My name is Brittany Jackson. I am a senior at Clemson University, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Business Administration. I plan to continue my education with obtaining a Master's in Occupational Therapy upon graduation. I am currently enrolled in the Psychology 492 Senior Laboratory which focuses on students researching, reading and editing psychological-based articles through APS Wikipedia Initiative. Dr. June Pilcher is the instructor for the course. Below are a list of articles that I have personally read and critiqued.

Critical Review of Articles


1. Positive Psychology

2. Psychosexual Development

3. Free Association

4. Defense mechanisms

5. Bulimia Nervosa

6. Learning Disability

Modified Articles


1. Positive Psychology Peer Reviewed by: pwatson5291, mccassell, Harper5

2. Positive Psychology Modified Article 2 Continuing Modification Peer Reviewed by: Lmthoma, Castec, smhenry87