Talk:Gorgon (Wolverine villain)

Eh..... I don't think it's accurate to refer to Gorgon as being "approximate to Spider Man," given the way he manhandled Wolverine, Elektra, and a mob of S.H.I.E.L.D Agents all at the same time. I should also point out that, even though he gave it everything he had, Wolverine technically only defeated the Gorgon through dumb luck, or a tactical error on the Gorgon's part. If Gorgon had simply opted to continue hacking Wolverine until his healing factor overloaded, rather than use his Mutant Power, Wolverine would have lost.

I'm just writing things how they happened over the course of the characters few appearances. That's it and that's all. The Gorgon lost, whether he got cocky or not is beside the point. I'm not going to get into a debate over who could beat who and who got lucky and all that stuff. Discussion forums on websites devoted to comic book characters entirely and who'd win in fights and all that stuff are the best places to talk about all that.

The article doesn't state that the Gorgon was approximate to Spider-Man. It states that his strength, his physical stamina, his agility, and his reflexes were on roughly the same level. Spider-Man also doesn't have the Gorgon's skill nor can he absorb anywhere near the level of punishment the Gorgon could due to his healing abilities. Odin's Beard

I don't think those two things are mutually exclusive. I agree he would have physically beaten Wolverine. But that would not necessarilly have required being physically more enhanced than Spiderman (who is about the most fast and agile in the Marvel books and lifts over ten tons). He could have beaten people with those same physical attributes along with his stoning ability and having a greater healing factor and greater samuri fighting skills (it is his culture afterall) than Wolverine.

I have to disagree because all that really matters is that the Gorgon lost. Maybe he would have beaten Wolverine if he'd simply relied on his physical gifts, but then again maybe not. Perhaps the reason he attempted to transmute Wolverine into stone is that the Gorgon simply hadn't been able to put him away physically. That would be my theory, since Wolverine has taken greater punishment from beings substantially more powerful than the Gorgon and just kept coming. The Gorgon tried pretty much everything available to him and both of them seemed to be on their last leg. Physical gifts and skill don't always determine the outcome of a fight, whether it's a fictional or real one. Sometimes, all it takes is someone to make one mistake to determine the outcome. That's what happened to the Gorgon. He tried something that was risky, it backfired, and it cost him his life. Also, I never really saw anything to show that the Gorgon's healing powers were more efficient than Wolverine's. I'd probably put both of them on equal pegging. As far as skill goes, I think that's a toss up as well. I'd agree that the Gorgon was better with a sword but not quite as good in hand to hand fighting.Odin's Beard

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