No, no, we're not from the government!


I've de-linked the word "Intendant" in the lede, because it is misleading. The linked-to article Intendant makes quite plain the other not-useful-here meaning of the word, and that has nothing to do with the arts. Strangely, the other problem happens at Wiktionary where wikt:Intendant speaks only about the arts meaning:

1. (theater or broadcasting corporation) director (artistic director), manager (male or of unspecified sex)

apparently because Duden only has that meaning.

Note that the meaning here is described in the lede quite well:

He was also active as an academic teacher and theatre manager (Intendant).

and so does not need linking to an inapposite description.

Oh dear, I'll have to unlink it in the infobox also. Shenme (talk) 00:10, 28 May 2019 (UTC)Reply