Open channel flow is gravity driven flow of fluid in a conduit in which a free surface occurs. In contrast, pipe flow occurs when a fluid is in contact with all points along the perimeter of a containing conduit. Open channel flows are ofter more difficult to analyze as the location of the free surface is an additional unknown.


  • Open channel flow are termed steady if the depth of the fluid is constant as a function of time and unsteady if depth varies with time.
  • A flow is continuous if the volumetric flow through a cross section of the conduit is a constant along the length of the flow and discontinuous otherwise. Discontinuous flow occur when fluid is added or removed along the length of the flow.
  • Flow are classified as uniform if the fluid depth is constant along the length of the flow and non-uniform or varied if fluid depth changes along the length.
    • Varied flows are further classified as rapidly varied if sharp changes in fluid depth occur over relatively short distances (e.g. a hydraulic jump) and gradually varied otherwise.

Uniform Flow


Uniform flow is described by



Q is the volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
C is an empirical coefficient called the Chezy Coefficient (s-1)
A is the channel cross sectional area [m2]
Rh is the Hydraulic radius (m)
S is the channel slope (m/m)



Non Uniform Flow


Non uniform steady flow in a channel of varying width and depth is described by

