Google translation of Spanish Wikipedia article on Corrieri


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Sergio Corrieri ( March 2, 1938 , Jaimanitas - February 29 , 2008 , Havana ) was an actor , theater director and Cuban intellectual.

Attracted from a very young age by acting, Corrieri enrolled in the University Theater and debuted with 16 years in the piece by Brazilian Joracy Camargo , El granto de Dios . He also played characters in works by Arthur Miller , Anton Chekhov , Lope de Vega , Edward Albee , Bertolt Brecht , Arthur Schnitzler , Osvaldo Dragun and Vladimir Mayakovsky . In movies , he starred in Memorias del Subdesarrollo , by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea , Baraguá by José Massip and is also remembered for his performance in Man of Maisinicú , by Manolo Pérez , a role that won him the prize for the best male performance at the International Festival of Moscow Cinema .

Committed intimately with the Cuban revolution , Corrieri founded in 1968 the Grupo Teatro Escambray , in the central highlands of the island, where an attempt had been made some years before to put an end to the new Cuban government. He also participated in the Cuban campaign in Angola , leading a group of actors, and was planted in Nicaragua after the Sandinistas triumph.

In his political role, Corrieri was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party since 1980 , a deputy in the National Assembly , as well as a member of the Council of State . He was also vice president of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT) and head of the Culture Department of the Central Committee of the PCC. Since 1990 , he held the presidency of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples , a position from which Corrieri developed an intense work as an interlocutor of the international solidarity movement with the Revolution and contributed to the widespread dissemination of the resistance and humanistic ideas of Cuban society. . He exercised such a position at the time of his death.

Among the prizes that he received while still alive, are the Félix Varela Order, the Alejo Carpentier Medal, the Machete Replica of the Generalísimo Máximo Gómez and the National Theater Prize , in 2006 . Larry Koenigsberg (talk) 21:56, 24 January 2018 (UTC)Reply