Talk:Sumner McKnight Crosby

Latest comment: 5 years ago by in topic Suggested External link

Hello fellow Wikipedians, I would like to add an external link to the The Sumner McKnight Crosby Papers archival materials held by The Met. Please take a moment to review my suggestion and let me know if you have any objections or changes.

COMMENT: This collection contains papers from Crosby’s extensive study of Saint- Denis in France used in his final monograph. Also the collection has material dated to the 18th and 19th century studies of Saint-Denis. Contains a wide variety of material pertaining to the royal abbey of Saint-Denis in France. While the bulk dates of the papers correspond to Crosby's most active years of study and excavation at Saint-Denis, some materials within the collection date before and after his lifetime. Earliest material were collected by Crosby for their references to the Medieval abbey, such as eighteenth and nineteenth-century engravings of Saint-Denis and photographs taken ca. 1900. The latest items generally pertain to Crosby's final monograph on Saint-Denis, (talk) 19:55, 7 September 2019 (UTC)Reply