hey B-) i just want to collect userboxes tbh in no particular order:

This user loves abandoned buildings and ghost towns.
PPThis user supports
Planned Parenthood.
This user is a recipient of the Girl Scout Bronze Award.
This user is a recipient of the Girl Scout Silver Award.
This user believes in Bigfoot.
Passenger PigeonThis user wishes the passenger pigeon wasn't extinct.
This user has heard a Cicada sing!
This user loves cows.
CoatiThis user likes Coatis.
This user likes white-tailed deer.
This user likes sun bears.
This user is always polite to cats.
This user owns a funny looking dog.
This user is a mutt lover.
This user really enjoys dark and stormy nights.
This user wears aloha shirts.
This user loves crochet and knitting.
This user supports
Yarn bombing
(Admit it: It made you smile.)
This user is against cyberbullying.
tThis user blogs on Tumblr as sam-txt.
This user enjoys drawing.
This user is serious. And don't call them "Shirley".
MGGet in, user, we're going shopping.
C&HThis user is a fan of Calvin and Hobbes.
( )"o)Good grief! This user is a fan of Peanuts.
This user is quite sure that there isn't, and never has been a pumpkin here.
This user takes sharpie baths.
This user has suffered a great loss.
This user reads between the lines.

This user believes that "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".
This user enjoys reading poetry.
This user loves writing, but can hardly find the time to do so.
This user writes fan fiction.
This user wishes you a mostly harmless Towel Day.
This user knows The Question to the Ultimate Answer, but isn't going to tell you.
This user attends Camp Half-Blood.
BJThis user is livin' on a prayer.

This user loves their dead gay son.
BMCThis user wants to more than survive.
This user does not know any
music theory.
[[ABBA]] This user can not only dance, but can also jive.
5000 This user gets knocked down, but gets back up again
MThis user likes the song "Mother", by Danzig.
The EaglesThis user has stayed at the Hotel California.
Avril LavigneHey! Hey! You! You! This user could be your Girlfriend!
Don McLeanA long, long time ago, this user can still remember how the music used to make them smile.
Com-NThis user is a native comedian. Everything this user does is funny.
Oh no: this user has way too many userboxes.
LeftThis user's favorite direction is left.
(This userbox intentionally
left blank)

This user enjoys something, but will not tell you.
 This user
This user thinks they might have too many userboxes. Oh well...
GhostThis user is dead and their ghost contributes to Wikipedia
This user finds Conservapedia hilarious.
This user likes stupid pictures
This user likes stupid signs
This user is nosy. In fact, they're looking at your contribs right now.

This user finds Wikipedia's policy of putting the first word in the article title as uppercase and the subsequent words as lowercase kind of funny... Hee hee hee hee...
Oh, worm?
Dude trust me
References [ edit ]

1. ^ Dude trust me
Graphic design is my passion
This userbox is crooked.
This user knows how to
Find x.
This user enjoys looking at images that they do not understand.
This user thinks that marriage is the main reason for divorces.
This user was abducted by aliens and all what I've got was this lousy userbox.
Brackets make (this user) feel safe.
This user is in your walls.

This user wants to drain the oceans to find and capture God.