

Ancylion, Anchises, Amaltheia, Men Who Were Trying To Get Home Safe, Antiope, The Impotents, Auge, Bellerophon, Ganymede, Glaucus, Daedalus, Danae, Deucalion, Dionysius, Dolon, Peace, Europa, Echo, Ixion, Ion, Basket-Bearers, Campylion, The Man Who Was Glued To the Spot, Cercopes, Clepsydra, The Lark, Dice-Players, Spartans or Leda, Medea, The Mill-Girl, Mysians, Nannion, Nausicaa, Neottis, Xuthus, Odysseus or Men Who See Everything, Oedipus, Oenimaus or Pelops, Olbia, Orthannes, Pamphilus, The All-Night Festival, Parmeniscus, The Pentathlete, Plangon, The Pimp, Procris, Prosousia or Cycnus, Semele or Dionysus, The Shoemaker, Female Garland-Vendors, Sphinx-Carion, Titans, Wet-Nurses or The Wet-Nurse, Phoenix, The Graces, Chrysilla, and The Harp-Girl.