The Water Brothers is a Canadian documentary television series, which premiered in 2012 on TVOntario.[1] Hosted by Tyler and Alex Mifflin, the series centers on the human relationship with water, focusing in particular on the need to conserve and protect it as an essential resource.[2]
The series originally aired for four seasons between 2012 and 2017, with the 2017 episodes announced as its final season at that time, before returning with a new fifth season in 2023.
The series has been a three-time nominee for the Rob Stewart Award for best science or nature documentary at the Canadian Screen Awards, receiving nods at the 4th Canadian Screen Awards in 2016,[3] the 6th Canadian Screen Awards in 2018, and the 12th Canadian Screen Awards in 2024.[4] It won the award in 2024.[5]
edit- ^ "New show The Water Brothers premieres March 19th". Explore, March 7, 2012.
- ^ Gisele Winton Sarvis, "'Purest water in the world' featured on TVO's Water Brothers". Orillia Matters, December 7, 2023.
- ^ Brent Furdyk, "2016 Canadian Screen Awards Nominees Announced". Entertainment Tonight Canada, January 19, 2016.
- ^ Pat Mullen, "Canadian Screen Award Nominees in Documentary and Factual Categories". Point of View, March 6, 2024.
- ^ Connie Thiessen, "Canadian Screen Awards winners: Documentary, Factual, Lifestyle & Reality". Broadcast Dialogue, May 30, 2024.
External links