Strömsö is a Finnish television program (in Swedish) which premiered in 2002 on FST and TV1, hosted by Matias Jungar and Susanna Ström-Wilkinson. The show concentrates on various household subjects, such as cooking and gardening. Its fifth season started on January 29, 2006. Since the beginning of 2007 the show is hosted by Lee Esselström and Jocke Lax.
Strömsö | |
Genre | Lifestyle |
Original language | Swedish (subtitled in Finnish) |
No. of seasons | 159 |
Production | |
Running time | Sundays at 5:05 p.m. |
Original release | |
Network | Yle Fem and Yle TV1 |
Release | August 29, 2002 |
The show is made at Strömsö (from which the show gets its name), a villa north of the city of Vaasa. The villa was built in the 1860s and served as the summer residence for a merchant family from Vaasa for about 100 years.
Season | Number of episodes |
2002 | 18 |
2003 | 46 |
2004 | 41 |
2005 | 40 |
2006 | 50 |
2007 | N/A |
edit- Lee Esselström, host, expert on hobbies
- Jocke Lax, host
- Paul Svensson, cooking expert
- Susanna Ström-Wilkinson, editor (former host)
- Matias Jungar, editor (former host)
- Michael Björklund, cooking expert
- Jim Björni, workshop expert
- Catharina Borg-Wilén, gardening expert
- Wivan Fagerudd, gardening reporter
- Camilla Forsén, art expert
- Elisabeth Morney, feature editor
- Owe Salmela, florist
- Noora Vuorimaa, wine expert
- Johan Ångerman, carpenter
- Anna Svensson, expert on chicken vilog
- Lena Gillberg, gardening expert
External links
edit- Official website (in Swedish)