Message for WIKI User Materialscientist


Hello, NikeCom50 (talk) 16:42, 19 October 2023 (UTC)Reply


I've just noticed your current removal of my WIKI 3Com article updates for the:

3+Share networking S/W product

You're kindly requested to provide some qualified and useful explanations as the bassis for managing this quite counter clockwise action of yours Say: What exactly are factual wrong / incorrect with the actually removed 3Com articles updates from your side?

I'll look forward in getting some qualified and useful informations about this from your side, in order to get the article updates back on the two relevant wiki pages.

For your information, I'm an experienced Network Systems Engineer with more than a decade of both practical and theoretical experience from also 3Com Corp. Networking products during the 80'ties an 90'ties.

In addition I got Certified within the highest technical 3Com Network Certifications:

- 3+Wizard / Advanced Systems

- 3+Open Wizard Advanced Systems

The highest 3Com technical level Certifications, at that time.

And thus I know quite well, what I'm talking / writing about in this regard.

The actual (but unfortunately currently removed)

3Com: 3+Share Product

WIKI article input updates of mine, are definitely - due to my very best (neutural) judgement - both technically and historical correct as presented!

However please be aware, that much of the provided technical information within my WIKI 3Com 3+Share Article updates - solely originates from my personal technical knowledge, traning and practical experience within the 3Com Networking Area at that time, which cannot be verified by any e.g. paper Magazine, tech articles, books or newsletters etc. anywhere around the world by today - as otherwise (almost per default) demanded by the Wikipedia org.

That is simply because such detailed technical 3Com information does not exists any longer (public accessible) anywhere around the globe.

At the basis on above facts within this case, I'm looking forward in hearing your qulified suggestions for adjusting my relevant (but pt. removed) Article input texts in order to qualify them for reloading the updates on the two WIKI 3Com Pages in question.

Thank you in advance.


Pinging @--WikiUser1234945--:; @Materialscientist: Sincerely, Novo Tape (She/Her)My Talk Page 17:21, 19 October 2023 (UTC)Reply