MUSIC PLAYedit- EDIT & VALIDATE pre-exisiting Wikipedia Articles on Music, Musicians (Artists), Music History, Music Venues, Music Collectibles, Record Labels, Record Stores, Digital Music, et. al., with specialized interest and focus on all of the above as it directly relates to the (US) State of North Carolina.
WIKIPROJECT: THE QUALLA BOUNDARY PROJECTedit- EDIT & VALIDATE pre-exisiting Wikipedia Articles on Cherokee Culture & History, with specialized interest and focus on the Cherokee Preservation Foundation, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and the Qualla Boundary.
WIKIPEDIA PORTAL DEVELOPMENTeditDEV, PUB & ADMIN WikiPortal(s) to provide benefit for, and empowerment of, Wikipedia End-Users - Primary focus is initially intended for Portals relevant and beneficial for Technology and Music - WIKIPORTAL: CLOUD COMPUTING -edit- DEV & PUB WikiPortal(s) aggregating information pertaining to Cloud Computing to provide benefit for, and empowerment of, Wikipedia End-Users