User:D4uamvgUiHEe88Wf/Timeline of 18th CT



This is an experiment to find a more useful description of a unit's service record.

Begin date End date Location Event type Occurrence
August 22, 1862 Norwich, Connecticut Administrative Unit organized
August 22, 1862 Norwich, Connecticut Movement Departed for Baltimore, Maryland
August 22, 1862 Baltimore, Maryland Assignment Duty at Forts McHenry and Marshall, city defenses
January 1863 Baltimore, Maryland Administrative Attached to VIII Corps, Middle Department
February 1863 Administrative 2nd Separate Brigade, VIII Corps
June 1863 Administrative 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, VIII Corps
December 1863 Administrative Unattached, Scammon's Division, Department of West Virginia
April 1864 Administrative 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia
July 1864 Administrative 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia
October 1864 Administrative 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia
November 1864 New Haven, Connecticut
April 1865 Administrative 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Department of West Virginia
June 1865 Administrative 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Department of West Virginia
June 27, 1865 Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Administrative Mustered out of service

Moved to Winchester, Virginia, and joined Robert H. Milroy's command May 22. Battle of Winchester June 13–15, where the regiment was mostly captured June 15. Paroled July 2 and exchanged October 1, 1863. Moved to Martinsburg, Virginia, to join those not captured. Provost duty at Hagerstown, Maryland, September 30, and at Martinsburg March 1864. At Bolivar Heights March 7–28. Reconnaissance toward Snicker's Gap March 16–18. On furlough March 28 – April 9. Sigel's Expedition from Martinsburg to New Market April 29-May 17. Battle of New Market May 15. Hunter's Expedition to Lynchburg May 26-July 1. Advance on Staunton May 26-June 5. Action at Piedmont, Mount Crawford, June 5. Occupation of Staunton June 6. Lynchburg June 17–18. Moved to Camp Piatt, then to Parkersburg, Cumberland, Martinsburg, Harpers Ferry, and Snicker's Ford July 1–18. Snicker's Ferry July 18. Battle of Kernstown, Winchester, July 24. Martinsburg July 25. At Charlestown, West Virginia, October, and at Martinsburg October 1–29. Moved to New Haven, Conn., and duty at Conscript Camp November 11. Moved to Martinsburg, West Virginia, November 11–13, then to Halltown November 23, and duty there March 1865 and at Martinsburg June.